The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 422 All Saints Temple takes action

In the sky, the golden divine light of the third-grade golden edict shot down, sinking into the vortex of reincarnation, infecting the reincarnation.

During the confrontation between the vortex of reincarnation and this golden divine light, various changes also occurred. The vortex rotated faster, the scope of its coverage began to shrink, and the devouring power that erupted in the surroundings began to weaken. At this time, the vortex of reincarnation seemed to be a living creature. In general, they are fighting with all their strength against the infection and control of the golden imperial light.

Liang Ji's soul now stood in front of the vortex of reincarnation, watching the changes in the vortex of reincarnation in the confrontation with the divine light. Starlight was flowing in his eyes, and he was running a special pupil technique, as if he could see the depths of the vortex of reincarnation. It gradually unfolded under the influence of golden divine light.

The Great Way of Reincarnation created by the heaven and earth in the wilderness of stars and underworld was unfolding in front of him, which gave Liang Ji a deeper understanding and understanding of the Way and Laws of Reincarnation. He even gradually became more aware of how to cast reincarnation in the underworld of his own destiny. I have some ideas and directions.

At the same time, not only Liang Ji's soul, but also various out-of-body souls, ghosts, monks, and even indigenous alien races are coming all over the underworld at this moment to watch the changes in the vortex of reincarnation under the influence of the Golden Edict. .

Some of these people, like Liang Ji, are star master monks of the Star Alliance, and they also took this opportunity to come to observe and understand the creation of the underworld and the avenue of reincarnation.

There are also monks and even immortals from other Taoist traditions in the Star Alliance, especially ghosts and immortals. After all, for these people, being able to observe reincarnation in the underworld and the way to become a god in a seventh-level star is very important to them. The practice of spiritual practice is also very helpful, and it is even possible to find a subsequent path from it.

Of course, there are also monks and high-level indigenous people in the Wild Star. They also have their own practices in the Wild Star. They can even come into contact with the inheritance of the various Taoist traditions of the Star Alliance, practice and understand the laws of the Great Dao in the Wild Star.

And for these monks and natives of the Wild Star, it is undoubtedly of great benefit to be able to directly face, observe, and understand the various laws and avenues of the underworld, reincarnation, etc. in the Wild Star.

Although the Star Alliance is strong, it cannot prevent these people from entering the wilderness star and even the underworld to observe and understand the changes in the laws of the great road under the Conferred God.

However, the origins of the monks from all sides are complicated, and it is difficult to guarantee that there are no hidden people with ulterior motives who want to take advantage of the opportunity to become gods and seize the fruits.

The only thing the Star Alliance can do is to be more prepared and vigilant against these monks from all sides.

At this time, the Golden Order infected and controlled reincarnation. In the confrontation between these two, the avenue of reincarnation was fully manifested. However, according to the arrangement of the Star Alliance, only Star Alliance star masters like Liang Ji could enter the reincarnation. Close to the vortex, face and observe the changes in the whirlpool of reincarnation.

Star Lord monks have always been direct descendants of the Star Alliance and will not betray the Star Alliance.

The rest, whether they are monks from the various Taoist traditions of the Star Alliance or monks and natives from the Wilderness Star itself, cannot get close to the whirlpool of reincarnation and can only observe and feel the changes from a distance.

Of course, what the Star Alliance stipulates to the outside world is that monks and natives of other orthodox traditions are not protected by their natal stars. If they are too close to the vortex of reincarnation, it will be difficult to resist the swallowing of reincarnation, and they will be swallowed up by the reincarnation that changes violently and resists the golden edict. And thus died in it.

Even so, at this time, there are still more and more monks, ghosts, etc. around the whirlpool of reincarnation. After all, under such a deity, all the laws of the underworld and even the laws of the great road of reincarnation are stimulated and displayed. The situation can be said to be rare. Anyone who knows the news and has the ability to come will basically not want to miss it.

