Among the Star Alliance, the Earthly Immortal Rebellion in the Manggu Star Region has only passed a few years ago. Although it caused a lot of losses and turmoil, the Star Alliance and the Immortals of various Taoist traditions have made great progress in opening up the path to the Earthly Immortal during this turmoil. Gained more understanding and deduction.

After all, with the lessons learned from the first batch of 'Earth Immortal' trailblazers such as Lord Mangyuan and Lord Red Flame, even if these first batch of 'Earth Immortal' trailblazers left behind experience of failure, the Star Alliance and subsequent Immortals of all Taoist lineages , we can also see more problems from these failed experiences and try to solve them, thereby deducing a better and more likely to succeed.

One of the key issues and experiences is that the "Venerable Mangyuan" left behind, the indigenous stars refined by the "Earth Immortal" are often not of a high level, resulting in the "Earth Immortal" among the Hedao even if they succeed in transcending in the end. However, the 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land' could not support the transcendent Earthly Immortal and went to destruction, causing the Earthly Immortal's breakthrough to fall short.

Just like the original Master Mangyuan, after finally transcending, he had to choose to join the Tao again in order to save the Mangyuan Star that was heading for destruction.

Therefore, after realizing this problem, the Star Alliance began to study various methods, hoping to promote the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' stars refined by the Earth Immortal like the Star Lord's natal stars, step by step, in order to improve To reach the ninth level of stars, it can support the earthly immortal to completely transcend and become a heavenly immortal.

Some are trying to 'conquer gods', some are trying to refine void demon beasts and elixirs, some are trying to refine elemental spirit crystals, some are trying to set up formations, some are trying to plant high-level spiritual plants, etc.

In the Star Alliance, whether it is the official government, various star palaces, or many third-level immortals who have no way forward, they are all doing research in this area. If the difficulty can be overcome, the path of the Earth Immortal will undoubtedly further converge with the path of the Star Lord, and even finally be completely integrated into the path of the Star Lord, becoming a solution to the problem that many third-level immortals in the Star Alliance have no way forward. Naturally, it has Huge benefits and merits.

It's a pity that this research has only been conducted for a short period of time, and I haven't heard of any significant gains yet.

But the Yuyang Star that Liang Ji and the others have captured now is a bit special. It reached the seventh level of star in its heyday, but now it has fallen to the fourth level. But there is no doubt that this Yuyang Star still has the potential and possibility to reach the seventh level star again.

Therefore, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling wanted to try to study the possibility and means of restoring this star from the fourth level to the seventh level.

If it can succeed, not only finding a way to advance to the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', it will at least be a direction that can be studied in depth. It will naturally be a great merit and benefit to the Star Alliance and themselves.

Therefore, in the past few months of occupying Yuyang Star, Liang Ji's attention has been on harvesting spiritual objects and resources above the stars. Peng Yue's attention is still on the 'chaotic vortex' in the void outside the galaxy, while Chu Yue and Wu Shan The three of them, Five Spirits, have been studying and comprehending the star spiritual veins and original power of Yuyang Star, trying to restore the levels of star spiritual veins and original power.

In the past few months, Chu Yue has activated the 'Altar of the Sun' formation several times, drawing the power of the twin stars from the galaxy, trying to refine the power of the stars into the spiritual veins and origin of the stars, in order to restore the stars. Equal order.

After all, the Star Alliance's research on promotion to star level has covered all aspects, and almost every conceivable method has been tried.

Although Chu Yue, Wu Shan, and Wu Ling are third-grade immortals, their status and resources in the Star Alliance are limited. Naturally, they cannot master better and more comprehensive research methods than those at the top of the Star Alliance government, Star Palace, etc. direction.

On the contrary, this time, the indigenous inheritance 'Sun Altar' formation obtained in the Yuyang Star made them look in a different direction, especially since they had previously used the 'Sun Altar' formation to attract the power of the twin stars to purify, Restoring the star spiritual veins allowed them to see the connection between the 'Sun Altar', the power of the stars, and the star spiritual veins.

