The fourth-level void mirage has great spiritual intelligence. After discovering something was wrong, it changed its direction and awakened the other void mirages.

However, the other four void mirages, including a fifth-level void mirage, were all suppressed and sealed in another void by the large formation formed by the surrounding starships, and were not in this battlefield at all.

Therefore, this void mirage roared and roared, trying to wake up the other mirages and summon helpers, but it had no effect at all.

At the same time, it unfolded its shell again and sprayed out a large piece of golden light. However, it did not attack the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant', nor did it attack Liang Ji. Instead, it divided into multiple attacks and directly slashed into various places in the surrounding fog and natural disasters. The remaining warriors from the clan who were still lost in the illusion in the mist were killed.

Originally, this void mirage monster wanted these families to be immersed in the illusion and eventually kill each other, so that it could enhance the power of the mist natural disaster.

This is a common method used by the Void Mirage to release natural disasters of mist on the stars of life, which can not only swallow up the starlight energy full of vitality in the stars, but also kill many lives on the stars through illusions, swallowing the lives and souls in them, and continue Enhanced fog scourges.

But now, seeing the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant' saving and gathering more and more Familia warriors, the battle formation is getting stronger and stronger, and the Dharma Elephant is getting bigger and bigger, the Void Mirage has no choice but to choose to kill the remaining Familia warriors. Kill them all in advance to avoid further strengthening the enemy.

Roar! Rumble...

The Thunder Emperor also discovered the killing of the Void Mirage, but he could only thunder and roar, unable to stop it at all.

In the blink of an eye, in this foggy and natural disaster battlefield, only the Void Mirage and the Thunder Emperor and their reunited Familia Battle Formation Legion remained.

When Liang Ji's natal star went out to fight, the Familia legion soldiers led by the Thunder Emperor had more than three million, all third-level Familia warriors; but now, there are less than half left, but more than one million soldiers have reunited in Under the command of Emperor Lei.

It can be said that this battle to hunt the fourth-order void mirage monster has just begun. Before Liang Ji sacrificed his family members, they could not even launch an active attack on the void mirage monster. More than half of the warriors of the family members who went out were already dead or injured.

The hunting difficulty spans from the primary level to the intermediate level, and the terror of the power of natural disasters mastered by the fourth-level void demon clan is fully demonstrated at this time.


boom! Click! Rumble...

Seeing a large number of warriors being slaughtered, the angry Emperor Lei took the lead in launching his first active attack.

In the midst of a deep and angry roar, the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant' directly controlled the surrounding large thunder clouds and thunder, which quickly condensed and turned into a huge thunder spear. As the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant' raised its hand, it shot out, directly blasting. Towards the fourth level void mirage opposite.

The Biyuan clan’s bloodline magical power can drive away thunder and lightning!

However, the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant' used the thunder and lightning control at this time. With the blessing of the battle formation and the great magical power of 'Fa Tian Xiang Earth', the power of the thunder spears shot had even reached the fourth level of power.

The numerous foggy natural disasters were pierced and shattered by this thunder spear, and the corrosive and psychedelic power was also difficult to withstand.

The violent and powerful thunder spear directly bombarded the fourth-order void mirage with an unavoidable force.

The thunder spear shot directly on the shell protecting the mirage's body. It roared and exploded, but it failed to break the mirage's shell. The thunder spear exploded directly, turning into countless destructive thunders that enveloped the mirage, constantly bombing and attacking everywhere in the mirage, trying to blast through the shell, penetrate the shell, and attack the weak interior of the mirage.

However, the fourth-level void mirage can run rampant in the void of the star sea and even dare to swallow every living star. Naturally, it has its own methods and strength.

The foggy natural disasters swallow up the stars, and the golden light attacks and kills the enemies. At the same time, the shells and conch shells on their bodies are also their strongest defenses, allowing them to withstand all kinds of enemies and attacks they encounter in the void star sea. They are extremely strong and are no less powerful than the void mirage. Another trump card of Jinguang.

Seeing that the thunder spear and thunder could not break the shells on the mirage, the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant' roared and rushed directly to the fourth-order mirage.

