The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 338 Split and Soul Aura

On Liang Ji's natal star, the Kingdom of Jin, established by Emperor Jin Xi to unify the family members, has fallen into division and war since the Yaju family members openly rebelled.

On that day, although the Golden Emperor summoned a large army to besiege Yajuan Peak, Yajuan Peak had been managed and arranged by the Yajuan clan for tens of thousands of years. It was full of formations and restrictions, and was connected to the formations and restrictions of the entire Longshou Mountain Holy Land, and was connected to the entire Jin Dynasty. The National Congress array is connected.

If the Golden Emperor had the 'formation disk' that controlled the great formation, it might be very easy to break through the Yajue Peak. However, after the 'formation disk' was taken away by the Pope of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, it would be very difficult to break through the Yajue Peak formation and the restriction of the protection. It is undoubtedly very difficult.

Even these teams of soldiers attacking the mountain need to be careful not to cause too much damage, so as not to affect the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. Otherwise, even if they do not incur punishment from the Emperor of Heaven, even the Emperor of Heaven Sect will not let them go.

With such a constraint, it is impossible to capture Yajue Peak.

The Golden Emperor asked the Celestial Emperor Sect for help, but was also rejected by the Pope.

At the same time, the cities of the Yajuan clan in various places they passed through also raised anti-flags, setting off a huge momentum throughout the Jin Kingdom. The other blood clans were also ready to take action.

After all, the Jin Kingdom has ruled the clan for more than a thousand years. Although the suppression and oppression of the clans of various bloodlines are not as great as that of the Yaju clan, they are definitely not uncomfortable. There is already an undercurrent, and all that is needed is to detonate it. That’s all.

The Yajuan Clan assassinated the old Golden Emperor in one fell swoop and even sent his soul into the ‘Knife Mountain Hell’, and then took the lead in raising the flag of rebellion. They were undoubtedly the best detonators.

The reason why the various bloodline clans have not taken action yet is probably because they want to see if the Golden Emperor's lineage can suppress the rebellion of the Yajue clan.

Although the new Golden Emperor has ascended the throne, he is obviously quite clear about the situation among his family members.

Therefore, after the Yajuan tribes in various cities raised their rebellion flags, he did not hesitate at all and left an army to continue besieging Yajuan Peak. The rest of the army was transferred back with him, and then dispatched to suppress the rebellion of the Yajuan tribes in each city.

However, the Yaju clan had been suppressed for many years and they already had a grudge. This rebellion had been planned for a long time. The right time, the right place, and the right people were all in their hands. Even though the Golden Emperor mobilized a large army to suppress them, it was difficult to suppress them for a while.

Instead, the Yaju family members on Yaju Peak took this opportunity to rush down the mountain, break through the attack of the surrounding army, and break away from the siege.

The merger of these Yaju clans with the rebel army, especially the return of 'Daoshan' Yaju as the leader of the rebellion, greatly increased the power and strength of the Yaju clan's rebel army. Several suppression attempts organized by the Golden Emperor were repulsed. Instead, Yaju The dependent clan occupies more and more land.

Seeing this, the other bloodline clans also immediately saw clearly the current weakness of the Golden Emperor's lineage.

Following the Jiajuan clan, the Suanni clan, the Biuan clan, the Chaofeng clan, the Chiki clan, etc., all began to declare their separation from the Jin Kingdom and raised the flag of rebellion.

At this point, the Jin Kingdom, which was originally founded by Emperor Jin Xi through reforms, gathering states into a country, and coronating the emperor, finally ushered in a complete split after tens of thousands of years of unification.

Of the Golden Emperor's lineage, the only ones that can still rule and control are basically the half-dragon family members.

Liang Ji's family also entered the first period of great division.

After the various bloodline families raised their own banners and resisted the rule of the Golden Emperor, they gradually discovered that the suppression and threat of the Golden Emperor were getting weaker and weaker. As a result, the various bloodline families who had originally been watching and helping each other gradually started to fight. Come.

For territory, for resources, for profit, etc., the battles are getting fiercer and fiercer, and it can be said that war is everywhere.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness overlooked the changes in the family members above the stars, and did not pay much attention to the divisions and chaos.

Unity and order are a kind of civilization. When Emperor Jin Xi unified the family members and established the Jin Kingdom, the family members' civilization greatly increased, and the 'Tao Fruit' contained in the stars increased greatly.

However, division and war are also a kind of civilization, and they can also make the clan civilization grow. It is just in a different direction from the clan civilization that grows by unity and order, but it is also greatly conducive to the growth of the 'Tao Fruit' contained in the stars. .

Liang Ji could clearly sense the improvement of the 'Dao Fruit' and the improvement of his control over his natal stars.

And, on the other hand.

Under conditions of division and chaos, it is more suitable for the development of religion and belief.

After all, the more chaotic and uneasy the time, the more the dependents need the comfort and consolation of faith.

Over the past few days, Liang Ji could clearly feel that the power of the incense faith born among the family members had grown significantly compared to the past.

The development of the Tiandi Sect during these days also exceeded that of the unification of the Jin Kingdom.

In addition to the increase in incense and faith, division and war also bring about an increase in another thing: the souls of the underworld!

There were chaotic battles between the various bloodline families, and the number of dead family members increased greatly. Naturally, the number of souls entering the underworld also increased greatly.

Liang Ji's soul jumped down from the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower' and went all the way deep into the underworld of Fengquan.

It can be clearly seen that the number of souls living in the Fengquan underworld has increased several times compared to before the split of the Jin Kingdom.

At this time, the gate of hell opened, and another group of family souls walked out and entered the underworld.

The souls of these clansmen had obviously died in the battlefield, and they still had a lot of evil energy on them. Even when they entered the underworld, they often looked at them with angry eyes, as if they were about to fight again.

Liang Ji's soul was hiding in the sky at this time. He moved the Soul Formation Seal with one hand towards the souls of these families, and the other hand held up a dark ball of light, with various colors of light flowing in the ball.

The next moment, he saw those souls of the clansmen who had just walked out of the gate of hell and entered the underworld, one after another with soul auras flying out, flying directly into the sky and submerging into the light ball in his hand. The various rays of light flowing in the light ball suddenly It becomes more and more numerous and splendid.

The souls of the family members who walked out of the ghost gate seemed to be able to sense something, but when they looked in all directions, they could not see anything. They could neither see Liang Ji's soul nor his movements, nor could they see those things flying from their souls. In the end, he had no choice but to give up and enter Fengquan City under the escort of the ghost soldiers of Fengquan City, register and start his life in the underworld.

And Liang Ji looked at the dark ball of light in his hand, which had grown after devouring another batch of souls and auras of the family members, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

These auras of the souls of the family members will be one of the important materials he will use to cast reincarnation later.

Now it is much more convenient and faster to collect the souls of the underworld clans while the blood clans are divided and fighting.

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