'Casting Reincarnation' was completed, and Liang Ji's soul stayed in the natal stars for several more years. He has been observing and sensing the changes after the Great Path of Reincarnation merged into the stars. He gained more understanding and understanding of the natal stars and the dependents, and practiced his own cultivation. The adjustment is also completed.

When everything settled, the surging and growing origin and power of laws in the natal stars had subsided, and the stars and dependents no longer produced new changes, Liang Ji also ended this retreat practice of 'casting reincarnation'.

But this time it is just a small retreat. For Liang Ji, now that the 'casting of reincarnation' has been completed, the next thing that needs to be done is the reincarnation of the 'union of soul and Tao'. That is the real 'big pass', or even 'Death barrier'.

Although he has tested it with the 'astrolabe', the created reincarnation is perfect, meeting the requirements of 'soul and Tao harmony' practice; moreover, he has already cultivated the pure Yang soul, and has cultivated various kinds of reincarnations that match the requirements of reincarnation. The soul seals, secret techniques, runes and other means are passed down.

It can be said that they are fully prepared, but the way of cultivation is never foolproof, let alone the most dangerous 'reincarnation'.

Even if he is reincarnated in his own natal star, even if he has made all preparations, there is no guarantee that he will encounter some sudden accident, which will cause his reincarnation and cultivation to fall short, or even directly threaten his life and body. The path of death disappears.

Therefore, although Liang Ji had completed the 'casting of reincarnation' and was fully prepared, he did not immediately start the reincarnation practice of 'union of soul and Tao'. He still had some things to arrange.

He first sent a message to Master Akadema, explaining that he had completed the process of 'casting reincarnation' and was about to start the practice of 'union of soul and path'.

However, after the message was sent, Instructor Akadama did not reply to him immediately.

Liang Ji didn't pay attention either. He knew very well that in recent years, Master Chiyu's third-level practice of refining the void was coming to an end, and he was not far away from even breaking through to the second-level Hedao level. However, at this time, Master Chiyu's energy and mind were at a loss. It is increasingly necessary to focus on one's own practice.

Kunlun Star Palace's "Jade Character Lineage" has not admitted any new students for nearly ten years. As far as Liang Ji knows, the Star Palace has prepared someone to take over the affairs of "Jade Character Lineage" to take over from Master Chiyu to ensure the follow-up. Enroll students and allow Master Akadema to devote all his efforts to the cultivation of the second-grade Hedao realm.

After all, for Star Master monks, the difficulty and danger of practicing in the second-level Hedao realm can even be said to be the most dangerous stage in the entire Star Master practice process. It is a stage of reincarnation practice that far exceeds the "unity of soul and Dao". .

Therefore, Liang Ji had already expected that Master Chiyu did not respond in time.

Next, he sent the message to Xinggong. Kunlun Star Palace, as one of the nine star palaces in the Star Alliance, naturally has some resources, treasures, etc. to help Star Master students' soul and Tao unity practice of reincarnation. Liang Ji sent the message to the Star Palace to express his gratitude to the Star Palace. Xing Gong applied for these resources and treasures to help him in his next practice of "unity of soul and Tao".

Xingong responded to his message quickly, but it would take some time for Xingong to verify his cultivation results and schedule and arrange the resources, treasures, etc. he applied for.

Therefore, it will still take some time before Liang Ji can carry out the reincarnation practice of 'union of soul and Tao'.

After Liang Ji cooperated with the Star Palace to verify his cultivation, he did not continue to stay in the Kunlun Star Palace, but chose to go back to the Serpentis Star where his family was.

Since he advanced to the third-level star master, the time and energy consumed in cultivating the third-level star master have been far more than that of the previous second-level star master, which took more than ten years.

During these more than ten years, Liang Ji spent most of his time either studying in the Kunlun Star Palace, hunting in the black holes of the Manggu Star Territory, or completing tasks for the "security department" everywhere. In more than ten years, Liang Ji went home even more times than Less than five times, most of the time I just contacted and communicated with my parents through StarNet.

Now, he is about to embark on the more dangerous reincarnation practice of 'Soul and Dao Harmony'. Even if he is 99% sure that he can safely complete the 'Soul and Dao Harmony' practice, there is still no guarantee that he will not encounter one ten thousandth chance. Accidents, even failure in practice, death of body and soul.

Therefore, Liang Ji chose to go home and reunite with his parents before practicing in seclusion.

This is also so that his next practice of 'unity of soul and Tao' can be carried out better. After all, the fetters of his parents' family ties, the regrets of being together less and being separated more over the years, and many other factors may seem very inconspicuous now, but it really comes to this. At the critical time of practicing 'Soul and Dao Harmony', it may become a huge trouble that leads to failure.

Before practicing reincarnation, Liang Ji must regulate all aspects of his mind, emotions, thoughts, spirit, etc., leaving no loopholes to exploit, so as to ensure the success of the 'unity of soul and Tao' as much as possible.

Penglai Star Territory, Serpentine Star.

Liang Ji returned after several years and found that nothing here had changed much.

Compared to the current turmoil and turbulence in the Manggu Star Territory, the Penglai Star Territory is calm and calm.

The Star Alliance is too vast. It controls thirty-three star fields. Each star field is a vast and vast starry sky. The Manggu Star Territory is located on the border of the Star Alliance. It is so far away from the Penglai Star Territory. The inner star field area is even more distant.

Therefore, the turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory did not even affect the Penglai Star Territory.

And next, the Manggu Star Territory will experience greater and more turmoil and chaos, and it will be difficult to cause much damage or impact on the entire Star Alliance. At most, it will disrupt a Manggu Star Territory.

This is also the confidence and power of the Star Alliance as a super-level civilization to control a sea of ​​stars.

Tian Snake Star, repairing Snake City, Liang Ji returned home on a flying car.

Although the general environment such as Penglai Star Territory and Serpentine Star has not changed much and is peaceful, for the small family of Liang Ji and his parents, there have been huge changes over the years.

From the time Liang Ji became the star master, this small family began to rise in class. After he was admitted to the Kunlun Star Palace, the family he came from began to take off.

Now, more than ten years later, his parents' cultivation, status, wealth, etc. are no longer what they used to be.

In terms of cultivation, both of them have now advanced to the seventh-level realm. Their father is a seventh-level Soul Refiner of the Human Immortal Taoist Order, and their mother is a seventh-level Qi Refiner Taoist Refiner Gang. Breakthroughs in cultivation have brought about increases in lifespan and strength. Now that they all have a life span of three hundred years, they have enough time and energy to continue practicing and making breakthroughs. Even with Liang Ji's help, they have hope of reaching the realm of third-level immortals.

As for status, breakthroughs in cultivation and strength, Liang Ji's influence, etc., over the past ten years, his parents have become important members of the House of Commons in Xiu She City, holding important positions in the city's government departments, far from being The original clerk.

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