The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 336 Change of destiny

Fengquan City, in the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven.

Emperor Jin Xi was also looking at the scene where the soul of the younger Emperor Jin was suppressed by the illusion of the 'Mountain of Swords' and entered the 'Hell of the Mountain of Swords', but there was not much anxiety or anger on his face, but only calmness.

Faced with his son's inquiry, Emperor Jin Xi turned to him and said: "What kind of power and rights does my Jin family have? All power and rights belong to the Emperor of Heaven!"

As he spoke, he turned around and bowed respectfully to the statue of the Emperor of Heaven.

His son, the second-generation Golden Emperor, was obviously not satisfied with this answer. Seeing this, he also bowed to the statue of the Emperor of Heaven, and then continued:

"Yes, all divine power and rights belong to the Emperor of Heaven, but my lineage of the Golden Emperor is the representative of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"To offend the Golden Emperor is to offend the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Spelling the souls of a generation of golden emperors into the 'Sword Mountain Hell' is a serious blasphemy to the divine power and rights of the Emperor of Heaven."

"We must take action to let them know the consequences of offending our authority and desecrating the power of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Emperor Jin Xi looked at him after hearing this, shook his head, with a look of disappointment on his calm face, and said: "It seems that these years of pampering and being at the top of power have really raised you up." So ignorant!"

"If you are like this, you can imagine what the golden emperors in the future generations will look like."


"Father, what do you mean?" the second-generation Golden Emperor asked inexplicably.

Emperor Jin Xi looked at the statue of the Emperor of Heaven again and said in a deep voice: "The Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven, the founder and ruler of everything, and the God we follow!"

"All the dependents, including our Golden Emperor's lineage, are just the people of the Emperor of Heaven. No one can ever represent the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Emperor of Heaven can't teach the Pope, I can't do it, and the Golden Emperor's lineage can't even do it."

"How is that possible!" The second-generation Golden Emperor's expression suddenly changed: "You are the representative of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"You had a vision when you were born. On behalf of the Emperor of Heaven, you unified the family members, reformed religion, politics, economy, and military, established the Golden Kingdom, formulated laws, etc..."

"You are the representative of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Golden Emperor lineage passed down by you is naturally the representative of the Emperor of Heaven."

Emperor Jin Xi shook his head and said, "This is just a statement made during the reform and founding of the country. It has been publicized for a long time, and even you yourself believe it?"

"In fact, so far, I have never met the Emperor of Heaven, and I have only sensed his presence a few times. I know that the Emperor of Heaven supports what I am doing, so I can complete it so smoothly."

"Perhaps, in the past thousands of years, destiny has indeed been in my Jin family lineage!"

"But now, it's obvious that destiny has changed."

"What do you mean?" The second-generation Golden Emperor had a look of horror on his face, as if he had thought of something but was unwilling to admit it.

Emperor Jin Xi shook his head and sighed: "The Emperor of Heaven is omniscient and omnipotent, and the entire world is under his control."

"Without the permission of the Emperor of Heaven, who can send the soul of a golden emperor into the 'Sword Mountain Hell'?"

"And since this really happened, it means that it was allowed and supported by the Emperor of Heaven."

"It means that the destiny is no longer with our Jin family, but has been transferred to the Yaizhen swordsman."

As Emperor Jin Xi spoke, he looked in the direction of the 'Sword Mountain Hell' and said in a deep voice: "The origin and origin of this swordsman from the Yaju family clan who can manifest the sword power of the 'Sword Mountain' should be the same as the original 'Sword Mountain'." It’s related to hell’s unusual movements.”

"At that time, I thought there was an invasion by some foreign enemy, or something unexpected happened to the demon soul I had driven into hell, so I asked you to find a way to notify future generations to be careful."

"As a result, for more than a thousand years, the younger generation, the Golden Emperor, has always aimed at suppressing the dependent families of all lines."

"In these years, the number of heroic souls entering the underworld and the number of 'sinful souls' being sent to hell has continued to increase."

