The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 472 The choice of fourth level

Liang Ji came out of seclusion and walked among the peaks of the Kunlun Star Palace. He could clearly feel that the Kunlun Star Palace at this time seemed much deserted compared to usual.

Although, the Kunlun Star Palace is not much lively as usual.

After all, the instructors and students of the Star Palace all have their own practices. They usually either fight or explore in the outside world, or they practice in various places within the Star Alliance.

But now it is even more deserted than usual. Liang Ji also knows the reason. When he was studying the astrology of "Immortal Stars" in the closed room, he also often paid attention to the news from the outside world, but he knew that now in the Manggu Star Territory The turmoil and changes attracted many Star Lords from the Star Alliance and even monks from other orthodox traditions.

Many Star Lord students in Kunlun Star Palace were also attracted away, which is why the Star Palace is now even more deserted.

From the main peak all the way back to the 'Yuzi Yiline' peak, Liang Ji went directly to the dojo of the Akadera Master on the top of the mountain.

Before he came out of seclusion, he had already contacted his mentor through the Star Directory. He knew that his mentor now had time to meet him, so he came here directly as soon as he came out of seclusion.

"Liang Ji, you came out of seclusion earlier than I expected!"

Seeing Liang Ji, Instructor Chiyu could see his situation at a glance and knew that he had completed the practice of 'Soul and Dao Union' and the star technique 'Star Immortality'. He couldn't help but nodded and said:

"Very good. If you can condense the seeds of the 'Immortal Star' star technique, you have already embarked on the road of condensing high-grade golden elixirs, and you have the foundation to go higher and further on the road to star master."

Liang Ji saluted his mentor and said, "This time it's a blessing in disguise."

As for the fact that his natal star suffered the disaster of Chiyu's invasion by the 'temple' and was almost destroyed by the evil god's invasion, Liang Ji had already contacted Master Chiyu and reported the matter after finishing the practice of 'Soul and Dao Harmony'.

He later applied for compensation from the Star Alliance, and with the help of his mentor, he was able to cross levels and receive the Moonlight Rain reward.

Instructor Akadama is very clear about these things.

"With the training and help of Moonlight Rain, the student was inspired and luckily mastered the 'Immortal Stars' star technique."

Listening to Liang Ji's words, Master Chiyu said with a smile: "External forces are always external causes, and the practice of astrology always depends on personal understanding and practice."

"However, even though you have mastered the 'Immortality of the Stars' star technique, as your mentor, I still want to solemnly remind you not to act haphazardly or not cherish your own life just because you have the 'Immortal Body'."

"You must know that every rebirth of the 'Stars of Immortality' comes with a price."

Liang Ji nodded. He already knew this, but his mentor's solemn instructions again undoubtedly made him pay more attention to it.

With that said, Liang Ji carefully discussed with his instructor the previous reincarnation practice of 'Soul and Dao Harmony', the battle with the invading evil gods, and the subsequent process and insights of the 'Star Immortality' star technique practice.

Although these are all over, we can learn from the past and know the future. At this time, we can discuss the gains, losses, and experiences in detail with our teachers based on our own real practice. We can also understand the shortcomings and mistakes in the past practice and find ways to make up for it; at the same time, we can also Listen to your instructor’s advice and make better choices for your future spiritual path.

"You have basically earned enough credits for third-level star master training through your internship in the Star Alliance's 'Security Department'."

"Originally, as a mentor, I need to arrange an assessment for you. Only after passing the assessment can I open the fourth-level inheritance to you and let you advance to the fourth-level star master."

"However, I will also go into seclusion to practice Hedao, and there will be no more time to delay. Moreover, your practice over the years has also made me very satisfied."

"This time I successfully cultivated the star technique of 'Immortality of the Stars' and condensed it into a 'seed', which also fulfilled my request."

"So, I decided to exempt you from the assessment of the third-level star master stage and directly give you permission to be promoted."

Instructor Chiyu looked at Liang Ji and said.

"Thank you, mentor."

Liang Ji immediately beamed with joy and bowed to Master Chiyu again.

Instructor Akama waved his hand and said: "These are all your own achievements."

"Moreover, there is some turmoil in the Star Alliance now, especially in the Manggu Star Territory, and you low-level Star Master Star Territories have been affected."

"It is expected that there will be greater turbulence in the future."

"It would be good for you to advance to the fourth level Star Master as soon as possible, improve your strength, and have more self-protection capabilities."

Liang Ji also nodded thoughtfully when he heard this.

The turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory, whether it is from Liang Ji's personal perspective, from the Kunlun Star Palace's perspective, or from the Star Alliance's 'security department' perspective, I am afraid he will inevitably make another trip to participate in the turmoil. and peace.

Therefore, Liang Ji also hopes to improve his cultivation and strength as soon as possible.

"So, at your fourth-level star master stage, which demon elixir from the Void Demon Clan do you want to choose?"

Finally, Master Chiyu asked Liang Ji.

Liang Ji's first three-level star master stages were all self-selected Void Demon Clan demon pills, and each stage was different. After cultivating according to his choice, Liang Ji's cultivation of his natal stars, the development of his dependents, his own cultivation, etc., were able to reach a level that would satisfy or even surprise Master Chiyu.

Therefore, Instructor Akama has long understood that he, the student, has already made arrangements for the selection of void demon pills at each stage, and there is no need for him, the instructor, to make decisions or provide advice.

What he can do is, after Liang Ji selects the target Void Demon Pill, he can give some advice and help in hunting the selected Void Demon Clan.

"Teacher, for the demon elixir needed to cultivate the fourth-level stars, I am going to choose the demon elixir for the fourth-level void mirage demon!"

Just as Master Chiyu expected, Liang Ji was well prepared for the choice of the fourth-level demon elixir.

"Void mirage!" Upon hearing this, the red jade instructor nodded, shook his head, and said: "This is not a void demon that is easy to hunt."

"Not only are they scarce in number, but what is even more troublesome is their attack from the Disaster of Mist..."

"Speaking of which, void mirages prefer the source of starlight that contains vitality, so they are usually rare in black holes in various star fields, but they are often encountered outside black holes and near the void with life stars."

As the tutor of Kunlun Star Palace, Instructor Chiyu is undoubtedly extremely rich in knowledge, experience, and experience. Even though the Void Mirage is rare, he quickly proposed the most suitable experience and plan for Liang Ji.

"Those void mirages like to use mist disasters to devour the life stars. You may be able to pay attention to the news about the life stars that have been attacked by the void monsters in the Star Alliance. You should be able to find some news about the void mirages."

"However, in the Star Alliance's internal star field, there are star masters stationed there, and the void is often cleaned by starship armies, so the number of void monsters attacking the living stars is even smaller."

"If you want to hunt enough Void Mirage demon elixirs, I'm afraid you still have to go to the star fields outside the Star Alliance to find them."

"It just so happens that after you advance to the fourth-level star master, you will have the astrological guarantee of 'the stars are immortal', and you will also have the basis to leave the scope of the Star Alliance and escape the protection of the star map. In the star palace, fourth-level star masters and above are also encouraged to be active Exploring outward.”

"Thank you, mentor." Liang Ji nodded and said, "I know how to choose."

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