He turned over his hand and offered a sacrifice to the 'Jade Seal'. This powerful spiritual weapon carries the national fate of the clan's past dynasties and the clan's unifying belief. It is the strongest spiritual weapon among Liang Ji's natal stars, except for Liang Ji's natal spiritual weapon.

At this time, the 'Jade Seal' was already shining with seven-color spiritual light. When Liang Ji's reincarnation of the 'Dragon Emperor' was refining the 'Jade Seal', he directly used the power of the nine-color merits to refine it into the origin of the 'Jade Seal'. The surface of the 'Jade Seal' increases the color of spiritual light, but it also enhances the potential and power of the 'Jade Seal' to the extreme.

boom! Click...

The 'Jade Seal' was sacrificed at this time, and it was strong in the wind, turning into a giant mountain shining with seven colors of light, surrounding a sea of ​​thunder, and blasting down with force.

hiss! Roar……

Faced with such an attack, the fourth-level mirage did not dare to directly resist with its shell. It roared and opened its shell, spraying out streams of golden light and slashing towards the 'Jade Seal' mountains and the sea of ​​thunder blasted from the air.

At the same time, the foggy natural disasters that filled the void in all directions seemed to be summoned at this time. They quickly rolled back and shrank, becoming smaller in scope, larger in concentration, and more powerful. The rolling fog even gathered into shape and transformed into various forms. The appearance of the mist monster eroded and charged towards the battle formation of the Familia Legion surrounding the Thunder Emperor.

The sounds of roaring collisions, explosions and roars echoed in this fierce battlefield.

The golden light ejected by the fourth-level mirage demon is still very powerful, cutting through the sea of ​​thunder surrounding the giant mountain transformed by the 'Jade Seal', and striking on the 'Jade Seal'.

At this time, in this 'Jade Seal', there is a faint light of nine colors of merit flowing inside. It is the backhand and power left in the 'Jade Seal' when Liang Ji reincarnated as the 'Dragon Emperor'. At this time, this 'Nine Colors' The power of merit constantly strengthens the 'Jade Seal', causing the seven-color spiritual light, the power of the five elements of wind and thunder, and the surrounding sea of ​​thunder that erupt on the 'Jade Seal' to quickly recover after being broken by the golden light, and continue to resist and consume the golden light. .

However, unlike when Liang Ji was reincarnated as the 'Dragon Emperor', he directly controlled the power of the Nine Colors of Merit. Now, every time the 'Yu Xi' uses the source of the power of the Nine Colors of Merit, he must endure a backlash and attack the golden light. The power is transferred out.

The one who suffered the backlash and the golden light attack was naturally the Thunder Emperor who controlled the 'Jade Seal'. Huge wounds were cut out on the body of the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Image', and the origin of thunder burst out from the wounds.

Even the Thunder Emperor could not fully withstand these attacks with the power of the 'Dharma Image', and had to transfer part of the attack power to his subordinates' battle formations, causing family members in the battle formations to suffer heavy losses or even be killed. .

Coupled with the attacks of many fog monsters that rolled back, shrank, and were slain by the surroundings, the warriors of the clan under the Thunder Emperor continued to suffer casualties and deaths during this battle and collision.

The heavy damage to the 'Dharma Image' and the constant casualties of the warriors of the clan caused the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Image' to continue to shrink and become smaller, gradually shrinking from the eight hundred feet in its heyday to seven hundred and fifty feet, seven hundred feet, six hundred feet, and six hundred feet. One hundred and eighty feet...

But the Thunder Emperor showed no intention of retreating or giving way, and still used all his strength to forcefully blast down the ‘Jade Seal’ he had raised.

boom! Click...

Finally, when the Thunder Emperor's clan warriors lost tens of thousands of casualties and the 'Dharma Image' shrank to about 600 feet, the 'Jade Seal' it raised transformed into mountains and surrounded the sea of ​​thunder, finally breaking through the attacks of golden light and directly bombarding them. On top of the mirage shell.

There was a cracking sound, and the hard shells on the fourth-level mirage were also blasted.

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