The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 420 Principal of Kunlun Star Palace

After Venerable Mangyuan was transcended, he rejoined the Great Dao of Mangyuan Star and Heaven and Earth, not only to protect Mangyuan Star, but also because Venerable Mangyuan was on the verge of death.

It can be said that after he reunited with the Tao again, Venerable Mangyuan had actually "fallen". Even if he could maintain consciousness while reuniting with the Tao, he would also fall because of the end of his life.

Even if the Star Alliance succeeds in this derivation and plan and cultivates a new 'transcendant' in the Wild Star, it will only be a new existence born in the Wild Star, and no longer the Lord of the Wild Star.

Even so, the Star Alliance chose to confer the title of Lord Mang Yuan as the Emperor of Heaven this time, in order to allow the new 'Transcendant' Emperor who may be born later to accept everything from Lord Mang Yuan as much as possible. , even if the 'Mangyuan Lord' cannot be resurrected, a 'Mangyuan Lord Second' must be cast.

Moreover, based on Venerable Mangyuan's status and reputation in Mangyuan Star, conferring 'Venerable Mangyuan' as the Emperor of Heaven is also the most in line with the people's will, the most recognized by the monks, natives, and all living beings on Mangyuan Star, and is more conducive to the Star Alliance's enfeoffment The 'Shinto' takes root, develops and integrates into the great avenue of heaven and earth in the wilderness star, which is also more conducive to the cultivation of the 'Celestial Emperor'.

Therefore, among the discussions between the Star Alliance, the monks from the Wild Star, and the indigenous alien races, it was the best choice to make the ‘Venerable Wild Star’ the Emperor of Heaven.

At this time, the sun rises into the sky, and the time has come.

Liang Ji was in the wilderness city and looked up. Starlight and dots of stars appeared in the sky. A starry sky appeared in the sky. The stars appeared in the daytime, as if a star map shrouded it.

"Innate Spiritual Treasure, Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram!"

Liang Ji murmured.

In order to ensure the success of becoming a god in the wilderness star without any accidents, the Star Alliance has used a lot of force this time. Even the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" has been drawn here and shrouded in the wilderness star. in the sky.

This is not only to protect the Mangyuan Star, but also to provide assistance in the apotheosis of gods. It is also to include the Mangyuan Star into the "Celestial Star Array" after being anointed as a god, so that it can be called a star like the star's natal star. part of the diagram.

Likewise, this is also for the second half of the research and development of the path to earthly immortals, and to try to connect with the paths of star masters and heavenly immortals as much as possible to ensure the success of the path.

The star map was spread out, the sun was high in the sky, and the God Conferring Ceremony being held in various cities in the wilderness star, in the underworld, and even on the nine heavens had reached its peak at this time, and there were three spiritual lights: one white, one red, and one black. , shot from above the nine heavens of the wilderness star, below the nine earths, and above the star earth.

Three rays of starlight converged in the starry sky above the stars, forming a rainbow bridge connecting the wilderness star and the star map in the starry sky.

Between heaven and earth, at this time, there seems to be the sound of the great road and the sound of the rhyme of the road, like flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses emerging from the ground.

On the star map spread out in the starry sky, the stars lit up one by one, and countless starlights shone down, converging in the sky to form a giant starlight, holding a scroll in its hand.

The starlight giant held the scroll in his hand and stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge of Spiritual Light. Surrounded by the sounds of heaven and earth, smallpox, and golden lotus, he rode the rainbow bridge into the wilderness star and landed in front of the nine-story altar in the wilderness city in the center of the star.

Liang Ji listened to the sound of heaven and earth, and felt the active and surging avenue of heaven and earth in the wilderness star at this moment. He became more and more aware of the power of the stars and the power of the avenue, but his eyes were looking at the starlight giant holding the scroll in his hand.

This starlight giant is naturally the person arranged by the Star Alliance to "consecrate the gods" for the Wild Planet.

