The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 457: Natural and Earthly Disasters, Ghosts and Evil Gods

The cult's 'Pantheon' temple of immortal weapons shattered in the starry sky, turning into a meteor shower and scattering across the starry sky.

Liang Ji didn't know how many Star Lords in this starry sky were worshiping their natal stars like him, and how many Star Lords' natal stars would be severely damaged or even destroyed by the meteor shower impact of the fragments of this 'temple'.

At this time, he was trying his best to deal with more than a dozen meteors falling into his natal star.

The dragon soul, the elemental dragon, the pagoda to control the mountains and rivers, the yin and yang formation, each of Liang Ji's protective means on the natal stars have now been activated, urging them to the extreme to meet the falling meteor.

However, the dragons were broken and the pagodas were shattered, causing backlash among the stars. Landslides, volcanic eruptions, storms, tsunamis and other natural disasters occurred. Many cities on all sides also suffered from destroyed pagodas, turmoil in the city, and cracks in the ground. The formation is broken.

The final manifestation of the Yin-Yang formation, the 'Yin-Yang Vortex', swallowed up the last few remaining meteors, but was destroyed in an instant. In a short time, not only the stars and the Yang world caused many backlashes, but also the underworld, the nine springs and the underworld suffered backlashes. The layers of the underworld trembled and swayed, and there were many visions of the earth cracking and the sky collapsing. Even the hells that suppressed sinful souls in each place were often damaged, and sinful souls escaped from the hells.

These escaped sinful souls not only caused chaos and attacks in all levels of the underworld, but also took advantage of the destruction of the 'Yin and Yang Formation', causing many loopholes in the connection between the Yin and Yang realms, and fled directly into the stars and the Yang world. The Yangjian Familia caused many attacks and destruction.

It is conceivable that after this incident, even if Liang Ji blocked the impact of the meteor shower and the invasion of foreign enemies, his own star had suffered heavy damage and had to be reorganized and restored afterwards.

However, Liang Ji couldn't care about this at this time. After many layers of interception and resistance, there was still one meteor that broke through the blockage of the Yin-Yang Formation and headed straight towards his natal star. Come.

If he was directly hit by this meteor, Liang Ji estimated that even if his natal star would not be directly destroyed, it would at least be knocked open with a few cracks and be on the verge of destruction.

At this time, many of the protective formations he had placed on the stars had been destroyed one by one.

There was no other way, a ruthless expression flashed across Liang Ji's face, he pinched a spiritual secret and hit it on the sacred artifact pagoda, and at the same time raised his hand to offer the 'Jade Seal'.

The natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' suddenly rose into the sky, bursting out with bright Xuanhuang light, facing the last meteor that rushed down.

At the same time, at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, Liang Ji had already ordered the various clan legions and guardian legions to gather together to form battle formations, and they started to move along with the 'Jade Seal' that Liang Ji had sacrificed.

With roars and roars, the visions of the ten-lineage clans such as the Half-Dragon, Chaofeng, Yasu, Suanni, Biuan, and Baxia manifested themselves in their respective battle formations, condensing the great supernatural powers of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' image.

Behind Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon 'Dragon King', the pure Yang soul appeared in phantom, waving his hands and spreading the nine-color light of merit towards the surrounding battle formations of the family members and the condensed 'Dharma Image', using the power of the nine-fold merit With the blessing, the power of the battle array of the Ten Meridians and the condensed power of the "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth" are pushed to the extreme.

Finally, under the unification and operation of the Guardian Corps under the control of Liang Ji, the power of the ten-line family members and the eleven elements were in conflict and reversed to evolve the power of destruction, coupled with the magic-breaking and soul-breaking power of the Xuanhuang Light, condensed It turned into a bright light of destruction and shot towards the last meteor rushing down in the sky.

boom! Click...

In the roaring explosion, there was a sound of shattering. Not only was the falling meteor shattered, but also Liang Ji's natal spiritual weapon, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower', was severely damaged in the violent impact, with cracks appearing on it. Almost destroyed on the spot.

In the Holy Land, the pure Yang soul vision that appeared behind Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon 'Dragon King' was instantly implicated and backlashed. After a period of distortion and turbulence, it had to retract into the reincarnated body.

At the same time, his natal stars, from the Yang world to the underworld, from the sky to the earth, from the dependents to all living beings, also suffered backlash, with many turmoils, severe injuries, and deaths and injuries.

After all, Liang Ji's natal spiritual weapon, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower', is not only closely connected to him and his soul, but also to his natal stars and his family.

The Nine Levels of the Underworld was opened by Liang Ji with this pagoda. There are evolutions of the Nine Levels of the Underworld in the pagoda. You can imagine the close connection between them.

Nowadays, the natal spiritual weapon and the sacred artifact pagoda have been severely damaged, which will naturally cause Liang Ji, as well as the natal stars and dependents to be implicated and suffer backlash.

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the battle formations and protective corps of various clans surrounding the Dragon Emperor of Liangji also suffered from the residual power and backlash of the meteor impact in an instant. The Dharma images condensed and manifested on the legions of each clan 'It collapsed directly, the legion's battle formation collapsed directly, and a large number of warriors from the family members were killed and injured on the spot.

It can be said that this time the "temple" in the starry sky collapsed and the impact of the meteor caused Liang Ji's natal star to suffer even a little aftermath, it had already destroyed his star and killed him on the spot.

"It seems that the situation in the Manggu Star Territory is becoming more and more turbulent and chaotic!"

"Before, it was just an undercurrent, but this time the 'temple' broke into the low-level star lord area. After this, I don't know how many low-level star lords' natal stars will be destroyed in this star field. In the meteor shower caused by the collapse of this 'temple'?"

Liang Ji's thoughts went through his mind one by one, and he became more and more worried about the situation in the Manggu Star Territory.

However, these thoughts only crossed his mind and were quickly suppressed by him.

Regardless of the situation in the Manggu Star Territory or the situation of the other low-level Star Lords in this Star Territory, he is now unable to interfere. On the contrary, it was his own natal star. Although he tried his best to stop the falling meteor shower, the crisis was not resolved yet.

Above the stars, natural disasters, earth disasters, ghost disasters, and heavy losses need to be suppressed and repaired; and, although the falling meteors were blocked, there were still many meteor fragments and even fragments of divine light scattered across his natal stars. among.

These meteor fragments and divine light fragments are no longer enough to have a big impact on his natal star, but the power of the evil god and the layout of the 'Pantheon' contained in them are now eroding, distorting, and destroying his natal star. , causing a lot of chaos.

Liang Ji must suppress and eliminate these evil gods and invading forces as soon as possible. Otherwise, under the continuous involvement, these eroding and distorted evil gods and pantheon arrangements will become stronger and stronger, which will only cause more serious damage to his natal stars that have already suffered heavy losses. destroy.

It is even possible that the natal star will be completely captured, distorted, and destroyed by the invading evil god's power.

Liang Ji didn't want to try his best to block the meteor shower, and the natal star he finally protected would fall to the final invasion of evil gods.

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