The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 434 Xiaquan Underworld

The natal star, the holy land of Longshou Mountain, is on the sacred artifact ‘Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth’.

At this time, the thirty-three-story pagoda, with the growth of the star spiritual veins, origins, and Tao fruits, as well as the incense and faith sacrifices of dozens of generations of followers of each lineage, coupled with Liang Ji's true energy, soul power and other sacrifices, Now it has been upgraded to a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Liang Ji's soul climbed to the top of the tower and looked at the vast ocean to the east. He could see large ships sailing on the ocean. Teams of family members, led by the Chiki family members, traveled across the ocean and explored , develop islands in the sea, search and exploit resources such as spiritual water and spiritual objects in the sea.

In the offshore waters within thousands of miles of the land, many islands have been explored and developed. Cities have even been built on some islands. Familia from various lines have migrated there and have multiplied and developed in the island cities.

In the ocean, Liang Ji also discovered many fishing grounds, all of which were obviously equipped with formations and restrictions, enclosing a sea area where marine fish and sea beasts of various spiritual beast bloodlines were raised.

There is also a sea farm, which grows various sea spiritual plants and elixirs to provide for the needs of the dependents.

The third generation of Water Dynasty, the ocean exploration and development started under the leadership of Water Emperor and Chiki Familia, has obviously achieved initial results.

The entire family clan has obviously entered a period of great and prosperous development.

"very good!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but admire. The development of the stars and the prosperous development of the dependents are all conducive to the growth of the stars' Tao Fruit. Moreover, the better the development of the dependents, the more firm they will be in the incense belief and the power of belief in the Emperor and the Star Lord. , rich, and also of great benefit to the Star Master’s own practice.

At this moment, Liang Ji's soul was standing on the natal spiritual weapon pagoda, and he could feel the strong incense and faith gathered around him, and the power of faith, protecting his soul perfectly.

Even the golden light of the midday sun in the sky cannot cause too much loss to the strong incense, faith, and power of belief surrounding his soul, let alone affect the incense and power of belief that surround and protect him. 's soul.

Liang Ji couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "In this natal star, the soul's daily travel has completely no use in cultivation."

Sighing in his heart, Liang Ji withdrew his eyes from looking at the ocean. His soul jumped down from the high tower. Surrounded by the strong incense and the power of faith, he left his body for a day trip, went straight under the Nine Earths, and passed through the layers of the underworld.

Fengquan underworld, Yaquan underworld, Huangquan underworld, Hanquan underworld, Yinquan underworld, Youquan underworld!

Liang Ji's soul passed through the six layers of the underworld that had been opened in one year, and entered another layer of new underworld cultivated under the underworld.

There are sufficient spiritual stones and resources, there is no shortage of third-level demon elixirs, and his merits are sufficient. Over the past few years, Liang Ji has been refining the demon elixirs from his natal stars at the fastest speed and efficiency. The power of the demon elixirs increases the strength of his spiritual veins. The power of the demon soul nurtures the underworld.

In addition, during this period, there was another battle of division, war, and reunification of the dynasty. Although Liang Ji did not let the division and war last for too long, the number of family members who died in the war was still far higher than in peacetime. Therefore, the power of souls integrated into the underworld and the underworld has also increased significantly, which naturally speeds up the cultivation of the new underworld.

Up to now, the seventh layer of the underworld has been successfully cultivated. Liang Ji didn't waste much time. His soul escaped directly into this new underworld and reached out to summon the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda'.

Activate the pagoda, and black and yellow light bursts out from it. The black light opens the sky and the yellow light opens up the earth, supporting the heaven and earth of the seventh layer of the underworld.

For Liang Ji, this kind of creation of heaven and earth in the underworld is already familiar, but every time he "creates heaven and earth", it can give him more feelings and insights.

After all, the kind of process and understanding that splits the chaos and darkness, holds up the sky and the earth, and watches the laws of the great ways operating, and evolves all things in the underworld, is difficult to find in the outside world.

Moreover, with the increase in the number of 'creation of the world' and the growth of Liang Ji's soul-refining cultivation, the soul becomes more powerful, and what he can feel and comprehend in the process of 'creating the world' naturally becomes more detailed and abundant.

These insights will be fed back to Liang Ji together with the power of the underworld after the creation of the world, making his soul refining practice stronger and more advanced, and building a stronger foundation.

Put all kinds of spiritual materials and treasures into the newly opened underworld, and the soul marks on your hands are constantly changing and rotating. In the newly opened seventh level of the underworld, the sky is getting higher and higher, the earth is getting wider and wider, and all kinds of avenues of the underworld are , the rules were quickly evolved and perfected.

Previously in the wilderness star, Liang Ji repeatedly observed and comprehended the underworld created by heaven and earth. In the subsequent conferring of gods, many ghosts and gods returned to their places, making the power of various avenues and laws in the underworld of the wilderness star manifest, allowing Liang Ji to Lots of insights and gains.

Now, all these insights and research gained in the wilderness star underworld have been digested by Liang Ji and integrated into the seventh level of underworld that is being opened and evolved.

This makes the development and evolution process of the seventh-level underworld much faster and more effective than the previous six-level underworld.

The opening up of the Nine Springs Underworld and the Nine Layers of Underworld will always become faster and better with the improvement of experience, understanding, and cultivation.

Sacrificing a fragment of the 'divine crystal' and integrating it into the newly opened seventh layer of the underworld, the new underworld evolved rapidly. A spring of water evolved and formed in the center of this layer of underworld. A large number of springs evolved with the underworld. It was generated and spread, occupying more than half of the seventh layer of the underworld.

The seventh level of the underworld is the Quan Underworld under the Jiuquan Underworld!

The subsequent development and layout were similar to the previous six floors. Liang Ji pulled up an island in the center of Xiaquan and built a 'Xiaquan Hall', in which the Emperor of Hades was worshiped, and a 'Red Pond' was opened behind the hall.

Finally, on the side of the lower spring, formations were arranged, spiritual seeds and treasures were refined, and a 'Thunder Hell' was opened, where countless destructive thunders were born, destroyed, and bombarded. Thunder originally possesses the power of destruction and creation, but the thunder in this hell only destroys and does not create creation.

Once the sinful soul enters this 'Thunder Hell', it will be bombarded by countless destructive thunders and can only rely on its own strength to resist.

The construction of 'Thunder Hell' was completed, and on the other side of Xiaquan, some ghosts of the clan also came, either entering Xiaquan for reincarnation, or starting to build 'Xiaquan City' on the edge of Xiaquan.

Liang Ji's soul stood in the sky of the newly opened "Xiaquan Underworld", comprehending the evolution and operation of the laws of the newly opened underworld, feeling the feedback and integration of the power of Xiaquan Underworld, and feeling the growth of the origin of the stars and the Tao Fruit. .

The power of his soul gradually increased, and suddenly he felt as if he had broken through a limit and entered another world.

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