The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 350 Join forces again

With the death of Hades and the collapse of the bloody 'Kingdom of God', there was no longer a force that could resist in the entire city.

Liang Ji's family members went out everywhere and soon took control of the entire city. All the ignorant and brainwashed humans in the city were restrained by the family members by various means.

Subsequently, the starships parked in the starry sky flew in and imprisoned these restrained humans in the starships until they were handed over to the Star Alliance for disposal later.

Liang Ji was flying in the air, looking in all directions.

It can be seen that wars are breaking out in various cities in the stars at this time.

The 'Pantheon' has kept a large number of humans in captivity in this star as a resource to worship the evil gods and warm the 'divine crystals'. Naturally, there are many various 'gods' on this star.

In this city, his family team killed the mountain gods and the gods of the underworld one after another, but this was just one of them.

At this time, if you look around, you can see various gods such as the river god, the river god, the lake god, the forest god, the wind god, the thunder god, the fire god, the rain god, the mountain god, the earth god, the city protector god, etc. 'It manifested in various places in the stars, and was engaged in fierce fighting and fighting with the family members of each team member who invaded the city.

These numerous 'gods' are not only the carriers for the 'Pantheon' evil god monks to cultivate and refine the 'god crystals', but they are also the key to maintaining the existence, reproduction and growth of life on this Death Star.

This star is a dead star, and there are no conditions suitable for the reproduction of life in the galaxy where it is located. The reason why the evil monks of the 'Pantheon' were able to build this place into a living star and trap a large number of humans is because of this. The power of various gods contained in the 'divine crystal'.

In a sense, the reason why humans on this star are able to survive and thrive is indeed dependent on the power of the various gods and 'god crystals' scattered across the star.

At this time, as Liang Ji and others led the family members to attack, they successively killed some 'gods' and seized the fragments of 'divine crystals' contained in them.

The living environment of the stars above this star has begun to suffer various damages.

Landslides, floods, volcanic eruptions, storms, etc., all kinds of natural and earth disasters have begun to erupt everywhere in the stars.

In the face of such a natural disaster, the evil monks of the "Pantheon" in the stars took the opportunity to preach about the invasion of devils and the coming of doomsday. This immediately caused a large number of humans in captivity in the stars to become more fanatical and crazy, and a large number of suicides, self-immolations and other blood sacrifices began to occur. Generate more and more fanatical power of incense belief, which converges on the remaining 'gods', causing their combat power to continue to rise.

Even the Familia teams of each team member who entered the stars gradually began to show signs of being difficult to resist.

Soon, all the surviving humans in the city that Liang Ji had captured were put into the starship. He led his family members to form a battle formation and immediately set off to kill the battlefield in a distant city.

This city was built on the bank of a large river. There are lakes, forests, swamps and other terrains on the riverside. In this city, the gods of rivers, lakes, forests, swamps, and a city protector are worshiped.

The person responsible for attacking this city was an old man he had recognized before, She Yuanjie, who was from Tian Serpent Academy.

When Liang Ji led the clan team to fight, the Heavenly Snake clan under She Yuanjie had already killed a lake god and a forest god. It can be said that the record was no weaker than that of Liang Ji's clan team.

However, this city supports more 'gods', and as more and more 'gods' are killed, various natural and earthly disasters break out in the stars. The humans trapped in the city are instigated by the evil monks. , the belief in 'gods' became more and more intense, and the hatred for invaders such as Liang Ji became more and more intense.

In this way, under the blazing incense and the blessing of faith, the combat power of the remaining 'gods' in this city continues to increase.

As a result, She Yuanjie's Heavenly Snake Familia began to gradually fall into a disadvantage in the process of fighting and killing these remaining 'gods'.

When Liang Ji led the family members to arrive, his family members formed a "Sky Snake Battle Formation". Under the operation of the large formation, a "Sky Snake" condensed and manifested on the battle formation, spitting out the light of destruction. , not only blasted at the attacking 'gods' from all around.

And around it, the God of the River swept through countless torrents and struck continuously. The God of the Swamp turned the earth into a swamp and swallowed it up. The God of the City Protector opened a 'god's kingdom' in the city and was constantly devouring the flesh and blood of the humans in the city. , souls, turned into ghosts one after another, killing towards She Yuanjie's 'Sky Snake Familia'.

She Yuanjie's 'Sky Snake Familia', which relied on the 'Sky Snake' manifested in the battle formation and the saint's inheritance, were able to barely resist and support it, but they could only resist with all their strength and could hardly fight back.

"She Yuanjie, long time no see." Liang Ji led his family team to fight. He first said hello to She Yuanjie, and then said, "Do you need help?"

"Haha...Classmate Liang Ji." She Yuanjie also smiled when he saw Liang Ji, and said loudly: "I haven't seen him for several years, but the family members of Classmate Liang are far better than before. He is worthy of being a top talent in Kunlun Star Palace."

"In that case, please help Classmate Liang stop this Jiang Shen."

She Yuanjie said, pointing to the 'River God' that was swept by countless torrents in the river that circled the city.

It was the image of a fish-man and half-demon with human body and fish tail, and a fragment of "divine crystal" manifested between the eyebrows. He controlled the power of a large river, stirred up winds and waves, swept huge waves and flooded the city composed of She Yuanjie's Heavenly Snake Familia. Battle formation.

Especially now, under the instigation of the evil god monks in the city, fanatical believers in the city are constantly jumping into the river, sacrificing themselves in the river, and making blood sacrifices to the river god. Countless blazing and bloody powers of faith are continuously gathering into this fish. On the human river god, the fragments of the 'divine crystal' between his eyebrows shine more and more, and the divine light continues to spread and expand towards the upper and lower reaches of the river, making the power of the river under his control more and more powerful.

The impact of the flood was getting stronger and stronger, and the battle formation formed by She Yuanjie's Heavenly Snake Familia clan was shaking to pieces, and it looked like it might be broken through at any time.

It can be said that with the help of the power of the river, the river god is now the most powerful among the remaining three gods, and is also the greatest threat to She Yuanjie's family members.

"no problem!"

Liang Ji responded directly.

Although this river god is powerful and occupies the advantageous location of the river, the power of Liang Ji's family members is incapable of defeating these enemies who possess elemental combat power.

Following his order, the Chiki family members took the lead in setting up the formation diagram, forming the 'Thousand Waves Battle Formation' and entered the river, competing with the fish-man River God for control of the river's waves.

The Chaofeng Familia also formed a 'Wind Roar Battle Formation' and rushed forward, competing with the River God for control of the strong wind on the river.

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