The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 310 Military Reform


In the 'Arena' of Dragon Soul City, the warrior leader 'Chi' gave a deep shout and activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', and his body quickly grew in size, reaching a size of more than 150 feet.

Opposite it, 'Jin Xi' also activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', but her figure directly grew in size and expanded to nearly 180 feet. She was more than 20 taller and stronger than the warrior leader 'Chi' Husband.

The 'Giant Spirit Hammer' in the hands of the two giants also grew rapidly and became larger, becoming more than 200 feet long. Holding it in their hands was like holding a mountain and striking across it.


Although the leader of the warriors, Chi, was at a disadvantage, he was still the first to launch an attack. The aura around his body exploded, and the power of his bloodline reached its peak. An illusory soul figure appeared behind him, holding a black and yellow yin and yang in one hand and a cauldron in the other.

As he shouted, the illusory soul figure lowered his hands, integrating the black and yellow yin and yang and the shadow of the giant cauldron into the giant mountain hammer in his hand.

The giant hammer exploded with bright divine light.

"Haha..." Opposite him, 'Jin Xi' laughed loudly and said: "Chi, you are no match for me, not only in terms of physical strength, but even more so in soul strength!"

While speaking, a soul figure also appeared behind 'Jin Xi', but it was golden, as if it were substance, and was far more powerful than the shadow and illusory soul power of 'Chi' opposite.

On the hands of his golden soul figure, he also holds the Xuanhuang Yin and Yang in one hand. This is the power of the third turn of the 'Nine Revolutions of Mysterious Jade'. The power of Xuanhuang Yin and Yang is integrated into the soul, giving the third-level dependents the power to break the soul; One hand is holding up the giant cauldron. This is the power of the third cauldron of the 'Nine Cauldrons to Build Strength'. It creates the power of the soul to lift the cauldron and gives the soul substantial and powerful strength.

And the black and yellow yin and yang and the giant cauldron it holds are obviously larger, clearer and more real than those of Chi.

The soul of 'Jin Xi' has been soaked in the 'Jin De Pond', and the power of its soul naturally far exceeds that of all the dependents in the tribe, including the warrior leader 'Chi'.

Therefore, when he also integrated the power of his soul into the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' and blasted it out, a golden divine light burst out, destroying 'Chi's' attack, giant hammer, and divine light like a devastation.

There was a loud roar, like a thunderbolt from the blue. The giant hammer in the palm of the warrior leader Chi was directly blown away, and he himself was also directly blasted out of the 'arena'.

‘Jin Xi’ defeated the warrior leader ‘Chi’ with absolute advantage, crushing power and strength.

"Jin Xi!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is victorious!"

The many family members watching around burst into the warmest cheers, congratulating ‘Jin Xi’ on her victory.

Subsequently, under the personal auspices of 'Jin Xi', the transfer of power to the warrior leader 'Chi' was completed. The talisman of 'Chi' was handed over to 'Jin Xi', who now serves as the tribe's pope and sacrificial leader. At the same time, he also held the position of "Chi", the leader of the tribal warriors.

‘Jin Xi’s’ reputation, power, and power in the tribe were pushed to a new peak at this time.

After taking control of the power of the warrior leader Chi, Jin Xi also began to promote the reform of tribal warriors and the army.

In the Dragon Soul Tribe, all the bloodline clans have already had professional warriors who have been separated from production and dedicated to fighting.

However, such professional warriors have not formed a system or scale. They are usually the warrior leader "Chi" of each term and the warrior leaders within each bloodline clan. They select a group of the strongest warriors from the clan to form a team to fight full-time. It's still the hundreds of thousands of years of 'hunting team' tradition.

After 'Jin Xi' also assumed the position of warrior leader 'Chi', she promoted military reform and established a specialized and professional army. Each bloodline family member used their combat strength and battle formation as a test to form a specialized professional army. army.

At the same time, he also selected elites from various bloodline clans and gathered them into the center of the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' to form a specialized, professional religious army, which was directly commanded and controlled by it and named the 'Guardian Legion'.

Under their leadership, these elites of each bloodline clan directly practiced and trained the 'Small Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation'. Although it was not as good as the full version of the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' composed of the entire tribe and ten clans, But it is also extremely powerful, far exceeding the power of the internal battle formations of each bloodline clan.

Moreover, the professional army commanders in each bloodline clan, that is, the warrior leaders within each bloodline clan, must join the 'Guardian Legion' and accept the direct command and training of 'Jin Xi', and then be sent to each bloodline clan. Among the bloodline families, he holds the position of military commander.

In other words, under the reform of 'Jin Xi', the positions of professional army commanders and warrior leaders of each bloodline clan not only require victory in internal battles, but also must be recognized and appointed by them before they can hold the position.

This reform undoubtedly directly offended the authority and interests within each bloodline clan. However, with the prestige, power, and strength of 'Jin Xi' among the clan tribes, there was basically no one within each bloodline clan who could oppose it.

'Jin Xi''s guardian army is enough to suppress the armies and combat power of each bloodline clan, ensuring his command and control over the entire clan.

Prestige, power, and position are only the "software" guarantees for their leadership and control of the tribe. This military system is the "hardware" guarantee for their leadership and control.

After determining the armies within each clan and the Celestial Emperor Sect, ‘Jin Xi’ further established a complete hierarchy, system, division of labor, promotion, training and other detailed systems within the army.

In addition, special military academies have been opened in various bloodline academies and in the Holy Land Religious Academy to cultivate specialized military and combat talents.

This ensures that this set of military reform systems can be continued and maintained.

When it completed this set of military reforms, the number of warriors in the entire tribe and the ten bloodline clans was reduced. Many unqualified warriors were eliminated and returned to each bloodline clan to develop the stars and develop the clan.

Those who stayed behind were all elites, and they were twisted into a force with a complete military system, and were specially trained and trained. Although the number of people became smaller, the combat power did not weaken, but became stronger.

From then on, Liang Ji's clan warriors no longer sent out hundreds of thousands or millions in a swarm, but often only sent out a few professional battle formation troops, and tens of thousands of them were enough to fight.

After "Jin Xi" completed the military reform and rectified and strengthened the combat power of the family members, Liang Ji said goodbye to his parents and left his hometown again, heading to the black hole of the Manggu Star Territory.

The several third-order camel demon demon pills he hunted before have been almost refined by now. He needs to hunt more demon pills to ensure that the improvement and development of his natal stars are not affected.

On the other hand, it can also be used to fight and hunt to test and hone the combat power of the tribal army after the reform of 'Golden Xi'.

No matter how perfect the reform is, without actual training and assessment, it will undoubtedly be a castle in the air.

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