The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 324 Cleaning up the black market

Back in Liang Ji's hometown, Tian Snake Star Xiu Snake Market, he, Qi Changge, and Yang Yun visited the black market. The black market was hidden in an independent secret realm.

However, the black market near HH City on Black River Star is just like the underground black market they have seen before. It is not in an independent secret realm, but is semi-publicly located on an island surrounded by a river outside HH City. superior.

The indigenous stars of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' like the Black River Star are completely open to accepting guests from all directions, while the 'shadow businesses' such as the underground black market and the black market, which were originally hidden in independent secret realms, are all semi-open.

Liang Ji and Qi Changge wanted to participate in the operation to clean up the black market in HH City. They were notified and participated in the operation just before the operation in HH City.

With the documents from the Covenant Security Department, even though the inspection department responsible for the cleaning operation in HH City was a little reluctant, they simply could not refuse at this time.

The two of them followed the inspection department directly to the location of the black market, an island surrounded by a river.

The Black River star is named after the Black River, and you can already see its characteristics. There are many rivers distributed in it, and among them, the "Black River" is the largest. It is the mainstream of various rivers on the star. Many rivers come from here. It flows out from the Black River.

As the main city on the Black River planet, Black River City's location is naturally a key position above the stars. It is on the bank of the Black River, a very critical intersection of rivers.

Here, there are nine rivers that intersect with the Heihe River, or merge into the Heihe River, or six places from the Heihe River, and three of them are the mainstream branches of the Heihe River.

This kind of terrain where rivers meet makes the terrain here in Heihe City quite complex, with many rivers surrounding it and islands scattered around.

The 'Black Market Island' where Liang Ji and others were at this time was one of them, and this island was located at the intersection of several rivers. It was blocked by various vortexes and undercurrents, and the water mist formed by the intersection and impact of the rivers lingered all year round. , can be regarded as a quite hidden island.

After all, the black market is a black market. Even if it is semi-open, there is still some cover.

As soon as Liang Ji and others arrived on the island, they heard the sound of rushing water all around. Dozens of figures rushed from all over the island into the surrounding rivers, trying to escape through the rivers.

"Quick! Stop them!"

The leader of the inspection department, a man with a full head of hair and a sturdy build, immediately raised his voice and gave instructions.


The patrol team following him immediately chased after the figures who jumped into the river. In the blink of an eye, all the people who were supposed to clean up the black market had already chased them away, leaving only Liang Ji and three others.

Then, the leading captain turned to Liang Ji and the two of them and said with a smile: "These rats hiding in the dark are really alert. They ran away when they saw us."

"Now, I'm afraid the black market has also been tipped off. I don't know how many traps and arrangements there will be in the future."

"Two sirs, let's be careful and wait until my men catch some of the escapees and come back to ask about the situation."

Liang Ji and the two couldn't help but shake their heads slightly when they saw this, but they both saw that there was an acting intention in it.

This black market is located near Heihe City and is semi-open. It is impossible to say that it has no connection with Heihe City.

Black River City sent personnel from the Inspection Department to clean up this black market this time just to give an explanation to Liang Ji and the Star Alliance security department. There was a lot of acting in it.

If Liang Ji and the two don't come, these people from the Inspection Department will probably come here to fool around, grab some people and go back to explain.

But at this time, Liang Ji and the two people suddenly joined in, catching the inspection department and the black market off guard. Naturally, there was no time to arrange many of the things. They could only hold them back first, so that the black market could make arrangements that should be made. What is hidden is hidden, what needs to be swept away is swept away.

However, they wanted to delay time, and it was naturally impossible for Liang Ji and the two of them to let them do so.

Whether they are here to check for clues or to make a fortune, they naturally have to be fast enough. Otherwise, if they drag it on and let the people in the black market give away their property and spiritual stones, their trip will be in vain.

Therefore, the two just took a look at each other and made a decision.

Liang Ji flicked his hand, and a 'Star Gate' appeared next to him, and groups of warriors from the family members immediately walked out of it.

Seeing this, the captain of the inspection department also narrowed his eyes and moved his hands slightly as if he wanted to take action, but he finally endured it.

Liang Ji looked at the other party's hands and said with a smile: "Captain Guan, don't worry, it's just cleaning up a black market. My family members are enough."

While speaking, Jin Xi, who was tall and wearing a golden dragon robe, had already led the team to form a battle formation on the island.

"According to the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven, take this island!"

Jin Xi gave an order.


The surrounding teams responded in unison and took action one after another.

There are four battle formations in total, namely the "Wind Roar Battle Formation" of the Chaofeng Familia, the "Thousand Waves Battle Formation" of the Chiki Familia, the "Zhenyue Battle Formation" of the Baxia Familia, and the Jin Xi's side is the "Small Ten Directions Total Destruction Formation" of the "Guardian Legion".

At this time, as the military order was issued, the Chaofeng Familia clan's 'Wind Roar Battle Formation' turned into an endless wind and blocked the island, locking the sky and all directions.

The Chikiss clan team activated the 'Thousand Waves Battle Formation' and controlled the surrounding rivers. Countless waves swept up and rushed towards the island in the center.

Among the sweeping waves, there were screams of surprise. It was the 'black market personnel' who escaped into the water and the patrol team members who pursued them. They were also swept up by the waves at this time.

Under the control of the Chiki Familia's "Thousand Waves Battle Formation", both the "black market personnel" who escaped and the pursuing patrol team members were tightly bound by the waves and found it difficult to break free.

Now that he knew that these inspection department personnel were just here to put on a show, Liang Ji naturally had no intention of letting them go, and captured them together with the black market personnel to prevent them from causing trouble for him later.

After cleaning up the black market, it won't be too late to release these people.


At this time, the Baxia Familia clan has also started to operate the "Zhenyue Battle Formation". A huge shadow of the mountain appeared on the battle formation, and quickly condensed, as if it was turning into reality. Finally, with the sound of the Baxia Familia clan's clan sinking, Drink, suppress it directly from the air and bombard the island.


There was a buzzing sound, and several formations of spiritual light emerged on the island, guarding the island, trying to withstand the incoming waves and the giant shadows of the mountains bombarding down.

boom! Click...


However, there were several roars and shattering sounds, and the formation auras guarding the island were shattered in just a moment under these attacks. The entire island roared and shook under the attacks, as if it was about to be collapsed by the waves and the mountains were crushed. Generally broken.



"Let's go!"

Shouts of surprise rang out from the ground of the island, and the next moment, hundreds of figures jumped out from the ground around the island, trying to escape in all directions.

And underground, there are dozens of figures running through the ground and water, trying to sneak away.

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