The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 446 The Prelude to Unification

Liang Ji seized control of the Star Formation with a flip of his hand, and used the power of the formation to suppress the Pope and the Guardian Legion who attacked him.

At this time, he stood up in the air, overlooking the four directions, declaring his identity as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'.

This time, no one dared to speak out against him and accuse him of being an evil spirit. In the Holy Land, both the ordinary family members who came for pilgrimage, as well as the remaining patriarchs, priests, priests, and soldiers of the Guardian Corps, all knelt down and worshiped Liang Ji in the sky, shouting for the Emperor of Heaven. name.

Liang Ji used absolute strength and suppression to seize the rights of the Tiandi Sect.

He turned his eyes and looked at the ten-meridian peaks surrounding the Holy Land. On those peaks, there were still manifestations of various veins such as Chaofeng and Jiazui. Liang Ji seemed to be able to see the various veins behind them through these phenomena. The royal family, the people in power.

Liang Ji looked at those bloodline visions and raised his voice: "The oracle of the Emperor of Heaven has decreed that the dependents will be unified! The present metaphor orders all the dependents, royal families and those in power to lead all the dependents to come to the Holy Land to worship and surrender within three months!"

"Those who fail to comply with orders within the time limit will be punished!"

Liang Ji used the bloodline phenomena that appeared on the peaks of the Ten Meridians to issue orders to the royal families and powerful people of the Ten Meridians Family behind them.

Mastering the star formation, he has absolute advantage and power. Even if he does not have a single soldier under his command, Liang Ji still has absolute confidence to suppress the entire family clan.

Therefore, he directly declared war on the royal family and those in power of the Ten Meridians.

And Liang Ji's order seemed to have angered the royal family and the powerful people of the Shimai Family. On the surrounding Shimai Mountains, the manifested bloodline phenomena such as Chaofeng, Prisoner Niu, and Yaizhen surged and roared. It seemed that he was about to rush towards Liang Ji.

It was just that Liang Ji was in the air, raised his hand and shot out a few spiritual seals that landed on the Shimai Mountain Peak. Suddenly, the bloodline phenomena that appeared on the Shimai Mountain Peak reversed their direction and fell into their respective peaks.

The next moment, screams and exclamations came from those peaks, and there were more escaping lights and family figures rushing out from the captured peaks. They wanted to escape, but they were all killed by those rushing down. The bloodline anomaly stopped and suppressed the killing.

There is also a large formation on the top of these ten-vein peaks, connected to the Holy Land's large formation and the star formation, so Liang Ji can naturally seize and control them directly.

As for the clansmen on the top of the Shimai Mountains, they were all sent by the royal families and powerful people of the Shimai clan to cooperate with the Shimai clansmen to invade the Celestial Emperor Sect to seize power and control the Celestial Emperor Sect.

Liang Ji had already killed the leader of the Ten Meridians who had arranged to join the Celestial Emperor Sect. Now he would kill these clansmen on the peaks of the Ten Meridians. It would not only completely cut off the tentacles of the Ten Meridians' extension into the Celestial Emperor Sect, but also establish their authority. , to express their attitude and determination to the royal family and those in power of the Ten Meridians Families.

At this point, the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain was completely under Liang Ji's control. He no longer paid attention to the turmoil caused by the Shimai Family members outside because of his actions and orders, and focused more on taking over the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

This Celestial Emperor Sect is an important organization for him to control the spirits and souls of his dependents, and it is also an important assistant for him to later consecrate gods on the natal stars. Although it has now powerfully cut off the tentacles of the senior family members of each lineage reaching into the Celestial Emperor Sect.

However, after all these years, there are still many problems accumulated in the Tiandi Sect. Liang Ji must take this opportunity to rectify and clean up the Tiandi Sect, otherwise various problems will inevitably arise later.

Liang Ji held the scepter, code, and formation plate, fell from the air, walked into the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, sat on the throne belonging to the Pope, and began to summon the remaining patriarchs, priests, priests, and generals of the Guardian Corps in the Emperor of Heaven Sect. .

He began to clean up and rectify the Tiandi Sect, and reorganized the Guardian Corps.

After sorting out the Heavenly Emperor Sect personnel in the Holy Land, Liang Ji began to send groups of priests, Guardian Corps soldiers and other teams to various cities of the family members, recalling the "Celestial Emperor Sect" personnel stationed in various cities, and replaced them with The men he sent out were stationed in various places in the Celestial Emperor Sect.

These Heavenly Emperor Sect personnel stationed in various local cities are undoubtedly the areas most severely eroded and controlled by the various clans.

In fact, the Celestial Emperor Sect in some royal cities is directly controlled by the local royal family, and they obey the orders of the royal family more than the orders of the Celestial Emperor Sect of the Holy Land.

The personnel sent by Liang Ji to receive and take turns to serve the local Tiandi Sect were met with greater or lesser obstruction and resistance everywhere.

Naturally, temptations from those in power from various families are inevitable.

However, the priests and guardian corps teams sent out by Liang Ji have the rights and backup directly given by him. They can directly seize control of the Tiandi Temple and pagodas in various cities, and operate the local pagoda array to suppress Resistant personnel.

Liang Ji used this method to once again clearly demonstrate his strength and powerful methods to all family members.

After many confrontations and tests, Liang Ji used absolutely strong means to suppress and win, which also caused more and more turbulence and turmoil among the various clans.

Finally, under Liang Ji's many strong performances and his absolute control over the formations above the stars, the surging and shaking Ten Meridians family members gradually had a choice.

The first one to make the choice was the royal family and the powerful half-dragon family members in Dragon Soul City under the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain!

As the oldest city of the Familia, Dragon Soul City can even be said to be the origin of the Familia. It has always been controlled by the Half-Dragon Familia. The royal families and powerful people of the Half-Dragon Familia basically live in this Dragon Soul City.

The special status of Dragon Soul City and its proximity to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain have naturally brought many benefits and conveniences to the leaders of the half-dragon clan in the past.

But now, these have undoubtedly become the greatest pressure on the half-dragon family members.

After all, they were too close to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and Liang Ji.

It was so close that if Liang Ji controlled and operated the formation on the Longshou Mountain Holy Land, he could directly attack the half-dragon palace and those in power in Dragon Soul City.

The half-dragon royal family and those in power, after repeated trials and deductions, clearly found that it was impossible for them to resist Liang Ji's strong power.

Therefore, in just one month, the half-dragon royal family and powerful people in Dragon Soul City directly led the half-dragon army to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, bowed to Liang Ji, and surrendered.

Liang Ji was also a half-dragon. Although he was not from a royal family or a person in power, his half-dragon bloodline was undoubtedly an important reason why these half-dragon family members were willing to surrender directly.

The Familia clan has been in existence for tens of thousands of years and has gone through six dynasties so far. Except for the first generation of the Jin Dynasty, the royal families of the five subsequent dynasties were all born from other blood clans. The half-dragon bloodline has been the main body of the clan for tens of thousands of years. He has never grasped the right to unify the family members.

This has undoubtedly always been a sore point for the Half-Dragon Familia, which is the strongest, most numerous, and the main body of the Familia bloodline.

And now, finally, another 'Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor' was born into their half-dragon family, which naturally made many half-dragon family members cheer. Even the current powerful people in the half-dragon family are willing to make more choices because of this.

The joining of the half-dragon family members undoubtedly marked the beginning of Liang Ji's unification of the family members again.

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