The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 304 Duel of Life and Death

Liang Ji has been to the underground black market in Snake Repair City and knows that the black market is not underground, but in a separate secret realm.

Similarly, this underground black ring is not underground, but is blatantly opened in an independent secret realm.

Senior Sister Yang Yun led Liang Ji and Qi Changge from an ordinary elixir shop into this underground secret realm.

The secret realm is not big. The entire secret realm is like an 'arena'. When the three of them enter the secret realm, they appear directly at the entrance to the auditorium.

At this time, most of the audience in the underground black arena was full, and a duel was already taking place in the central venue.

The duel in this underground black arena was different from the exhibition matches in the public arena that they had previously viewed. Here is real fighting and fighting, which is bloody, violent, and cruel, and death and killing are allowed.

In the venue, the two people who were dueling and fighting at this time were one a human immortal Taoist monk and the other a Qi Refiner Taoist monk.

The Qi Refiner monk sacrificed his magic weapon, displayed various magic powers, and wandered around the field, constantly attacking the human immortal monk.

The speed of the human immortal monk is obviously not as fast as that of the Qi Refiner monk, and his attack methods are not as rich as the opponent's. At this time, he is just holding up a shield and magic weapon to protect his whole body, and withstands the indiscriminate bombardment of the Qi Refiner monk on the opposite side. Try to get closer to the other person.

However, the Qi Refiner monks are too slippery. They rely on magic weapons, magical powers, etc. to roam around the field. They are extremely fast and flexible, and the monks of the human-immortal lineage cannot get close to each other at all.

Instead, various attacks continued under the control of the Qi Refiner Taoist monks, bypassing the shields and directly attacking the human immortal monks, causing countless injuries of various sizes on their bodies.

However, the body refining practice of this Immortal Taoist monk is obviously very profound and superb. Various attacks from the Qi Refiner monks fall on him. At most, they only hurt the skin and flesh, but it is difficult to hurt the muscles and bones, and it is even more difficult to cause any fatal injuries.

Therefore, this battle is still ongoing.

In the surrounding auditorium, many spectators were also shouting, shouting, roaring, cursing, and throwing spirit stones, chips, etc.

In this underground black arena, these masked spectators lost their usual solemn and gentle image and vented their emotions to their heart's content.

Before he could explore, Liang Ji had already developed a sea of ​​consciousness and cultivated spiritual consciousness, and he had already clearly sensed that the dark underground was full of emotions, spiritual power, etc., which far exceeded those he had explored during the day. On the surface, it is an 'arena', and the emotions and spirit pervading here are obviously more violent and dark, full of violence, blood, and killing.

Liang Ji couldn't help but look up at the upper room of the black arena, where these emotions and spiritual energy were collected. He saw four light curtains hanging there facing all directions, with a countdown displayed in them.

The countdown has less than ten minutes left, and many people in the audience are counting down the time.

Senior Qi Changge on the side sent a message to Liang Ji and explained to him: "In underground black arenas, in order to make duels and fighting more intense and violent, there are often time limits."

"Both parties participating in the duel must win within a limited time, or even kill the other party, in order to obtain the final reward."

Liang Ji frowned slightly as he looked at it, and said through his spiritual consciousness: "In this way, these light curtains cover the space in the sky that absorbs emotional and spiritual energy. Will it affect our investigation?"

Liang Jixiu advanced to the seventh level of soul refining, opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, cultivated spiritual consciousness, and naturally also mastered the method of spiritual consciousness transmission.

While the two were talking through voice transmission, they had already followed Senior Sister Yang Yun into the auditorium.

Qi Changge continued to transmit messages at this time, teaching him experience: "Underground blackmail is illegal, and it is common for there to be various arrangements to interfere with the investigation."

"This is often the time when we need to join forces."

"And you need to wait for the right time."

"Timing?" Liang Ji was slightly surprised.

At this time, the duel and fighting situation in the field suddenly changed. It seemed that the countdown was about to end. The Qi Refiner monks who were wandering around the field and gaining the upper hand became a little anxious. They sacrificed a specially made flying sword and cast it. A magical power with huge destructive power.

Although the power of this powerful spell is huge, it is obviously not easy to cast, which makes his walking speed slow down a lot.

The human-immortal Taoist cultivator who was being passively beaten instantly seized the opportunity, burst into the air, and rushed towards the opponent as fast as possible.

The Qi Refiner monk was also experienced in the battlefield. He did not panic, but quickly blasted out the powerful flying sword magical power, like a sword that splits the sky, directly slashing at the returning human immortal monk.

Amidst the loud roar, the flying sword magical power directly split the magic shield in the human immortal monk's hand into two halves, and then struck it on his body.

The human immortal monk had no intention of retreating, but directly raised an arm to resist. The whole body and arms were covered with bright golden light, as if they were made of fine gold, and they directly collided with the flying sword. .

Under the flying sword, the arm made of fine gold was cut off directly, and the flying sword even cut into his body.

However, after being weakened step by step, the flying sword finally lost its power when it penetrated his body, unable to directly split it into two pieces and kill him on the spot.


The human immortal monk roared violently, as if venting his pain and anger. He made a fist with the remaining hand and struck directly at the Qi Refiner monk like an earth-shattering hammer.

All kinds of auras burst out from the body of the Qi Refiner monk. His robes, jade pendant around his waist, and jade crown on his head were all defensive magic weapons. Even defensive rune imprints appeared on his face, forming a layer of defense.

But none of them could withstand the earth-shattering punch of the human immortal monk. The destructive golden light blasted through the heavy defenses. Finally, it directly blasted through the body of the Qi Refiner monk, piercing his body directly and shattering it into pieces. His blood and flesh were scattered across most of the field. middle.




In the surrounding auditorium, the atmosphere was suddenly pushed to its peak. All kinds of applause, roars, curses, applause, etc. broke out. All kinds of cathartic emotions and spiritual energy almost turned into substance and struck into the air.

"It's now."

Senior Qi Changge said to Liang Ji, and at the same time he took out the 'Compass' and started it. Senior Sister Yang Yun also started the compass.

Liang Ji was shocked by the sudden changes and killings in the field. Seeing this, he quickly started the soul search plate.

The compasses of the three people were activated at the same time. Senior Yang Yun stretched out her hand to create a seal. The detection and search powers of the three compasses were immediately connected as one, breaking through the settings in the underground black ring and detecting the place where emotions and spiritual energy gathered in the air.

However, the three of them looked at the display on the compass and found nothing.

Liang Ji couldn't help but send a message: "There is no 'divine crystal' here? Are there no evil cultivators?"

The two of them did not respond to him. Senior Qi Changge frowned and looked into the air, while Senior Yang Yun looked thoughtfully at the victor, a monk of the human-immortal Taoism, who was receiving cheers from everyone in the field.

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