The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 453 Unifying the Underworld

On top of the natal stars, Liang Ji's soul traveled out of his body for the first time from his reincarnated half-dragon body. This feeling was completely different from when he left his body and entered his natal stars when he was in his original body.

Comparing the two gave him a fruitful understanding of the natal stars and the cultivation during the soul refining period.

After his soul traveled to various places above the stars and observed various working places, it went straight under the Nine Earths and into the Nine Springs Underworld.

In the past, Liang Ji used the heroic souls of the family members that had been baptized in the pool of merit to be reincarnated into the family members as "Essentials of the Emperor of Heaven". He could only realize the unification of the family members on the stars and in the world of the sun. For matters in the underworld, these "Essentials of the Emperor of Heaven" could only wait for them. After dying at the end of life, the soul returns to the underworld, and only then can it become the lord of the underworld on the first level, presiding over and leading the affairs of the underworld.

But even so, the nine levels of the underworld are still independent of each other, not subordinate to each other, and do not interfere with each other. Even the masters of the underworld formed by these 'envoys of the emperor' are still difficult to control the 'hell' in this level of the underworld.

Liang Ji is naturally different. He is the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of the Stars. This time he practices the 'unity of soul and Tao' and reincarnates his soul into the stars of his destiny. What he has to do is not only unify the family members and transform the world of stars.

The underworld under the Nine Earths is also the goal of his unification and control. The nine-level underworld also needs some detailed and in-depth transformation according to his ideas and orders.

The first level of Jiuquan Underworld, Fengquan Underworld!

Liang Ji's soul descended into it, without being blocked or covered by the weak half-dragon body. His pure Yang soul, as well as the nine layers of merit and circular light surrounding his soul, fully bloomed in this underworld, like a golden sun. A nine-layer halo surrounded the Fengquan Underworld, and the light shone throughout the Fengquan Underworld. Golden light shone in from the bottom of Fengquan and the Daoshan Hell.

Such movement immediately shocked the entire Fengquan Underworld.

In Fengquan City, the Lord of the Underworld of Fengquan, the ‘Golden Emperor’, led his officials and soldiers to climb up to the Fengquan City Tower, looking at the ‘sun’ with golden light and nine-color halo blooming in the sky, his face darkened.

"It's the Tyrant Dragon Emperor!"

"He is not satisfied with unifying the clans and establishing the eighth generation Dragon Dynasty. Now he has entered the underworld. Does he still want to unify the underworld?"

The ‘Golden Emperor’ has a family soul under his command who serves as a ghost official and said in a deep voice.

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, although the Yang world and the underworld are separated from Yin and Yang and rarely connected, it does not mean that the two worlds have no contact or communication at all.

When the first generation of the Jin Dynasty collapsed, the last Jin Emperor contacted and borrowed the power of the previous Jin Emperors in the Fengquan underworld in an attempt to resist the attack of the Wood Emperor. , it is still possible to have a certain degree of contact.

Therefore, although the Golden Emperor and his officials and ghost generals are in the underworld of Fengquan, they can still know the current situation of the dependents in the Yang world through some channels. Naturally, they also know about the arrival of the new generation of the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', the Dragon Emperor, and even know that His name is a tyrant.

Clang! Groan...

At this time, a sword was unsheathed like a dragon's roar, and a sword light was seen rising into the sky from the "Knife Mountain Hell" on the other side of Fengquan, slashing straight towards the "sun" in the sky.

It was the Lord of the Hell of Daoshan who took the lead in launching an attack on Liang Ji's soul.


In the sky of Fengquan Underworld, Liang Ji's pure Yang soul looked down on the entire underworld like the sun. Facing the sword slashed from the 'Knife Mountain Hell', he snorted coldly and dropped his soul seal.

The majestic, pure Yang soul power suddenly swept up the Yin power in the Fengquan underworld, turning into a giant hand shining with black light and directly slapping the incoming sword light.

Ghost and Immortal Taoist Soul Refining Technique, Soul-covering Hand!

This is one of the secret techniques and inheritances that Liang Ji purchased from the official website of the Ghost Immortal Taoism's "Underworld" after cultivating the Pure Yang Soul. The purpose is to fight for the souls like this when they enter the underworld and unify the underworld. Used.

After all, among the natal stars, the underworld is different from the earth. Without the blood body, the power of many bloodline magical powers is greatly reduced, and most of them still need to rely on soul refining techniques.

The pure Yang soul that Liang Ji had successfully cultivated during his soul refining period, coupled with the soul refining techniques and secret techniques inheritance that had been developed to the extreme by the ghosts and immortals in the Star Alliance, were enough to overwhelm all the heroic spirits and ghosts in the Jiuquan underworld.

What's more, as the Emperor of Heaven and Star Lord, he can also control the formations in the nine-level underworld, so there is no problem in suppressing and unifying the nine-level underworld.

Amidst the roaring and shaking, the sword light slashed out of the 'Sword Mountain Hell' directly shattered and shattered under Liang Ji's 'Soul-Overturning Hand'. The slightly weakened Heaven-shading handprint continued to press towards the sky like the overthrow of the underworld. 'Knife Mountain Hell'.


In the Sword Mountain Hell, a deep roar sounded. The next moment, countless sword lights and sword energy soared into the sky from the Sword Mountain Hell. They gathered, selected and piled up, like a 'Sword Mountain' rising rapidly. , growing, directly colliding with the overturning handprint covering the sky.

Amidst the crashing sounds, the growing 'Knife Mountain' that rushed out of the 'Knife Mountain Hell' was crushed and destroyed step by step. The soul mark on Liang Ji's hand turned, and the power of the Pure Yang Soul and the Nine Souls emerged behind him. The color halo, and even the origin of the entire star, and the power of the Fengquan underworld, are constantly gathering to support and strengthen the spiritual technique 'Soul Covering Hand', forcefully blasting into the 'Knife Mountain Hell', and the entire Knife Mountain Hell, together with The Lord of Hell on Knife Mountain suppressed.

Both belong to the third level, and the pure Yang soul that Liang Ji cultivated as a star master, whether it is its own power or the power mobilized in this natal star and the Fengquan underworld, is far superior to the master of Daoshan Hell.

After suppressing the Daoshan Hell, Liang Ji turned his attention to the 'Fengquan City' on the other side of Fengquan, and to the 'Golden Emperor', the Lord of the Fengquan Underworld above the city!

This is the first generation of the Golden Emperor, and also the first generation of 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' sent by Liang Ji. His soul has been baptized by the power of the 'Jin De Pond' in the underworld of Fengquan. He has mastered the power of Jin De. He is also a hero in the history of the family members. The worship and belief of the family members.

He has been the Lord of the Fengquan Underworld for nearly 100,000 years. He controls the power of the Fengquan Underworld and has a large number of ghost soldiers following him. He can be said to be the strongest existence in the Jiuquan Underworld today.

On Fengquan City, the Lord of the Underworld of Fengquan, the Golden Emperor, seemed to feel Liang Ji's gaze. He did not rush to take action, but first bowed to Liang Ji's soul to show respect.

Having lived long enough, mastered enough power, and understood enough information, the Lord of Fengquan’s underworld, the ‘Golden Emperor’, seemed to have some guesses about the identity of the tyrant ‘Dragon Emperor’.

Moreover, as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', the tyrant 'Dragon Emperor' also deserves his respect.

After the salute, the Golden Emperor gave an order, and the formations in the entire Fengquan City were activated. Ghost soldier battle formations were activated inside and outside the city.

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