"It's a pity to think that now in the Jin Kingdom, all the family members must have been alienated from our Jin family, and even hate them to the core."

"And even without the support of the family members of each lineage, how can the destiny continue to belong to my lineage of the Jin family?"

"Actually, I should have understood hundreds of years ago that the vision of the 'Sword Mountain Hell' was not an accident or change, but the beginning of a change in destiny."

“That was the vision where the new destiny was born.”

"Impossible! This is impossible..." The second-generation Golden Emperor still couldn't believe it, and kept saying: "How can destiny be changed?"

"How could the Emperor of Heaven abandon us!"

As he spoke, he knelt down directly in front of the statue of the Emperor of Heaven and knelt down repeatedly, as if praying to the Emperor of Heaven not to abandon them and for the return of destiny.

Emperor Jin Xi shook his head and said: "It wasn't the Emperor of Heaven who abandoned us, it was the descendants of the Jin family who abandoned the Emperor of Heaven! That's why there should be such a 'change of destiny'!"

In the underworld of Fengquan, Emperor Jin Xi and his son were still talking.

Above the stars, at the Longshou Mountain Holy Land Square, the handover ceremony between the old and new golden emperors took place.

Seeing that the old Jin Huang was killed by the light of the sword, even his soul was not spared, and was actually thrown into the "Sword Mountain Hell", which immediately caused an uproar inside and outside the entire sacrificial hall.

"The bold assassin dares to harm people with sorcery!"

The new Golden Emperor was the first to be attacked. He relied on the inherited 'Golden Seal' to protect himself. He didn't react for a moment. When he reacted, he had already seen his father being killed by the assassin's sword, and his soul was beaten. After entering the "Sword Mountain Hell" vision, he immediately held up the "Golden Seal" and shouted angrily:

"All soldiers, listen to the order and capture him for me!"

In giving the order in a hurry, he did not forget to describe the other party's method as 'witchcraft' to alleviate the impact of the vision of his father's soul being thrown into the 'Knife Mountain Hell'.

At the same time, the 'Golden Seal' he held high was also activated, and a golden light shot out from it, directly hitting the assassin of the Yajuan clan who emerged from the light of the sword after killing his father.

At this time, the assassin was curling up another ray of sword light and sweeping towards the 'formation disk' that fell in the air, trying to seize the 'formation disk'.

This 'formation disk' was used by the old Jinhuang just now. It was passed down from generation to generation and was a key tool used to control the passing formations.

With this 'formation disk' in hand, the Golden Emperor can mobilize the power of the great formation that covers the entire process and all bloodline families. Whether it is suppression or killing, there will undoubtedly be few resisters.

And this is also one of the important reasons why although there has been an undercurrent among the various bloodline families in the Jin Kingdom, it has never been able to break out.

When the Golden Emperor controls the formation, no family member can resist.

The swordsman from the Yajuan clan who took action naturally knew this, so after beheading the old Jinhuang and driving his soul into the 'Sword Mountain Hell', he immediately took action to snatch the 'formation plate'.

However, the new Golden Emperor's 'Golden Seal' attack came too fast, and the surrounding soldiers who passed by also took action too quickly, directly smashing the sword light that swept him into pieces, and they couldn't catch the falling 'formation disk' at all. .

Seeing that the 'gold seal' on the hand of the new Golden Emperor shot another golden light directly towards the 'formation plate', the swordsman Yajue had no choice. He took action again and slashed with his sword, cutting through the golden light and slashing there at the same time. On top of the 'formation disk', slash the 'formation disk' directly towards the direction of the Tiandi Temple.

When chaos broke out in the field, the Pope of the Heavenly Emperor Sect had already led his people to retreat to the Heavenly Emperor Temple. At this time, he saw the 'formation disk' flying towards him. He seemed to sense something, his face moved slightly, and he raised his hand to throw the 'formation disk' away. 'Take it, put it away.

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