The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 499 Full Outbreak

Liang Ji sacrificed an array made of starlight and nailed it into the 'Star Divine Veins'. The starlight flow turned and eroded away in the divine veins, hoping to restore the twisted divine veins on the stars into star spiritual veins.

Although this is difficult and slow, it is undoubtedly a good start.

And as the branches and remaining veins of this star divine vein were pinned, they began to gradually go up and affect more and more main 'star spiritual veins'.

The first thing affected is the north and south sides of this chaotic swamp.

In the land of continuous volcanoes to the south, the fifth-level star masters who rushed there first were still fighting with the more powerful divine slaves and evil gods. The duration and size of the movements were far longer and larger than those on Liang Ji's side.

However, the winner has not yet been determined.

But at this time, with Liang Ji's successful 'Nail Divine Vein', it even directly affected the 'Star Divine Vein' under the continuous volcanoes to the south.

The so-called pulling one hair affects the whole body is nothing more than that!

Affected by this, the "Volcano God Realm" that was twisted by the evil god in the volcanic land in the south began to shake. The power of the volcanic eruption dropped greatly, and the flames that filled the world quickly weakened, and even eroded and twisted the "volcano" formed by the volcanic god's veins. The evil god's strength has also been weakened by several points.

And just this difference of a few points is enough to have a decisive impact on the stalemate battlefield.

In the air, the Star Lord's family and spaceship, which had been unable to capture this volcanic land, immediately broke through the volcanic evil god's domain and suppressed the evil god.

Even at this time, there is no need to search for the divine star veins. With the involvement of the divine divine veins of stars nailed by Liang Ji, the divine divine veins of stars in the volcanic land have been difficult to move and hide. The star master who attacked this place directly used the starlight array disk. , and quickly pinned this place's star divine veins.

The size and importance of the divine star veins located under the continuous volcanoes are naturally much larger and more important than those in the Chaotic Swamp.

In fact, the divine star veins under the volcano will be the upstream and main veins of the divine star veins under this chaotic swamp.

Although compared to the star divine veins of the entire Chishan Star, the star divine veins in this volcanic land are still only the remnants of the entire divine veins, but when they are nailed, the scope of influence is naturally wider, involving the star gods. There are naturally more pulses, which is naturally more beneficial to the overall battle on Chishan Planet today.

The star master monk who nailed the volcano's divine vein over there thanked Liang Ji with a smile on his face. After all, he was able to capture the divine vein of this volcanic land so quickly, and it was indeed thanks to Liang Ji's contribution.

However, the other party had no intention of sharing Liang Ji's achievements, resources, and trophies.

You know, not to mention the achievements that pinned this volcanic land, there are many resources and treasures in this volcanic land. Various spiritual fires, three types of spiritual gold veins, spiritual soil veins, etc. can be developed at will. Every bit is a big gain.

After all, the star spiritual veins pass through here. Under the nourishment and nourishment of the star spiritual veins, a lot of spiritual objects and resources can be cultivated in the earth and volcanoes.

And this is also one of the default benefits for the star master monks who participated in the Chishan Star Operation. As long as they conquer the territory, they can send their dependents to exploit the resources, spiritual objects, etc. there.

As long as the mining is not carried out by fishing in the river and the star spiritual veins are not destroyed, there will be no problem in how many spiritual objects and resources the star master monks can mine.

Liang Ji didn't care about this. He had opened the star gate again and recruited a large number of Pulao Familia, Qi Niu Familia, Jiaju Familia, Chikis Familia, etc. from the natal stars to explore and mine this chaotic swamp land. resources and spiritual objects.

Although this chaotic swamp area is not as large as the volcanic land to the south, and the spiritual veins are not as strong as those in the volcanic land, the spiritual objects and resources contained here are definitely not as good as the volcanic land.

But it was enough for Liang Ji's family members to search. Not to mention the rest, the Pulao family members collected some poison gas seeds and some poisonous insect seedlings, the Qi Niu family members collected some spiritual seeds unique to the swamp, and the Chiki family members collected some swamp spiritual water. Waiting is no problem.

Even with better luck, the Yajuan Familia and Baxia Familia might discover some veins of spiritual gold and spiritual earth from the underground of the swamp, which would be a big harvest.

After arranging the exploration and development of the chaotic swamp, Liang Ji's 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat team has left the swamp area and headed north, heading straight for the large frozen plateau to the north.

This frozen plateau is even more incompatible with the situation of the entire Chishan planet. However, after Liang Ji pinned the spiritual veins of the swamp land before, he clearly sensed that the frozen plateau land to the north was also affected by the spiritual veins. The influence of pulse involvement.

He immediately understood that there were also star spiritual veins passing through the underground of this even more mismatched icy plateau to the north.

At this time, no other star master monks have come here to explore the star spiritual veins, so Liang Ji will naturally not let go of this land so close to him.

The 'Jiaotu Flying Boat' controlled by the Jiaotu Family took the lead and flew up to the frozen plateau. A large piece of cold light shot down from the flying boat and sank into the frozen high dean, fighting for control of the ice power here.

There was a cracking sound, and large tracts of frozen land on the plateau suddenly shattered, and huge cracks spread all the way to the center of the plateau.

Finally, there was a roaring sound, and a large iceberg in the center of the plateau collapsed, revealing an ice city.

There are also a group of werewolf natives who have mastered the power of ice living in the ice city. They have also been distorted and deified by the star divine veins into god slaves. In the ice city, they worship the Chishan God Lord and an ice evil god.

However, the power of the evil god here is not even as good as the poisonous lizard evil god in the chaotic swamp land, and the strongest combat power is only level four.

Liang Ji didn't even need to take action. The flying boats of his family flew across the sky. The Jiaotu flying boat competed for the power of the ice. The Suanni flying boat sprayed out a large sea of ​​fire. This land of frozen plateau was completely suppressed, and the evil ice gods in it were killed.

As a result, Liang Ji once again harvested a fourth-level complete ice-attribute divine crystal, and his family members explored and mined various ice-attribute resources and spiritual objects from this ice plateau.

And Liang Ji's starlight projection body once again used a starlight formation disk to pin another section of spiritual veins, and the meritorious service started!

At this time, on the entire Chishan Star, the Star Lord Familia who had invaded the stars had conquered the city and occupied more than half of the territory. Intermediate Star Lords like Liang Ji were exploring everywhere, searching for the star spiritual veins and using arrays to pin the divine veins. , nearly half of the star divine veins have been pinned.

The battle on this Chishan planet is very good, and it has even begun to affect the battle of the Chishan God Lord.

Liang Ji was on the starship, overlooking the Chishan Star. He could even see that among the two divine lights that shrouded the Chishan Star, the divine light belonging to the 'Golden Imperial Order' had completely surpassed the red-gold evil light of the 'Divine Crystal'. It completely suppressed and completely gained the upper hand.

Suppressing the Chishan God Lord, cleaning up and rescuing the Chishan Star is just around the corner.

At this moment, Liang Ji suddenly felt something in his heart and raised his head to look into the void ahead. There were star projections rotating in his eyes, and the star technique of the 'Star Spirit Pupil' had been activated. Under his star pupils, the void in all directions Among them, a large amount of evil god's light is emerging in the void, rushing in all directions like a hurricane and a torrent!

"what happened?"

Liang Ji's expression changed slightly, and he turned to look at Captain Yang Yun. The other party seemed to have received some message at this time, and his face was very ugly. He couldn't help but ask: "Captain Yang, what happened?"

"In the Manggu Star Territory, dozens of immortal lands have undergone tremendous changes and become the Evil God Territory!"

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