The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 377 Golden Emperor Alliance

King Chaofeng successfully persuaded King Chiki to surrender. So far, Pope Mu's subordinates have mastered the six bloodline clans of Qiuniu, Yaizhen, Baxia, Jiaotu, Chaofeng and Chiki.

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, the Familia clan is divided into only ten branches in total. Pope Mu now controls more than half of the Familia clan blood branches. Coupled with the power of the Guardian Legion, it can be said that he has completely grasped the general trend.

However, in contrast, the rulers of the remaining four bloodline clans of Suanni, Pulao, Biyan, and Half-Dragon also saw the power of Pope Wood. In order to fight against Pope Wood, these four bloodlines The rulers of the dependent clans directly formed an alliance, gathered around the Golden Emperor, and were headed by the current Golden Emperor.

In their propaganda, the Kingdom of Jin was not destroyed, and the Emperor of Jin had always been on the throne. He had always been the envoy of the Emperor of Heaven, leading the dependent clans on behalf of the Emperor of Heaven. The dependent families of each lineage should submit to the command of the Golden Emperor, not to the command of the Pope.

Previously, it was these rulers who did not recognize the Golden Emperor and insisted on leading the various clans to split and become independent; now, they are the same ones who praise the Golden Emperor and say that the Golden Emperor rules the clans on behalf of the Heavenly Emperor.

Nothing but profit!

In Chiki King City, after King Chiki surrendered, Pope Mu led an army directly to Chiki King City and accepted Chiki King City and Chiki family members.

Although it is said that if King Chiki leads the dependents to surrender directly, the Pope will definitely reward and encourage him, but the acceptance, adjustment and control of King Chiki and the Chikisi dependents are indispensable.

Even if he wants to treat King Chiki well later, he will continue to exert too much influence and control on the Chiki family. The Pope will have to spend more time on the reception and adjustment of Chiki King City and the Chiki family. It takes energy.

Now, the Pope is sitting in Chiki King City, spending several months to receive and adjust the Chiki family members.

At the same time, news about the Golden Emperor Alliance formed by the Suanni, Biuan, Pulao, and Half-Dragon clans jointly supporting the Golden Emperor was also constantly coming from the four clans and converging on his hands.

Let him know that the four families have formed an alliance. King Suanni, King Biuan, and King Pulao are now leading their legion forces to gather towards Dragon Soul City. The power of the half-dragon family controlled by the Golden Emperor has converged and concentrated. Strength to deal with Pope Wood.

The Pope was fully aware of the alliance and actions of these four dependent families, but he did not stop them.

He has now mastered enough power and momentum, and is confident that even if the remaining four bloodline clans unite together, they can directly crush and capture them.

Therefore, the Pope not only did not stop the four bloodline clan alliances from gathering under the command of the Golden Emperor, but was actually happy to see it happen.

He even deliberately stayed in Chiki King City for a while, just to give the kings of the four-line family members enough time to discuss alliances and gather strength.

In this way, the Pope will be able to lead his army directly to Dragon Soul City, suppress and capture the Golden Emperor and his four families in one fell swoop, and finally unify the entire family and complete the mission entrusted to him by the Emperor of Heaven.

If you can complete the task faster in this way, you will naturally have more time to recuperate and develop your family. It will be of great benefit to the Pope, the Celestial Emperor Sect, and the Star Lord. Why not?

Half a year later, King Suanni, King Bifan, and King Pulao have led their teams to gather in Dragon Soul City, and Pope Mu has also completed the acceptance, adjustment, and control of the Chikiss Familia.

Therefore, the Pope did not waste any more time, selected a suitable day for the expedition, and led the patriarchs and priests of the Celestial Emperor Sect to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony to pray for the legions and warriors who went on the expedition, and to wish for the coming future. The battle was successfully won.

With everything in place, he directly led the seven legions of Hujiao, Qiu Niu, Yaizhen, Baxia, Jiaotu, Chaofeng, and Chiki to fight directly towards Dragon Soul City.

Dragon Soul City was built close to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. It was here that Pope Mu originally suppressed the Golden Emperor, manifested the vision of the Heavenly Emperor's envoy, and officially embarked on the path of destiny to unify the dependent clans and end divisions and wars.

But now, after returning from an expedition, the final battle takes place in Dragon Soul City under the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

There is something mysterious about fate.

Groan! Groan! Groan...

The Riding of the Wind Legion flew in the air with strong winds, and the wind roared like a dragon's roar. As the vanguard of Pope Mu's men, they were the first to arrive near Dragon Soul City and peep into Dragon Soul City.

boom! Boom! Rumble...


In the Dragon Soul City, thunder roared and exploded, and thunderclouds gathered in the sky. The thunderbolts merged into a sky thunder and struck down directly, directly blasting into the Chaofeng Legion, splitting the legion's battle formation, and destroying the formations operating within it. Picture blasted.

It was the power of the "Thunder Strike Battle Formation" of the Bi'an Legion led by the Thunder-type Bi'an King that gathered in the city.

Although Pope Mu has regained control of the six bloodline families and is in control of the situation, the four families gathered under the Golden Emperor are not weak.

Needless to say, Suanni's fire, Bifan's thunder, Pulao's poison, etc., the combat power of the Half-Dragon Familia is generally greater than that of the Nine Sons Bloodline Familia.

Now in the first battle between the two alliance teams, the Chaofeng Legion had all the advantages in the sky, but they were still broken open by the Biuan Familia with one blow. This shows that the strength of the Golden Emperor's men is not weak.

The Chaofeng Legion, whose battle formation was broken, did not continue to stay here in Dragon Soul City. They all retreated and fled, joining the army led by Pope Zongmu.

The commander of the Chaofeng Legion reported the information obtained from the investigation of Dragon Soul City to Pope Wood, and then the Prisoner Niu Legion took action, spreading a large area of ​​'rejuvenation' green light to heal the injuries of the injured warriors among the Chaofeng Legion.

Afterwards, the Wind-Mocking Legion re-launched a ‘Wind Roar Formation Diagram’, re-formed the Wind Roar Battle Formation, and advanced with the army.

After receiving the information reported by the Chaofeng Legion, Pope Mu combined it with the information obtained by some secret hands in Dragon Soul City, and he had a general understanding of the situation in the city, as well as the situation of the Jin Huang, Suan Ni King and other family legions.

After reviewing this information, Pope Mu made some changes to the attack plan.

He originally planned to fight quickly, but now the power in Dragon Soul City is somewhat stronger than he expected, so the Pope can only choose to slow down and attack step by step.

Fortunately, the Golden Emperor and his four-line family members also knew the gap in strength between themselves and Pope Mu's men, so they made up their minds to stick to Dragon Soul City and never had any intention of going out of the city to attack Pope Mu and his legions.

In this way, half a month later, Pope Zongmu led his six legions and finally arrived in front of Dragon Soul City.

The Emperor Jin and others did not take the initiative to attack, which undoubtedly disappointed the Pope. His choice to slow down might not be to lure the snake out of its hole.

After all, there is undoubtedly a huge difference in combat power between the Familia Legion with the protection of Dragon Soul City and the legion without the protection of Dragon Soul City.

If he could lead some of the Familia legions to severely damage them before the siege and attack, it would undoubtedly alleviate many difficulties for his subsequent attack on Dragon Soul City.

However, Pope Mu soon dissipated this disappointment. Even if he failed to lure the snake out of its hole and cause heavy damage in advance, he was confident that he could break through the Dragon Soul City with the strength of his legions, kill the Golden Emperor, and win the final victory.

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