Therefore, for several months, the three of them have been trying to start from the 'Altar of the Sun' formation, looking for possibilities and methods to borrow the power of stars to restore the level of the Yuyang Stars.

But now it seems that the three of them have not found the direction of success.

At this time, on the shores of Binhai City, where the sea and the land meet, the golden light beams shooting into the sky have converged, and a ray of light escapes from the ground at the junction of the sea and the land, revealing a figure, it is Immortal Chu Yue.

"Senior Chu."

Seeing that the other party had rarely escaped from the 'Altar of the Sun' deep in the spiritual veins of the stars, Liang Ji couldn't help but step forward to say hello.

"Liang Ji."

Chu Yue said hello in return, but it was obvious that her face was not very good and her attention was not here. She even held out a formation diagram in her hand, and while studying it, she murmured 'wrong'.

Obviously, another failed attempt to activate the 'Altar of the Sun' formation made her somewhat doubtful about the direction of her research.

"Liang Ji, you are busy first, and I will go check out the other 'Altars of the Sun'."

Chu Yue said as she prepared to fly away and go to the other 'Sun Altars' on Yuyang Star to check.

"Wait, Senior Chu." Liang Ji called out to the other party at this time.

Liang Jiming knew that the other party's thoughts were currently on the research of the 'Altar of the Sun' and the attempt to restore the star spiritual veins, but he still came forward to say hello at this time, which naturally had a purpose.

"Huh?" Chu Yue reacted after hearing this, turned her mind away from the array diagram, looked at Liang Ji and asked, "Liang Ji, what's the matter?"

Liang Ji nodded and said: "I have already led the team of ghost soldiers of the family to enter the underworld of the stars and occupy a foundational place."

"I discovered that there are many monsters born in the underworld of the Yuyang Star, and they have even asked for instructions to demonize the origin of the underworld and the laws of the great road."

"The underworld has even seen many signs of collapse because of this."

"I think this may have an impact on the origin of Yuyang Star, star spiritual veins, etc."

"Yes! The underworld..." After hearing Liang Ji's words, Chu Yue's eyes lit up, and she seemed to react, and said in a deep voice: "Why didn't I think of it? There is also the situation in the underworld that I didn't take into account."

As she said that, she looked at Liang Ji and said, "Liang Ji, are you saying that a monster has appeared in the underworld of Yuyang Star? It has even eroded and demonized the origin of the underworld?"


Liang Ji nodded.

"So that's it! It must be so!" Chu Yue seemed to be more and more sure of the problem, and said solemnly: "It must be those monsters in the underworld that erode and demonize the origin of the underworld, which is why we failed in several attempts!"

"No, we must clean out all these monsters that have transformed and destroyed the origin of the underworld of Yuyang Star."

"Well, it would be more appropriate to leave this to fellow Taoist Five Spirits."

Chu Yue said as she raised her hand and typed a message, which she had already sent to the ghosts, immortals and five spirits. Among the three immortals, the ghosts, immortals and five spirits are undoubtedly the most suitable to enter the underworld to fight and eliminate monsters.

Liang Ji had no objection when he saw this. With the help of ghosts, gods and five spirits, his ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers would undoubtedly be able to occupy the entire Yuyang Star underworld faster, which would also be good for him.

"Liang Ji, thank you for your reminder."

After the summons, Chu Yue looked at Liang Jidao.

"You're welcome, we are teammates." Liang Ji responded with a smile: "Besides, if you can achieve results early, you can also open the star spiritual veins as soon as possible. Peng Yue and I are still waiting to mine the star spiritual veins. Where are the spiritual stones and treasures?”

When Chu Yue heard this, she also showed a somewhat apologetic look, and said: "We have been occupying the star spiritual veins for our research. Don't worry, no matter whether it succeeds or not after this attempt, you can arrange for your dependents to enter the star spiritual veins to mine spiritual stones and resources. ”

Although Liang Ji looked happy when he heard this, he still said: "No need, no rush. Your research is more important."

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