The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 503: The Abandoned Lord of Chishan with the Power of the Divine Spirit

In the Chishan Star, the Liang Ji God descended on the Familia, and refined the Thunder Emperor into a clone, blessing all the Familia warriors with the power of nine levels of merit, and gathering the power of all the Familia battle formations and flying boat formations into one body.

Suddenly, the 'gods' manifested on the Thunder King's battleship continued to rise in size and power, and the thunderclouds surrounding them gradually turned into the power of various elements such as wind, thunder, water, fire, golden swords, ice, and snow, becoming more and more powerful. The stronger you get, you can control everything like the heavens and the earth, directly break through the limit of the fourth level, enter the fifth level, and continue to improve towards the peak of the fifth level.

Kunlun Star Palace's 'Sacred Mountain' series of flying boat templates itself has two sets of operating modes. One is to use the 'spirit' to run the flying boat, pushing the power of the flying boat to the extreme; the other is the other way around, using the power of the flying boat to bless it. Gods', allowing 'gods' to gain combat power that breaks through the limits.

Liang Ji's 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat series also incorporates the Kunlun Star Palace's 'Holy Mountain' series flying boat templates, so it naturally retains the essence of this. Moreover, because it is also integrated into the ‘Wanfa’ flying boat series of the Vientiane Star Palace, the ‘gods’ blessed by the flying boat can master more types of elemental attack power.

At this time, the 'gods' on the Thunder Emperor's battleship manifested themselves, using the power of wind, thunder, water, fire, mountains and trees, golden ice, etc. to blast away at the eroding and distorted light of the evil god all around.

This 'god' is controlled by the power of Liang Ji's mind and soul. As for the power and means he has mastered of the 'god', the most aid he has received so far is when he was reincarnated in the natal stars and practicing the 'unity of soul and Tao'. The underworld simulates the power of 'gods' that can be observed and comprehended after becoming a god.

Liang Ji's biggest gain from this is that he understands that the 'spirit' represents the power of order. At this time, he is also controlling the 'spirit' with all his strength, using the power of 'order' that he understands and understands, to operate the nine elements he controls. Either the five elements coexist with each other, or the four images coexist with each other, or the nine phases rotate on the wheel.

Under such operation, not only can the power of the nine elements controlled by the 'gods' be brought into full play, but the power of 'order' belonging to the gods is also the main force against the distortion, infection and deification of the evil gods. means!

This is also an important result derived from the ongoing battles, killings, and research between the Kunlun Star Palace and the gods of the ‘God Realm’.

The Conferred Gods were originally created with reference to the Path of the Evil God in the 'God Realm' and the Immortal Dao System of the Star Alliance. At the same time, they were created to combat the path of the Evil God in the 'God Realm'. Naturally, there is no shortage of means to fight against the Evil God.

Under the attack of the elemental power of these orders and the light of the gods, they successfully resisted the surging light of the evil god all around. At least no more 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat was shot down, and no more of his family members were killed by the evil god. The light is distorted and transformed into a divine slave.

After stabilizing his position, Liang Ji continued to mobilize the power of the 'gods', using all his strength to activate the elemental power of order and the light of the gods to attack the slaves of the evil gods who were counterattacking.

Among these divine slaves, there were even many members of Liang Ji's family who were twisted and deified by the light of the evil god. At this time, they could only fight against each other and kill each other.

But this time, the battle was not as smooth and powerful as the previous battle. The 'temple' opened in the sky of Chishan Star was still blooming with increasingly stronger light and terrifying power of the evil god, pushing Chishan Star towards a higher level. Twisted, deeper apotheosis advances.

Under this influence, not only the turbulent evil god's light in Chishan Star is still increasing, but also the distorted and deified god slaves are also constantly getting stronger, and their combat power has generally increased by one level.

This made Liang Ji feel more and more pressure even if the gods descended from him and activated the power of the 'gods', and he was fighting with all his strength. It was difficult for him to gain the upper hand, let alone sweep away the enemy. At this time, he could barely control himself. Save.

"With the power of these evil gods increasing so crazily, can Lord Chishan still control the Chishan Star Evil God Realm?"

Liang Ji felt that Chishan Star was already showing signs of losing control!

"Also, after this time is over, not only do we have to explore the outer lands, but we also have to complete our destiny as a god in the stars and underworld as soon as possible!"

"Without the help of the God List, it would be impossible for me to fully exert the power of the 'god' in my divine descending with only my own cultivation and perception of the power of 'order'."

"Furthermore, if I have the help of the God List, I can also mobilize all the 'gods' on the other flying boats, exert the power of the gods, and push the combat power to a new peak."

Liang Ji was using his 'spiritual' power with all his strength, fighting against the increasingly stronger light of the evil god and the slaves of the evil god around him. The thoughts in his heart were turning over, researching and perfecting the next path to the fourth-level star master.

"Now, we can only see what means the Star Alliance can use to break this situation!"

Liang Ji controlled the power of the 'spirit' to fight, and at the same time not only raised his head to look at the battles in other directions on the surrounding Chishan Star.

After all, he has just advanced to the fourth level of Star Master. Although he has entered the core level of combat power, he can still only play a side role in such a war and cannot play much role.

At this time, there are not as many battles in Chishan Star as there were before. It is conceivable that most of the large number of third-order Star Lord Families and even fourth-order Star Lord Families who have invaded Chishan Star have probably been submerged in the 'Temple' Under the impact and distortion of the evil god's light, this is also one of the main reasons why the number and combat power of various god slaves on Chishan Planet have increased again.

Among these attacking god slaves, more than half were distorted and deified by various Star Lord family members, and instead became the fighting power of evil gods.

However, the number of battles has decreased, but the movement has become greater.

There are more high-level star masters entering Chishan Star to fight and kill.

At this time, Liang Ji descended from the gods and controlled the Thunder Emperor's clone and spirit body. Looking up, he could even see several starlight giants in the void above the nine heavens of Chishan Star, fighting with the Chishan God Lord shrouded in red gold divine fire. The huge noise of the battle.

Each of the starlight giants is a star master of at least the seventh level. They have strong combat power and are not affected by the increasingly powerful light of the evil god in Chishan Star. They jointly attack Chishan God Lord and have begun to gain the upper hand and suppress Chishan again. God plays the main role.

There is no doubt that that is the place that truly determines the outcome of the battle on Chishan Star.

However, under the influence and support of the increasingly powerful evil god's light erupting from the 'temple' in the sky, Chishan God Lord's divine power and combat power are still increasing. Although he has been knocked down, he can still persist in fighting. It is difficult to distinguish for a moment. Win or lose.


At this moment, Liang Ji couldn't help but let out a sigh. He saw that the 'temple' opened in the sky was undergoing new changes. Around the 'temple', a large amount of evil god's light was condensing and manifesting, turning into a phantom. The real temple complex is connected to the 'temple' in the sky, making that 'temple' a part of the temple complex.

Immediately, an even more terrifying and brilliant evil god's light erupted from the illusory and real temple complex, swallowing up the entire Chishan Star, as well as the fighting Chishan God Lord and the Starlight Giant.


"No, it's the Temple of Gods!"

Liang Ji looked at the group of illusory and real temples, and then a thought came to his mind.

"No! You are treacherous..."

However, the desperate screams of the Chishan God Lord suddenly came from the sky.

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