The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 416 The undercurrent is surging

Wild Star, Wild City.

Activities such as street parades, lion dances, and lanterns are still held in the city, which are similar to the "Long Live Birthday Banquet" three months ago.

Liang Ji was standing on the top of a restaurant in the city, looking around the city. He could see some monks rebuilding some altars and palaces in various parts of the city, and arranging formations and restrictions in the city.

In the center of the city, a large hall is being built at this time, and there is a statue of a god that is about to be cast in the hall.

Three months ago, Venerable Mangyuan reunited after his transcendence, which caused earth-shaking changes in Mangyuan Star. The earth is growing, the sky is getting higher, the sun, moon and stars have become brighter, the level of spiritual veins has increased, and the level of stars has also increased. promote.

The monks, humans, natives, and even birds, animals, flowers, plants, trees, etc. among the stars all benefit from the ascension of the stars. Their origins are improved, and their potentials, realms, etc. are elevated.

Above and below the stars, whether they are sentient beings or heartless beings, they are all extremely grateful to Venerable Mangyuan.

So now, three months have passed, and the monks, natives, etc. in Mangyuan Star are still holding various celebrations and sacrifices to express gratitude and commemorate Lord Mangyuan.

At the same time, due to the invasion and fighting of evil cultivators and foreign enemies, some cities in the stars were destroyed, and some cities were destroyed. In addition, now that the stars have advanced, the stars have become larger, auras, and cultivation have advanced, whether it is Whether the destroyed city is rebuilt or the remaining city is repaired, it all needs to be re-planned and transformed according to the changes in the stars.

Just like this Mangyuan City, as the center and largest city of Mangyuan Star, it suffered the most attacks and destruction when Lord Mangyuan broke through. Even with the help of high-level Star Lords from the Star Alliance, half of the city could still be destroyed. .

But now, with the advancement and expansion of Mangyuan Star, Mangyuan City has also begun to expand and rebuild. It not only needs to repair the damaged places, but also needs to continue to expand and build a larger city, and the original fifth-level city protection tower in the city The formation is also out of date, and now it is necessary to deploy new and more advanced city protection formations to adapt to the changes in the stars.

But these are nothing. Liang Ji's eyes at this time are more focused on the huge palace being built in the center of the city and the statues of gods cast in it.

That is the 'Mangyuan Temple', and the statue enshrined in it is none other than Lord Mangyuan.

After his transcendence, Lord Mangyuan reunited with the Tao, and saved the lives of the entire Mangyuan Star. He also promoted the advancement of Mangyuan Star, giving the monks and natives of Mangyuan Star a higher prospect of cultivation, and was a great favor to the entire Manchurian Star.

Therefore, although he has become a Taoist, the monks, natives, etc. in the Wild Star have become more and more passionate in their belief and respect for him. This is why now, in the cities of the Wild Star, new 'Wangyuan Temples' have been built. Venerable Mangyuan worshiped him as the god of Mangyuan Star.

However, Liang Ji knew that there was the arrangement and guidance of the Star Alliance, and they intended to support the "Mangyuan God Cult" in the Wild Star.

Because Venerable Mangyuan's Hedao promoted the advancement of Mangyuan Star, but it was an unexpected change. So far, Mangyuan Star has been promoted to the level of seventh-level stars; moreover, the spiritual veins in the stars are still slowly improving. Although it is not as fast as breaking through two levels in a row before, it is always improving.

Therefore, with some deductions from the Star Alliance's top brass, there may be a chance for the Wild Star to continue to improve and advance to an eighth-level star or even a ninth-level star.

And when the time comes, let the monks and natives of Mangyuan Star continue to worship Lord Mangyuan, pray and prostrate day and night. In the future, there may be a chance for Lord Mangyuan to transcend himself again.

Although the person who has transcended by then may no longer be the original 'Virgin Mangyuan', it is still the same path.

This is also a research and attempt by the Star Alliance on the second half of the Road to Earth Immortality.

Liang Ji is still staying in the Wild Star. On the one hand, he wants to understand the changes in the Wild Star in this dramatic improvement and advancement, and to understand the changes and evolution of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, so as to reflect his own practice and the cultivation of his natal stars. , advanced.

On the other hand, it also took over the task of the Star Alliance's "Security Department" to monitor the Wild Star and the many monks who came to visit and learn from the Wild Star.

Three months ago, Venerable Mangyuan transcended and joined forces again, causing considerable influence on the entire Star Alliance, especially the Manggu Star Territory.

In the Manggu Star Territory, the indigenous spiritual veins and stars are refined into the blessed land of Earth Immortals, and there are many immortals who follow the path of Earth Immortals.

These earthly immortals are similar to Venerable Mangyuan. They are approaching the limit of their lifespan. If they cannot make any breakthrough, they will eventually die.

Therefore, Venerable Mang Yuan's previous breakthrough experience is undoubtedly of great reference significance to these earthly immortal monks.

In the past few days, although the Star Alliance has sent the inheritance left by Venerable Mangyuan to those earthly immortal blessed places, it has been handed over to the earthly immortal successors everywhere to understand and learn from Venerable Mangyuan's breakthrough experience.

However, even so, these days, monks from various places of immortality often come to Mangyuan Star to personally visit, feel, and understand the traces, Taoist charms, etc. left by Master Mangyuan's breakthrough.

I want to find more clues and insights from it to help the Earth Immortal monks in my own 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' to break through, transcend, and open up the second half of the road to complete the Earth Immortal.

Liang Ji stayed here to take over the task of the ministry to monitor the monks who came from various places of immortality to prevent them from doing anything extreme in the wilderness star.

After all, it has now been proven that the low-level stars are too low to support the detached practice of Earth Immortals. In the Manggu Star Territory, there are many stars with low-level stars in various Earth Immortal Blessed Lands. With no hope of breakthrough, But there's no guarantee they won't do something crazy.

Even according to some information that Liang Ji checked on the official website of the 'Security Department', in the past three months, due to the breakthrough and failure of Venerable Mangyuan, there have been some undercurrents in the Manggu Star Territory, especially There are quite some changes among those 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals'.

There are several Earthly Immortal Blessed Lands that have completely closed off the connection between the inside and outside of the stars. I don’t know what kind of plots are being carried out in the stars. Among the tasks issued by the Star Alliance's "Security Department", there is an investigation into those places that have been completely closed. 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' Star's mission.

However, Liang Ji knew the dangers involved, but it was not something that a low-level star master monk like him could intervene in. He still accepted the mission and felt and comprehended the advancement of the wilderness star while monitoring the stars. If something unexpected happens, it will be more suitable for him.

Liang Ji held up the 'Soul Searching Plate' to check that nothing had happened in the city, so he did not stay on the roof of the restaurant for long. He returned to his residence, activated the guardian formation and the ban, and then took out the incense burner and lit a piece of incense to protect the soul.

In the mist of smoke, Liang Ji's soul came out of the top door, sensed and observed the rapidly changing and rising spiritual energy in the stars, and the laws of heaven and earth, and then his soul escaped underground, directly under the nine stars in the wilderness.

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