The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 425 The second use of the power of the star map

The voice of the principal of Kunlun Star Palace reverberating between heaven and earth, has begun to entrust the gods in the world.

The matter of canonizing the gods in the underworld has been settled, but the war is still not over.

Those monks and immortals who wanted to seize the golden imperial edict, the demonic cultivators who wanted to imbue their bodies with demons, and the evil gods who wanted to destroy the gods, all changed their colors when they saw the golden edict representing the Emperor of the Underworld blending into the avenue of the underworld.

They looked up to the sky one after another, looking beyond the underworld to the world of the wilderness star.

Since the capture and destruction of the Underworld Emperor's Golden Order in the underworld have failed, they will naturally take up the throne of the gods in the underworld again, and finally the emperor of heaven in the heaven.

That is the hope that truly represents the transcendence of the Mangyuan Star Avenue, and the Hades Emperor is just an incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. Seizing the Golden Emperor of the Underworld is just to seize the throne of the Emperor of Heaven better and easier.

But now, since the capture of the Underworld Emperor's Golden Edict has failed, they naturally can only set their sights on the final Heavenly Emperor's Golden Edict.

At that moment, fairy light rose up, demon fire burned the sky, and divine light exploded. Immortals, demon souls, and evil gods burst out one after another, trying to break out of the underworld and rush into the wilderness star-yang realm.

"Zhoutian Star Formation, seal the town!"

"Star Lords, follow me to kill these evil cultivators and evil gods!"

However, at this time, among the many stars rising into the sky in the underworld, there were several figures rising into the sky. The power of the 'Celestial Star Array' projected in the sky suddenly bloomed with bright starlight, and starlight fell down, converging on these On the human body, these people suddenly seemed to turn into a body of condensed starlight, standing high under the starry sky, shouting loudly.

Obviously, the Star Alliance has been prepared for this. Even the underworld is a trap set by the Star Alliance. Using the third-grade Hades Emperor's Golden Order as bait, these "Ten Thousand Temples" and "Ten Thousand Demons Temple" with the intention of becoming gods , the evil cultivators of the 'Pantheon' were attracted, and then blocked, suppressed, and even beheaded in this underworld to prevent them from disturbing the gods in the underworld and even the heaven.

After all, the most important thing about this conferring of gods is the final conferred god, the Heavenly Emperor, who is not easy to be disturbed and attacked.

Now that most of the attackers can be suppressed and killed in the underworld, it will naturally greatly ease the pressure on the final emperor.

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, but his hand did not stop at all. He directly raised the projection of the 'Star Book' and at the same time formed a seal with his soul. The 'Star Book' projection immediately merged with his soul and became one, and the soul also rose into the sky.

In the sky, a bright starlight suddenly fell from the 'star map' that enveloped the underworld. It fell on Liang Ji's soul, and immediately gathered countless starlight, shaping a body of starlight outside his soul, just like a physical body.

However, this starlight body was formed by absorbing the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation", and the power, power of the avenue, etc. contained in it far exceeded his physical body.

"The second use of the power of the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Formation'!"

Liang Ji's soul controlled the starlight body, standing under the star map, silently feeling and operating the majestic and high-end power in the starlight body, and marveling in his heart.

This is the second use of the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' that he has mastered. The first one is to directly use the power of the star chart to attack and suppress. Now, he is using the power of the star chart to control the star chart. The strength to fight and kill.

The majestic star power and the mysterious avenue of stars made his soul and mind obsessed, and he couldn't help but throw himself into it, and this vast and mysterious avenue of stars.

At this time, the projection of the 'Star Book' that matched his soul manifested in his soul. A star in the 'Star Book' appeared, with a dragon soul entwining it, which was his natal star.

As soon as this natal star appeared, his soul was immediately restrained, preventing him from jumping directly into the vast and mysterious avenue of stars in the 'Star Map'.

There was even a dragon roar, awakening his soul.

"That's it!" Liang Ji's soul woke up, feeling the state of the natal star suppressing the soul, and he suddenly understood in his heart: "The power of this innate spiritual treasure star chart can only be withstood and used by the star master, without the natal star to suppress it If I rashly accept the power of this star map, I am afraid that I will be transformed into the avenue of stars."

"But now..." Liang Ji's soul controlled the starlight body, and he looked up at the sky of the underworld, with a smile on his face: "It feels really good to master the power and the avenue!"

A thought emerged in his mind, and his eyes fell on a figure in the air. It was a figure surrounded by the power of countless incense, as if smoke had gathered together. Among them was a golden imperial edict shining with divine light. It was obviously a person practicing the immortal Taoism. A deity who has reached the third level.

Naturally, they are also the evil cultivators of the ‘Ten Thousand Holy Temples’ who want to seize the throne of the Mangyuan Star Underworld Emperor and even the Heavenly Emperor.

Originally, Liang Ji was only at the seventh-grade soul refining stage, which was four steps away from the third-grade immortal realm. If they were to face each other, even if he was a star master, he would be easily crushed and killed by the opponent.

But now, feeling the majestic and mysterious power of the stars and the avenue of stars in the starlight body, Liang Ji had a feeling that he might not be able to fight with these third-level gods!

With thoughts in his mind, Liang Ji raised his hand without any hesitation, and countless starlight gathered in his hand, turning into a starlight spear, and waved it towards the third-level immortal who was surrounded by incense on the opposite side.

Starlight Spear!

This was a method used by Liang Ji subconsciously, because he had seen the 'Sun Golden Spear' used by the Sun God on the stars where humans were trapped in the Pantheon, and its power was still fresh in his memory. Now he has mastered the majestic, With the superb power of starlight, he couldn't help but subconsciously use this 'starlight spear'.

The spear crashed down like a meteor, teleporting as if traveling through space, and instantly bombarded the body of the third-level immortal surrounded by incense. Infinite starlight burst out, and the power of the supreme star avenue law swept out, immediately blasting the body of the immortal surrounded by incense. broken.

However, although the third-level immortal was severely injured, he was not killed directly. The essence of the immortal was not in his divine body, but in his divine decree.

In the midst of the explosion and impact of the immeasurable starlight and the supreme star law, the golden edict bloomed with majestic and mighty golden divine light, colliding hard with the starlight and the power of the star law.

Amidst the loud roar, a crack was blasted through the golden imperial edict, but it finally withstood the bombardment of the starlight spear.

The next moment, an ethereal space appeared and unfolded with the golden imperial edict as the center. Golden light was everywhere in it, incense was lingering, and golden-armored figures appeared in it and lined up to fight out!

Immortal Taoism, Incense God Realm and Incense Taoist Soldiers!

"Kill me!"

From the cracked golden edict came the cold, stern and solemn order of the third-level god.

Although these third-level immortals dared to seize the opportunity to become gods, they were already prepared to die, but the blow of the starlight spear almost killed them, which undoubtedly still made them frightened and angry.

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