The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 397 Cooperation


Liang Ji couldn't help but smile. He and the others were only third-level star masters. Unexpectedly, they were called seniors. He immediately returned the greeting to several people and said: "Kunlun Star Palace Liang Ji, I have met a few classmates."

Hearing Liang Ji's answer, several people from Manggu Academy were also slightly surprised. They looked down at the flaming stars below, where they could see the warriors from the Familia clan who were more than 900 feet tall and whose combat power was no less than the fourth level. Their faces looked surprised. , admiration, etc. become more and more obvious.

"It turns out he is the genius of the Star Palace." Among the people in Manggu Academy, the leader was a thin man in his twenties. He also said with admiration on his face at this time: "No wonder the family members under me have such strength. With the third level The body explodes with fourth-level combat power."

"I've met Senior Liang in Xia Manggu Academy, Lu Ding."

The thin man introduced himself and said politely.

At the same time, among the Star Alliance Star Master students, the strong ones are naturally the seniors, and the weak ones are the juniors. Even Lu Ding recognized Liang Ji as his senior, and he was still somewhat high up in the Xing Palace.

Liang Ji didn't care about this. He didn't pay much attention to people's background.

Seeing this, the other people also came to greet him one after another and introduced themselves. They were all Star Lord students of Manggu Academy.

"We were hunting on another star in the distance, and unexpectedly saw these Void Fire Bulls gathering in groups to attack here. At the time, we thought it was strange. After all, there are very few void demons in this third-level demon group unless there are special circumstances. The tribe gathered in groups, thinking that something had happened, so they came after him to check."

"But I didn't expect that it was Senior Liang who was hunting the Void Demons here."

"Senior Liang is indeed a talented student of the Kunlun Star Palace. He is also a third-level star master. The tens of thousands of fire bulls hunted by his family members were completely dominant and crushed."

"It seems that our actions are unnecessary and have disturbed senior's hunting. Please forgive me, senior."

Several students from the Star Master of Manggu Academy, obviously headed by Lu Ding, after greeting and introducing each other, Lu Ding came forward to negotiate with Liang Ji and explain their intention in advance.

Hearing this, Liang Ji also smiled and shook his head, saying: "It doesn't matter, even though my family members are strong, it is difficult to kill all these tens of thousands of void fire oxen."

"The third-level demon beast has condensed demon souls and gained intelligence. In the end, the party collapsed and escaped. There were several disciples' families intercepting and chasing them around, and they were able to kill more void fire bulls."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, Lu Ding and others couldn't help but look happy.

They led their subordinates to hunt the third-order void monsters in this black hole monster area, not only to earn spiritual stones and resources, but also to complete the tasks in Manggu Academy and earn credits.

The academic palaces in each star field are all located in the city in the center of the black hole in each star field. They have the task of suppressing the black hole and killing the many void monsters in the black hole.

Therefore, in various star domain academy, many teaching tasks are very different from those in the star palace. Various tasks will be released in the academy, allowing the academy students to hunt the void monsters in exchange for credits, rewards, etc.

Lu Ding and others have been hunting the third-order void monsters in this third-order demon area for several years. Their strength is limited and they dare not attract the third-order void monsters into groups, nor do they have the strength to attract the monster groups, so for several years After hunting, I would slowly find groups of Void Monsters and hunt them slowly. The speed was slow, the efficiency was low, and the harvest was limited.

This is also the daily hunting and cultivation situation of many Star Master students in the Star Domain Academy. Unless they have enough strength, it is difficult to change and improve.

But this time, they encountered Liang Ji attracting a herd of void fire cattle, and Hou's action of hunting the fire cattle herd made Lu Ding and others' eyes light up, and they had new ideas.

Then, Liang Ji did not object, and Lu Ding and others took various battle formations of their family members behind and around the fire cattle herd, and continued to hunt and pursue them. The efficiency of hunting the void fire cattle was much higher than that they had been hunting the void in the previous months. The gains and efficiency of the demon clan are much greater.

In the end, Liang Ji's Wood Emperor gathered the power of the battle formation and completely smashed the fire cattle herd with the power of 800 feet of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', killing more than 4,000 void fire cattle, leaving nearly half of the void fire Newton time. Disintegrated and fled in all directions.


The Wood Emperor immediately issued an order, and the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' immediately dispersed, and the battle formations of the Ten Meridian Familia clans chased and killed the Void Fire Ox that collapsed in all directions.

The Wood Emperor even sacrificed the 'Green Chapter' and sprinkled a large amount of blue light like rain, which fell on the battle formations of each family members, raising the combat power of each family members' legions to the limit.

Previously, after Liang Ji's family members defeated the void demon group, they had no intention of chasing down the remaining void demon clan that had escaped.

On the one hand, after successive battles, the fighting strength of each clan clan formation was limited and many were damaged; on the other hand, the collapsed Void Monster clan fled in all directions, making it difficult to pursue them, and the gain outweighed the loss.

But this time, Lu Ding and others led his family members to help and chase around, which made it easier for Liang Ji's family members to pursue and kill them. In this way, Liang Ji was naturally unwilling to let go of these spiritual stones and demonic materials.

For Lu Ding and others, they can also take this opportunity to hunt more void fire bulls, complete more tasks, and earn more spiritual stones, resources, and credits.

This is a matter of mutual benefit.

In the end, Liang Ji's family members cleaned up the battlefield, collected the trophies, and hunted a total of more than 6,000 void fire bulls. Compared with the previous harvest of only 4,000 or 5,000 from hunting monster groups, it was one or two thousand more.

Converted into demon pills, that's nearly a thousand more, and when sold in the market, the income is tens of thousands of mid-grade spiritual stones. What's more, with the income from demon materials, the harvest will only be greater.

Lu Ding and the others fought together and hunted thousands of Void Fire Bulls. The harvest at one time was far more than what they had accomplished in several months, and they were naturally very happy.

Liang Ji's family members cleaned up the battlefield and began to collect various spiritual fires, fire essences, fire liquids and other star treasures and resources in the turbulent flame stars.

Every time it attracts a group of third-level void monsters to attack, it will have a big impact on the star where it is located. The star will either fall into pieces or shake endlessly. Every time, a lot of star resources and treasures will shake out. This is also an important reason why Liang Ji has stayed here to hunt monsters in the past few years.

The price of these star resources and treasures in the market is even higher than that of demon pills and demon materials, allowing Liang Ji to earn more spiritual stones and resources.

Lu Ding's family members stayed outside the stars, watching Liang Ji's family members collecting various star resources and treasures above the stars. Although they were quite jealous, no one rashly intervened and only watched from outside.

They can intervene in the hunting of monsters, which is a matter of mutual benefit.

However, Lu Ding and others are very clear about the resources and treasures that are shaking out from the stars, and they cannot interfere with them.

Know how to measure, know how to advance and retreat. Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw this.

When Liang Ji's family members finished cleaning up the battlefield and the stars, they returned to their natal stars to cultivate and recover.

Lu Ding led several classmates to greet him again. He first congratulated Liang Ji, and then suggested: "Senior Liang, a few of us want to join forces and cooperate with senior."

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