"According to the news I saw on the official website of the Star Palace before, this 'conferred god' person seems to be the principal of our Kunlun Star Palace!"

"The scroll he is holding in his hand should be the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'!"

Liang Ji's eyes flashed slightly, thinking deeply in his heart.

Among the nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance, the Kunlun Star Palace has been fighting against the super-order civilization of the outer domain, the 'Divine Realm' all the year round. Therefore, it is also the most thorough and powerful force in the study of 'divine crystals', Shinto, etc.

Just like the ‘World Tree’ of the Creation Star Palace and the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas’ of the Vientiane Star Palace, the Kunlun Star Palace also has its own specialties and treasures, which is the ‘God List’.

According to the information Liang Ji checked on the official website of Star Palace, the ‘Gods List’ of Kunlun Star Palace was built with the ‘divine crystals’ produced in the ‘God Realm’.

Moreover, the students of the Kunlun Star Palace who later want to "confer gods" among their natal stars will also need to collect a large number of "divine crystals" and create a "Gods Conferred List" according to the inheritance of the star palace, so as to divide and control the Shinto system in their natal stars.

It is precisely because Kunlun Star Palace is the best at ‘consecrating gods’, so in order to ensure that Mangyuan Star’s ‘consecrating gods’ is foolproof, the Star Alliance directly invited the principal of Kunlun Star Palace to ‘consecrate gods’.

It can be said that in the entire Star Alliance, there is no one more accomplished than the principal of Kunlun Star Palace in terms of ‘conferred gods’.

Speaking of which, although Liang Ji had been admitted to Kunlun Star Palace for several years, he had only seen the starlight projection of the principal of Star Palace a few times on the Star Palace official website and in courses.

This is the first time I have seen this starlight true form now, but I never expected that it is not in the Kunlun Star Palace, but on this wilderness star.

All kinds of thoughts went through Liang Ji's mind, and the starlight giant transformed by the principal of Kunlun Star Palace had already unfolded the "God List" in his hand to anoint the god.

"According to the order of the Star Alliance, I presented the spirit of the star map and enfeoffed the gods of the Wild Star..."

The principal of Kunlun Star Palace was reciting the contents of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods', with a Taoist rhyme in his voice, which was consistent with the sound of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Wild Star.

At this time, the sound of the Tao that surrounds the heaven and the earth, and the various phenomena such as smallpox and golden lotus that arise, become more active and rich under the divine sound that enshrines the gods.

At this moment, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth and the operation of laws of the Wild Star are becoming clearer and clearer. Whether it is the monks in the Wild Star, the indigenous aliens who understand the Great Way and practice, or outsiders such as Liang Ji who realize and verify what they gain, they are all gains. Quite abundant.

"The Underworld Qingsang is the Eastern Ghost Emperor, in charge of the fourth grade Purple Edict, and under the orders of the Emperor of Heaven to incarnate as the Underworld Emperor, he is in charge of the underworld, ghost gates, and ghost affairs in the Eastern region..."

"I ordered Red Hair in the Underworld to be the Ghost Emperor of the South, in charge of the fourth-grade Purple Edict, and to share the order of the Emperor of Heaven incarnate as the Emperor of the Underworld, to rule the south..."

As the principal of Kunlun Star Palace recited the title of God, streaks of purple divine light flew out from the 'God List', condensed in the air into 'Purple Edicts' representing fourth-grade gods, fell into the earth, and escaped straight away. Go under the Nine Lands and fly straight to the five ghost emperor cities in the underworld.

There are three types of gods enshrined in the ‘Bang of Conferred Gods’, namely: ghosts and gods in the underworld, earthly beings in the Yang world, and gods in the heavens.

At this time, the Kunlun Star Palace divided the gods among themselves, starting with the ghosts and gods of the underworld.

Liang Ji looked at the ghosts and gods "Zi Chi" flying down to the ground, and immediately opened the retreat formation and restrictions, and his soul left his body and traveled for the day, heading towards the underworld under the Nine Earths.

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