At the same time, in the Ghost Emperor City of the Five Directions and many ghost cities in the underworld, the previously enfeoffed Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions, Judges from all directions, Wuchang, Ghost Officials, etc. have also taken their positions at this time, each ascending the altar and leading the The ghosts, gods, ghost soldiers, ghost soldiers, etc. under his command bowed to the third-grade golden edict in the sky, and even chanted and shouted: Emperor of the Underworld!

"Underworld Emperor!"

"Underworld Emperor!"

"Respectfully invite the Emperor of Hades to return to his throne!"

The calls came out from the Five Directions Ghost Emperor City, from the entire underworld, from the mouths of countless ghosts, ghost soldiers, ghost officials, ghosts, gods, and even ghost emperors, turning into majestic and mighty power of faith, moving towards the third-grade gold in the air. The emperor gathered together and left.

With the help of the power of faith from the ghosts and ghosts in the underworld, the golden divine light blooming from the third-grade golden edict in the air expanded and rose again, and the golden light shining down became even brighter. Finally, it completely overwhelmed the vortex of reincarnation, and the bright golden light invaded everywhere in the reincarnation, forming a reincarnation. The projection flew out of the vortex of reincarnation and sank directly into the third-grade golden edict in the air.

This means that these third-grade golden edicts have finally been refined and controlled the reincarnation path of the underworld of Mangyuan Star. They have taken charge of the cycle of life and death of all sentient beings in Mangyuan Star, and have the foundation to become the Emperor of the Underworld.

"The Emperor of Hades returns to his throne!"

"I return to my position!"


"Haha... This position of Emperor of the Underworld should belong to our Ten Thousand Saints Temple!"

At this time, in the four directions of the whirlpool of reincarnation, among the many ghosts and monks who were observing and comprehending the underworld and the changes in reincarnation, there were loud roars, and several figures soared into the sky, directly throwing themselves into the air and blooming with divine light. , the third-grade golden edict of refining and refining reincarnation.

"Sure enough, someone is trying to get the emperor's decree from the underworld!"

When Liang Ji's soul saw this, not only was he not surprised at all, but he felt that it was indeed the case.

The third-grade golden edict is the end point of Shinto practice. After refining, it can become a third-grade god. It has great appeal to many monks who practice below the third grade.

What's more, this third-grade golden edict is different. It represents the position of the Underworld Emperor of the Mangyuan Star, a star without an owner. And this Underworld Emperor is the incarnation of the Emperor of the Mangyuan Star in this deification. If it can be refined, By transforming and controlling this third-grade golden edict, one can master the position of Emperor of the Underworld, and even go one step further to become the Emperor of Heaven on the Wilderness Star.

Based on the current situation of the Mangyuan Star and the Star Alliance's plan to promote another Transcendant on the Mangyuan Star, once he can become the Heavenly Emperor of the Mangyuan Star, there is at least a 50% certainty that he can become a new Transcendent and break the limit of the third level. It is possible to achieve the status of a first-class heavenly being!

This is undoubtedly a huge attraction for many immortals from all walks of life in the Star Alliance who are trapped in the third-level realm and have no way forward.

As far as Liang Ji knows, before this time of becoming a god, there were already many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance. Through various relationships, they wanted to get the consent of the Star Alliance's senior leaders and become the Wild Star Emperor, but they were suppressed by the Star Alliance senior leaders. Just refuse.

But now, since they are not clear about it, many people just started to rob it.

As long as the robbery is successful and he becomes the Emperor of the Underworld and even the Emperor of Heaven on the Wild Plains Star, so what if the top leaders of the Star Alliance disagree? Could it be possible to forcibly depose the Heavenly Emperor of Mangyuan Star?

That will only make the now promising Mang Yuan Xing fall into the abyss again.

"How brave, thieves of the Ten Thousand Temples, you are seeking death!"

At the same time, deep shouts sounded in the underworld, and stars shot into the sky.

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