The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 357 Good Fortune Star Palace

Good fortune star palace, good fortune city.

After encircling and destroying the stars that kept humans captive in the 'Pantheon', and borrowing the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' to kill the last 'Sun God', Liang Ji and his team's mission came to an end.

After handing over the rescued humans to the Star Alliance for disposal, Liang Ji and his team gathered with the other four teams for a while, exchanged spiritual messages with each other, and then dispersed.

Liang Ji and others followed Captain Yang Yun to the Good Fortune City outside the Good Fortune Star Palace.

Among the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance, Liang Ji has only been to the Vientiane Star Palace except the Kunlun Star Palace where he is located, but now it is the first time he has seen the scene of the Creation Star Palace.

The Kunlun Star Palace is located on the Kunlun Mountain, the Wanxiang Star Palace is located on the Wanxiang Sea, and the Creation Star Palace is located in the shape of a forest, which is called the Creation Forest.

Creation City is located on the periphery of Creation Forest.

Captain Yang Yun and team member Zhang Xiu were both from the Good Fortune Star Palace. This time the mission was over and everyone wanted to get together to celebrate, so they chose the Good Fortune City of the Good Fortune Star Palace.

When we got here, Captain Yang Yun was naturally the host and chose a restaurant in the city. According to Captain Yang Yun, the owner of this restaurant has some connections in the Fortune Star Palace. , are made from many new kinds of spiritual fruits, spiritual plants, spiritual beasts, etc. cultivated by the Good Fortune Star Palace. Not only are they delicious, they even contain the power of good fortune and have extraordinary effects.

The nine star palaces of the Star Alliance each have their own strengths. The Kunlun Star Palace is good at conferring gods, the Wanxiang Star Palace controls all kinds of magic, and the Creation Star Palace controls the power of creation, and is good at cultivating and creating newer, stronger, and better creations. Spiritual objects, etc.

Liang Ji usually went to the Star Network and read some introductions about the creation spiritual objects produced by the Creation Star Palace, but this was the first time he tasted the creation spiritual objects produced by the Creation Star Palace like this.

"Although Creation City is an affiliated city of our Creation Star Palace, almost every restaurant, dining room, food shop, etc. in the city will advertise that the spiritual wine, spiritual brew, spiritual fruit, spiritual meal, etc. in their palace are produced by the Creation Star Palace. The created spiritual creature.”

"This cannot be said to be false, but in fact it contains a lot of water."

At the banquet, Zhang Xiu smiled and talked about some of the secrets of the city, saying:

"Those who can open restaurants, dining rooms, etc. in the Creation City must be more or less connected with the Creation Star Palace."

"It's just that most of them are only related to and have friendship with some star master students in the star palace. The so-called creation spiritual objects produced by the star palace are basically the products of daily research and cultivation by the students in the star palace. The effects It is difficult to determine how and how much power of creation it contains.”

"There are actually only a few stores that can truly connect with the Star Palace of Creation and obtain the perfect and stable spiritual objects of creation in the Star Palace."

"Senior sister has chosen this one, and you are in for a treat."

Liang Ji and others also smiled when they heard this, and each raised a glass to toast Captain Yang Yun.

After the banquet, at the suggestion of Qi Hao, Bai Yanxiu and others, Captain Yang Yun led Liang Ji and other team members into the Good Fortune Star Palace for a tour.

The hidden places in the Creation Star Palace's Creation Forest are closed and no outsiders are allowed to enter. However, most public places can still be visited with the guidance of a Star Palace disciple and with the consent of the Creation Star Palace.

In this forest of creation, Liang Ji also saw many scenes that were different from the Kunlun Star Palace and the Vientiane Star Palace. There were many spiritual objects in the forest that were studied and created by the star palaces. They were similar to the common spiritual objects and spiritual plants in the outside world. different.

Most of these created spiritual objects, spiritual beasts, spiritual plants, etc. are researched and created by the students of the star masters in the star palace. They are cultivated and observed in the star palace. When the cultivation is mature and stable, they can be pushed to the star palace. Outside, supply to the Star Alliance.

At this time, Liang Ji looked at a giant tree in the forest. The giant tree seemed ordinary, but if he used his eye skills and looked at the giant tree, he could see that there was something mysterious in the giant tree, as if it contained something hidden. There is a world in it.

"This is the World Tree." Captain Yang Yun introduced from the side.

"So this is the World Tree." Qin Hongyan looked at the giant tree in front of him and said in surprise: "I heard that students in the Creation Star Palace will have such a World Tree planted in their natal stars. Is it true? of?"

"Yes." Zhang Xiu nodded at the side and said: "The World Tree is a specialty of our Creation Star Palace. It is most consistent with the inheritance and astrology of our Creation Star Palace. It can be said to be the foundation of the Star Palace's inheritance."

"So, every student who enters the Star Palace will basically get a 'World Tree' tree seed to plant into the natal stars. It will be of great benefit to us in developing the stars and cultivating our dependents."

Liang Ji was listening to their conversation and remembered some of the information and materials he had read about the ‘World Tree’ in the Creation Star Palace.

It is said that this 'World Tree' was created when several ninth-level star masters and first-level immortals seized the treasures from several super-level civilizations when the Good Fortune Star Palace was founded, and cultivated and created it with the power of good fortune. It can be called the masterpiece of the Good Fortune Star Palace. The most important treasure in the world.

Since the creation of the Creation Star Palace, most of the inheritance has been attached to this ‘World Tree’.

Of course, the ‘World Tree’ is, after all, an important treasure in the Creation Star Palace and is closely related to inheritance. The information that people outside the Creation Star Palace can know and understand is also limited.

Liang Ji was also in the Kunlun Star Palace, and he just saw some more in-depth materials and information in the "Book Collection Pavilion" of the Star Palace.

On the Star Alliance's ordinary star network, there is even less information about this.

When Liang Ji and others were viewing the 'World Tree', they could also see the students in the Creation Star Palace coming in and out of the 'World Tree'.

According to Zhang Xiu, this 'World Tree' was researched and planted in the early days of Xing Gong. The 'world' has long been cultivated and matured, and now it has become a 'world' for students in Xing Gong to practice and study nature.

It's a pity that Liang Ji and others are not students of the Creation Star Palace. They can only look at the 'World Tree' from the outside, but they cannot enter the 'world' inside the tree to visit.

Afterwards, Liang Ji and others, led by Yang Yun and Zhang Xiu, visited the Forest of Creation for several days, and saw many "mysterious creations".

Even, under the introduction of Yang Yun and Zhang Xiu, Liang Ji and others purchased some 'creation spiritual objects' in the Creation Star Palace, which can be sent to the natal stars for cultivation, to produce and obtain some unique spiritual objects. .

Most of the spiritual roots and spiritual seeds in the Star Alliance market are developed and cultivated by Star Master monks. It can be said that they are all cultivated and manufactured by the Creation Star Palace at the beginning, and then they are put into the market and become the market. A mature product developed and used by Chinese and Star owners.

The 'creation spiritual objects' that Liang Ji and the others purchased from the Creation Star Palace at this time were all spiritual roots and spiritual seeds that had been cultivated in the Creation Star Palace recently and had not yet been released to the market.

They take the first step to cultivate them in the natal stars, and later they can take the lead in the Star Alliance market and make a fortune.

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