The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 385 Reincarnation

Kunlun Star Palace, Kunlun Mountain, the peaks of the Yuzi line.

Liang Ji is observing and sensing the increase in the origin of the great avenues and the growth of the Tao fruits in his natal stars at his residence. He is practicing and operating the star technique of 'Broken Star Strike'. He feels that his control over the power of the natal stars has been improved again, and he understands the meaning of the movement of the stars. Avenue.

At the same time, the true energy field that surrounds and circulates around him at all times also grows and becomes stronger with the growth of the power of stars and Tao fruits.

This time his family has completed the process from division and war to unity and peace, which can be regarded as the completion of an evolution of civilization. It is undoubtedly of great benefit to the family, the stars, and Liang Ji himself.

Now that the family members have been unified, Liang Ji has taken back most of his mind and consciousness and focuses on his own understanding, practice and growth.

After more than ten days of this, Liang Ji's daily practice and enlightenment growth were almost visible to the naked eye, and he gained huge gains.

On this day, while Liang Ji was doing his daily meditation and practice, he suddenly felt a breath bursting out from another pavilion area far away from the mountain. He looked up and saw a piece of red jade light coming from that area. Rushing out of the attic, the red jade light shattered the stormy clouds in the air wherever it passed.

Liang Ji looked around and instantly felt that the souls in the sea of ​​consciousness that had reached the soul refining stage were shaken by the burst of red jade light, as if they were about to be shattered by the red jade light.

He was shocked and quickly lowered his head and looked away to avoid looking directly at the burst of red jade light.

"That direction is where Senior Qi Changge lives!"

Liang Ji had already realized at this time that the place where the aura burst out and the red jade light shot into the sky was Senior Qi Changge's residence in the Kunlun Star Palace.

"Senior Qi Changge has been in retreat before, in order to break through the realm of perfection of the third-level star master and complete the cultivation of the union of soul and Tao."

"Looking at the current situation, it is obvious that Senior Qi has successfully retreated into seclusion and successfully achieved the perfection of the third-level Star Lord!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but stand up at this time, and looked in the direction of Senior Qi Changge's residence again, with a look of joy on his face.

The red jade light that soared into the sky had gradually subsided after an explosion, but it no longer had the thrilling feeling it had before.

Completing the practice of 'union of soul and Tao' and achieving the state of perfection of the third-level star master means that Senior Qi Changge is one step away from the fourth-level star master. Next, he only needs to lead his family to hunt for a fourth-level monster. If the elixir is refined into the natal star, one can successfully advance to the fourth-level star master realm.

Liang Ji has always been taken care of by senior Qi Changge, so Liang Ji is naturally happy for his breakthrough.

"I need to congratulate Senior Qi."

Liang Ji thought in his mind and ended the practice. After cleaning up, he left his residence and flew towards Senior Qi's residence.

When they arrived at Senior Qi's residence, three more rays of light flew from various places on the mountain peak, revealing their figures. They were none other than Seniors Ge Yuanchao and Xu Mao, as well as Junior Liu Xu.

The three of them are now staying in Kunlun Star Palace to practice, and they came one after another when they saw the news of Qi Changge's breakthrough here.

On the other hand, Senior Chen Zhao and Senior Sister Bian Yujiao are still busy and practicing outside as usual. They are not in Kunlun Star Palace, so naturally they cannot come here at this time.

Liang Ji, Ge Yuanchao, and Liu Xu greeted each other, and then they didn't talk much and just looked at Senior Qi Changge's residence.

At this time, their minds were focused on learning the strengths of Qi Changge who had made breakthroughs in cultivation, but they didn't have much thought for chatting.

Soon after, the aura that erupted in Senior Qi Changge's residence and the red light that shot into the sky completely subsided. Soon after, the formations and restrictions in the pavilion were closed, the door opened wide, and Senior Qi Changge walked out.

"Meet all the seniors and juniors." Qi Changge also knew that Liang Ji and others were waiting outside, so after stabilizing his breakthrough, he closed the formation and opened the door to meet them.

"Congratulations, junior!"

"Congratulations, senior!"

Liang Ji, Ge Yuanchao and others paid tribute to Qi Changge and congratulated him.

It can be seen that senior Qi Changge also has a happy expression on his face. His face that has always been quite cold seems to have softened a bit, and his eyes are clear and bright, but there seems to be a sense of vicissitudes of life.

The cultivation of the third-level star master in the realm of perfection requires the star master and the natal star to achieve the 'unity of soul and Tao'. This step is obviously not easy. 'It's all much more complicated and difficult. That's why Senior Qi Changge's breakthrough in seclusion took so much time, and the changes after his breakthrough were not small.

After everyone greeted them, Senior Qi Changge introduced Liang Ji and others into his residence, arranged some spiritual fruits, spiritual brews, etc., and had a brief chat, mainly talking about some feelings and insights about breaking through to the realm of perfection as a third-level star master.

After all, Liang Ji and others who came to congratulate him are now in the realm of third-order star masters. The two seniors Ge Yuanchao and Xu Mao are already facing the critical moment of breaking through to the third-order perfection realm. At this time, they obtained from senior Qi Changge Some experiences and insights will be of great benefit to their subsequent practice and breakthroughs.

Even Liang Ji and Liu Xu, although they are still far away from the third level of perfection, they only have several years of training and practice. At this time, listening to senior Qi Changge's experience and insights, they are also Make some preparations in advance.

"Third-level star master, seventh-level soul refining. There are two main aspects of cultivation in this realm. One is to open up the underworld among the natal stars and create reincarnation; the second is to cultivate one's own soul."

"The two complement each other. You have all been practicing in the third-level star master and seventh-level soul refining for many years. I believe you all understand this, so I won't say more."

"This time, I will talk about the final 'unity of soul and Tao'!"

"How can the soul be in harmony with the Tao? Without him, reincarnation will happen!"

"When we create reincarnation in the natal stars, and the cultivation of our own souls reaches the perfection of the Sun Travel Realm, we can let our souls enter the reincarnation of the natal stars and perform a reincarnation on the natal stars."

"This reincarnation was created by ourselves. It is under our control, and our souls are also at the perfect level of cultivation, strong and tenacious enough."

"So, theoretically speaking, when our souls enter reincarnation among the natal stars, there will be no mysteries or accidents in the womb."

"And as long as you successfully complete the reincarnation of your soul, grow up among the Star Families, and complete the cycle of life and soul, you can complete the practice of 'unity of soul and Tao'."

"These are the lessons taught in the Star Palace, but what I want to tell you is that although our souls have many advantages in reincarnating among the natal stars, it is not without danger. There is always the possibility Something unexpected.”

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