The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 528 Everyone Shows Their Means

The fifth-level void mirage is more than a thousand feet tall. It is in the vast void and looks like a mountain. In addition, it has the tough defense of the conch shell, the killing move of golden light, the power of the mist natural disaster, etc.

Even though Liang Ji had never fought against the fifth-order void mirage monster, he could see how powerful the fifth-order void mirage was just from the fourth-order void mirage hunted by his family members.

However, against the five high-level ghosts and immortals of the third level, the fifth-level void mirage didn't even have time to react and was instantly killed on the spot!

The huge gap is both shocking and natural.

After all, the third level is already equivalent to the seventh level Void Monster Clan, which is two levels higher than the fifth level Void Mirage Monster. Moreover, there is a large step from the middle level to the high level. The difference in combat power can be imagined.



When the five spirits of ghosts and immortals grabbed the soul of the fifth-level mirage and escaped into the void, returning to the starship, Liang Ji and Peng Yue couldn't help but praise it.

Even Wu Shan and Chu Yue, who were both high-level immortals, were smiling and appreciative. They obviously admired Wu Ling's crisp and quick way of killing enemies.

The Five Spirits thanked a few people, and then offered a black flag. A black energy shot out from the flag, directly binding the demon soul of the fifth-level void mirage and collecting it into the black flag for refining.

Liang Ji and others didn't care about this. Ghost cultivators were experts at playing with souls, and they basically had some ghost weapons in their hands to refine souls and drive souls.

Although the black flags in the hands of the Five Ghosts and Immortals look terrifying, they are all refined from the demonic souls of void demonic beasts. This can still be seen, and it is also allowed and even encouraged by the Star Alliance.

What the Star Alliance prohibits is the ghost-cultivated human beings, or the souls of the indigenous alien races within the Star Alliance. If they are found, they will be designated as evil cultivators and criminals by the Star Alliance, and will be wanted and arrested by the entire Star Alliance.

And such ghost cultivators will often degenerate into demonic cultivators with no bottom line in the end, completely embarking on the path of evil cultivation.

"Next, it depends on my methods."

Without the fifth-level void mirage blocking the way, and the remaining void mirages were only fourth- and third-level, Liang Ji naturally felt no pressure and said with a smile.

At the moment, he mobilized the power of the golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness, circulated the power of the 'Tao Fruit' on the natal stars, and raised the 'Star Mirror'. A starlight shot from the 'Star Mirror' into the void in front of him, and he immediately used himself to The power opened a starlight portal, opening in the void in front of him and his natal star, connecting the two sides.

The next moment, one after another the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats took off from his natal star, passed through the starlight portal and flew into the void ahead, heading straight towards the remaining void mirages trapped in the void.

On the starship, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling did not leave. Instead, they continued to stay on the deck and looked at the battlefield in the void ahead, watching the battle of Liang Ji's family members hunting the void mirage.

The five of them formed an exploration team. Although they had known each other in detail before forming the team, they had even cooperated and fought with each other near the Iron Wall Galaxy using some trial battlefields delineated and sealed by the Third Expansion Army. For each other, They have a detailed understanding of their combat strength, combat methods, etc., so that they can finally form an exploration team with confidence.

However, the trial battle is just a trial after all, and it is still somewhat different from the actual combat situation in this void star sea, far away from the Star Alliance and the Expansion Army.

Therefore, now, for the first time in the void star sea in the outer domain, there is an actual battle. Whether it is the battle between ghosts, immortals and five spirits, or the battle between Liang Ji's family members, the members of the team want to watch it live, so that they can understand their respective situations. Have a deeper and clearer understanding of strength, team combat capabilities, etc.

These will undoubtedly be related to the team's subsequent exploration, development, fighting, mining of resources and other major events in the void star sea.

Liang Ji had no intention of being modest or hiding anything at this time. Although he only hunted three fourth-order void mirages and six third-order void mirages, he dispatched a total of forty 'Vientiane Mountain' spaceships.

Each fourth-order void mirage was besieged by ten spaceships, bringing all the combat power of the Ten Meridians into full play; the remaining ten 'Wanxiang Mountain' spaceships were besieging the six third-order void mirages. go.

Moreover, on every spaceship, Feng Chi's spirit is directly activated, fully unleashing the formation and restricted combat power on the spaceship.

The Bi'an Thunder God controls thunder, the Wind-Mocking God controls the wind, the Chi-kissing Water God controls water, the Suani Fire God controls fire, etc., with the blessing of the power of the gods, the power of the bloodline of the family members, and the restraining power of the flying boat formation, The thunder, flames, wind, and waves blasted by each flying boat are extremely powerful, engulfing and attacking the besieged Void Mirage.

The fourth-order void mirage surrounded by the flying boat unfolded its shells and spewed out countless mist to devour it in all directions. However, before the flying boat could get close to the siege, it was shattered by the various wind, thunder, water and fire bombardments controlled by the gods on the flying boat.

The conventional method of 'fog natural disaster' mastered by the fourth-level void mirage is obviously no longer able to pose a threat to the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat on which Liang Ji's family members are riding.

Only the golden light emitted from shells and conch shells can break through the bombardment of wind, thunder, water, fire and other elemental forces and attack the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat.

However, the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat is a flying boat that combines the two powers of the 'Holy Mountain' and 'Wanxiang'. It has both the attack of the Vientiane Elements and the suppressive defense of the Holy Mountain. The gods enshrined on the flying boat are the largest and strongest. , the tough 'Kamiyama'.

With the suppression of the gods, those golden lights attacking the flying boat were blocked by the divine light blooming from the gods and the flying boat's defense formation.

Although the divine light and defensive formations are often shaken by golden light attacks, there are few who can break through the divine light and flying boat defensive formations.

Perhaps, if these fourth-level void mirages attack for a longer time and attack with more golden light, they can break through the divine light defense of the gods and the protection of the flying boat's defense formation, causing certain damage to the flying boat.

However, there were too few fourth-level void mirages, and there were too many flying boats from the 'Wanxiang Mountain' that besieged them. The mirages opened their shells and only sprayed out a round of golden light, and only caused a little shock and ripples in the defensive formation of the flying boats. They sprayed out a second round of golden light attacks, and the wind, thunder, water, fire, ice mountains, etc. blasted by the ten flying boats had already bombarded these void mirages.

Their hard shells and conch shells were unable to withstand the successive attacks of ten flying boats. Lightning struck and burned, ice froze, and mountains suppressed them. After one round of attacks, the shells and conch shells of several fourth-order void mirage monsters were already ringing with sounds. There was a sound of shattering, and cracks burst and appeared.

Suffering this heavy blow, the fourth-level void mirage found it even more difficult to fight back. The golden light it sprayed out was much weaker. In the blink of an eye, it was submerged in the attack of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat. It was immediately killed on the spot, and its body of nearly a thousand feet was blasted. Broken in the void, the demon pill flew out from the broken corpse and tried to escape into the void, but was directly stopped and captured by the flying boat.

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