The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 450 Depends on the message and the second purpose

Liang Ji used the power of nine levels of merit to bless his four legions without any need for him to take action. Each of the four legions formed a Dharma image and defeated the capital of the Feng Dynasty on the top of the mountain.

The last emperor of the Feng Dynasty, the Feng Emperor, had to sacrifice his life in order to ask Liang Ji to forgive the mocking Feng family.

At this time, Liang Ji looked at the last Feng Emperor who fell in the air and turned into a rain of blood. He also looked at the crumbling Feng Dynasty capital and the cracked mountains below the city.

He knew that as long as he gave the order and the half-dragon and four other Dharma elephants launched the sixth attack, they could collapse the ancestral land of the Feng Feng clan and the capital of the Feng Dynasty, together with the mountains below the city.

However, Liang Ji did not give the order in the end. Instead, he ordered the four legions of Half-Dragon and Prisoner Niu to withdraw, without destroying the capital and mountains.

Just as the last Feng Emperor said at the end, the Chaofeng Familia are also his people and his family. Now, he has killed the last Wind Emperor and defeated the joint battle formation of the Chaofeng Familia and the Chikis Familia. It is enough to express his attitude and establish his authority. Naturally, there is no need to kill them all.

On the cracked mountains, in the capital of the Feng Dynasty, the Chaofeng royal family, those in power, the Chaofeng legion, and the Chaofeng family members in the city saw the Feng Emperor fall, and the city was filled with the sound of sadness.

However, the remaining leaders of the Chaofeng clan also knew that this was not the time to cry. Seeing that Liang Ji's four legions retreated and did not continue to attack, the leaders in the city did not dare to continue to resist and immediately opened the city. The already broken city defense formation led the remaining royal family and legion soldiers out of the city one after another, bowing to Liang Ji as a sign of surrender!

On Liang Ji's side, he sent manpower to take over the city of Chaofeng, as well as the collapsed Chiki Familia legion in the sea.

They had been defeated by Liang Ji, so there was no problem in accepting them. Even just ten days after he occupied the capital of the Feng Dynasty, King Chiki from the Chiki Familia led the remaining Chiki Familia clan leaders and legion combat forces. If he comes to surrender directly, it means that the Chiki family members are surrendering to him.

At this point, Liang Ji has conquered the ten clans above the natal star, including Banlongren, Qiuniu, Pulao, Baxia, Chaofeng and Chiki, leaving only four clans: Suanni, Yasu, Biuan and Jiaotu. The Mai clan is still divided and independent.

But this time, Liang Ji did not continue to lead his troops to attack the royal city of the Four-line Familia. Instead, he sent men again with his orders to the Four-line Familia, ordering them to go to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain to surrender within two months.

After dealing with the Chaofeng and Chiki family members, Liang Ji directly led the army back to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

And he led the army to fight against Chaofeng, and the Chiki family members joined forces, and his four great elephants defeated the city five times and killed the last Feng Emperor. His achievements and even the images were gradually spread to the other four lineage family members.

Seeing Liang Ji's methods and the power of the Four Dharma Symbols under his blessing, the remaining four-line family members, royal families and those in power were immediately frightened. It was very clear that they could not be members of the 'Dragon Sect'. The opponent is difficult to resist even if they join forces.

After all, in the battle between the Dragon Sect and the Wind Emperor, he did not personally take action, nor did he send out the 'Guardian Legion'. He only sent out the four clans who had joined him to fight, and they had easily defeated the Chaofeng and Chikiss clansmen led by the Wind Emperor. .

But now, the Dragon Sect's subordinates have the Chaofeng and Chiki family members to join them again. If they go out again, they will be able to send out six "Dharma Xiangs" with nine levels of merit and get stronger as they fight, without their help. It will be enough to defeat them. The lower four-line family members were crushed directly and forcefully.

Therefore, this time, facing the surrender order sent by Liang Ji, the remaining four-line family members no longer dared to ignore it.

After Liang Ji led his army back to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, in less than a month, the four separate and independent royal families and leaders of the royal family, Yasu, Suanni, Biuan, and Jiaotu, had already led their legions and family members to come straight to surrender. , returned to Liang Ji's command.

At this point, above the natal stars, at the end of the sixth generation of the Feng Dynasty, the ten lines of the family members were divided and war-torn, and Liang Ji decided to pass it on!

It can be said that Liang Ji's process of unifying the clan was the easiest and fastest among the wars that followed the division and reunification of several generations of dynasties over tens of thousands of years, far surpassing the previous six generations of 'Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven'.

However, Liang Ji naturally didn't care about this. He was the 'Emperor of Heaven' who came in person, so how could he compare with those 'Emissaries of the Emperor of Heaven'.

Moreover, the reason why he chose "Determined by passing on the message" was also to unify the family members as soon as possible and gather the strength of the entire family members.

His reincarnation practice of 'unity of soul and Tao' is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to personally intervene and preside over many transformations and arrangements on the natal stars; instead of passing down 'oracles' to the dependents like in the past To implement it, there will always be some mistakes.

It can be said that Liang Ji sacrificed and cultivated the natal star from level 0 to level 3. In reality, it took decades, and the natal star had tens of millions of years, and the development of the family also took hundreds of thousands of years. He has always followed his instructions. Planning and instructions are managing and transforming the stars.

Building cities, cultivating mineral veins, planting spiritual plants, constructing roads and water conservancy, sorting out earth veins, connecting elemental spiritual veins, arranging star formations, spreading the faith of the Emperor of Heaven, etc., are all transforming and arranging the stars.

Although most of them were completed under the guidance of Liang Ji's "oracle", many of them were also completed spontaneously by the dependents, especially after the dependents advanced to the third level and condensed their souls to have a certain degree of creativity. There are even more spontaneous arrangements and renovations.

Creativity is a double-edged sword. Although it allows the family members to research and create better inheritance, combat methods, etc., it also makes Liang Ji's guidance and development as the 'Emperor of Heaven' more difficult and more prone to errors.

Previously, the leaders of various clans had eroded the ‘Celestial Emperor Sect’, attempted to seize religious power, and fought against the ‘Celestial Emperor’s Messenger’. This was undoubtedly one of the negative manifestations and backlash of the clan’s souls and creativity after they advanced to the third level.

Therefore, although Liang Ji's cultivation of natal stars and the development of his dependents are now booming, the overall situation is very good.

However, there are inevitably many discrepancies and errors in many of the details.

Liang Ji's reincarnation this time was not only to complete the practice of 'unity of soul and Tao', but also to take action personally. Before completing the training of low-level star masters and advancing to the intermediate-level star masters, he had to conduct a final inspection of his natal stars and the development of his dependents. Detailed and in-depth adjustments and transformations are required to complete the cultivation of low-level star masters in the most complete state possible and create the most complete and stable foundation.

What's more, since he completed the 'Forging Reincarnation', the lifespan of the dependents on the natal star has been greatly reduced. Even though his reincarnated half-dragon body has successfully awakened and advanced to the third level, he only has a lifespan of six hundred years. number.

Time was limited, so Liang Ji did not want to delay the war to gather the various families and reunify them. He directly used strong methods to kill the strongest Feng Emperor, and the rest of the family members would wait and see, which would be the best choice.

It can save Liang Ji a lot of time for perfect, in-depth and detailed adjustments to his natal stars and dependents.

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