The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 418 Youquan Underworld

In the center of the underworld under the Nine Lands of Mangyuan Star, before the vortex of reincarnation.

Liang Ji's soul suddenly woke up from the realization. He looked at the huge vortex in front of him and felt the terrifying devouring power coming from it, and his expression changed slightly.

At this time, the soul mark on his hand has almost deformed, and the black canopy under the top is also shaking violently, constantly blooming with black light, struggling to resist the devouring power of the whirlpool of reincarnation.

Affected by this, his soul, which was originally hidden and merged with the underworld, had to be exposed at this time.

However, Liang Ji couldn't care about this at this time. The deformed soul mark on his hand turned, and the black canopy on top instantly bloomed with bright light, all blessing his body.

At the same time, Liang Ji's soul suddenly grew taller and larger, reaching a size of nearly a hundred feet. Black and yellow light bloomed all over his body, trying his best to resist and fight against the devouring vortex of reincarnation.

The big and small Ruyi of 'body and Dao combined', and the Xuanhuang breaking method of 'Qi and Dao combined'. Although these powers are more in his body, after Liang Ji entered the seventh-level soul refining practice stage, his soul was naturally affected by the physical body. The figure, mastering part of the magical power, burst out at this moment.

Under the blessing and explosion of these multiple powers, Liang Ji's soul turned into a black light and flew away. He finally broke away from the huge devouring power of the vortex of reincarnation and flew back to a place far away from reincarnation.

Later, feeling the consumption and weakness of his soul, as well as the insights and research gained from reincarnation, Liang Ji's soul did not stay in the underworld for a long time. He left the underworld directly, returned to the Nine Lands, and returned to his body.

In Mangyuan City, Liang Ji's residence, his soul returned and his eyes opened. He calculated the time in his mind and found that seven days had passed since he entered the underworld and observed reincarnation.

"Huh..." Liang Ji just took a breath and murmured: "The natural reincarnation of heaven and earth is really terrifying!"

"According to the knowledge and information I learned from the Kunlun Star Palace, the star master manages the natal stars, opens up the underworld, casts reincarnation, and manually cuts them. The most important thing is control!"

"The natal stars, the underworld and reincarnation are not under control. The more perfect they are, the more dangerous they are. This means that after the star master monks finally merge, it will be more difficult to transcend."

"I observe and understand the reincarnation of nature in the wilderness star. Of course, I need to learn and understand the 'perfection' in it so that I can strive for perfection when I cast reincarnation later. But above perfection, I need to be able to control it..."

Liang Ji thought in his mind, thoughtfully: "So, before I was directly indulged in it and almost swallowed by reincarnation, it is not possible to study and comprehend like this. I must study and comprehend the reincarnation while ensuring my own sobriety and control. Only by doing this can we turn it into resources for reincarnation.”

"This step is still a bit far away..."

With a sigh in his heart, Liang Ji ended his practice this time and put away the formations and restrictions that were opened around him.

Observing reincarnation this time consumed a lot of soul power, and although he was addicted to it, he also gained a lot of insights into reincarnation, and Liang Ji needed some time to digest and recover.

After finishing the retreat, Liang Ji took out the 'Star Book' and held it up to check the information in it.

The Star Alliance security department has a lot of people staying on the Mangyuan Star this time, and information from various places will be summarized every day. Now under the turbulent undercurrent of the Mangu Star Territory, the Mangyuan Star is undoubtedly the source and center, and it naturally needs to be focused on.

People like Liang Ji who accepted the mission and stayed in Mangyuan Star will receive information from the security department every day, which is all information that needs to be paid attention to in Mangyuan Star and even Mangu Star Territory.

Those who are suspected of being evil cultivators, demonic cultivators, and evil god cultivators entering the Wilderness Planet need to pay special attention to.

What descendants and forces from the Earth Immortal Blessed Land need to be monitored at all times when entering the Wild Star?

It’s been the same message for more than three months.

But this time, Liang Ji raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the new information sent by the security department.

There are new changes in the information sent this time. In addition to the suspected information about various evil cultivators, demonic cultivators, and evil gods in the past, in the information sent by the security department, for the first time, information about suspected monks from the 'Wanshen Temple' appeared. .

"Ten Thousand Temples!"

Liang Ji murmured in his mouth and frowned slightly.

Undoubtedly, compared to the evil cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demons Temple and the evil cultivators of the Ten Thousand Temples, who are obviously easy to distinguish, the monks of the Ten Thousand Temples are more difficult to distinguish and determine.

After all, the monks of the Ten Thousand Temples were all normal monks before they really set out to seize the stars by any means necessary. They did not have the obvious signs of the demonic aura of the demonic cultivators or the divine light of the evil god cultivators.

Before he took action, no one knew that he was a monk from the Ten Thousand Temples.

If you want to hide it, even the intelligence capabilities of the Star Alliance's "security department" will be difficult to accurately target.

"Yes, the Mangyuan Star is now an ownerless star, and it is a high-level star. Even the Mangyuan Lord has completed half of the road opening."

"For the monks of the Ten Thousand Temples, this is undoubtedly a more attractive existence than the Star Lord's natal star."

"So it's not surprising that it attracts monks from the Ten Thousand Temples."

"It's just that this makes the task of monitoring and guarding the Wild Star even more troublesome."

All kinds of thoughts passed through Liang Ji's mind.

Time passed and two months passed. In addition to completing daily tasks and becoming a monk, Liang Ji also entered the underworld every once in a while to observe the underworld and reincarnation of the Wild Star, and gained a lot.

Finally, on this day, after accumulating enough, Liang Ji opened the residence formation and restrictions, and entered seclusion again.

It's just that this time the retreat is no longer about leaving the body and entering the wilderness star underworld, but about leaving the body for a day trip and entering the natal stars.

Then, go straight under the Nine Earths, pass through the five layers of underworld that have been opened, and go straight into the sixth layer of underworld that has been cultivated.

The soul reached out and made a move, and the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda' flew to and landed on his hand. The pagoda buzzed, and the Xuanhuang light bloomed, creating a new world in the sixth layer of the underworld.

Afterwards, various soul seals were produced, various spiritual materials and treasures were refined, and a fragment of 'divine crystal' was sacrificed. The sixth level of the underworld, 'Youquan Underworld', was gradually opened.

The research and insights gained in the wilderness star underworld in the past few months have been used and integrated into the development of the "Youquan Underworld" by Liang Ji. It can be clearly seen that the newly opened "Youquan Underworld" is more The development and evolution of the previous five layers of the underworld were faster, more stable, and more perfect.

Many of the insights gained in the wilderness star underworld can be verified in this 'Youquan underworld', allowing Liang Ji to have a deeper understanding of the underworld and the way of reincarnation.

When he pulled up the island in the center of the newly opened "Youquan Underworld", built the "Youquan Hall", opened up the "Fengde Pond", and completed the opening of the Youquan Underworld, the Taoist fruits contained in the stars could be obtained again. Growth, reaching the third level of perfection.

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