The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 557 Sweeping the underworld and the reincarnation of Demon Ran

Bathing in the Yang Star, the underworld.

A little will-o'-the-wisp ignited in the air, and suddenly many monsters scattered in the underworld rushed out from all directions like moths to the flame, and pounced on the burning will-o'-the-wisp in the sky.

The large number of monsters and the overwhelming force of the demonic energy formed into a sky full of black clouds, covering the sky and covering the earth, drowning the five ghosts, immortals and the will-o'-the-wisps they ignited.

But the next moment, like a wildfire igniting a prairie fire, a black fire started burning from the middle area shrouded by the demonic cloud, and quickly spread and burned in all directions. Many monsters and the demonic energy sweeping the sky were ignited by this black fire, and the sky was filled with demonic clouds. Suddenly it turned into a sky full of flaming clouds, covering and burning in the sky of the underworld.

This is the will-o'-the-wisp ignited by the Five Spirits, Ghosts and Immortals. It attracts all the monsters entrenched in the underworld and becomes powerful instantly. With just a handful of flames, it ignites and burns all the monsters in the sky.

Those monsters roaring and howling in the black fire, no matter how much they struggle, no matter how much demonic energy surges around them, they are unable to extinguish the burning will-o'-the-wisps. On the contrary, the more they struggle and the more demonic energy surges around them, the more intense the will-o'-wisps burn. .

The monsters were burned to ashes, the essence of the demonic energy was swallowed up by the burning will-o'-the-wisps, and the ashes fell from the sky like black snow and sprinkled on the land of the underworld.

The third-grade ghost immortals can deal with these monsters that are no higher than the sixth grade. Even if they cannot fully exert their combat power above the sixth grade, they are still enough to crush and kill these monsters instantly.

"Although these branches of Taoism are not as direct as the Star Lord Taoism that leads directly to the realm of heavenly immortals, those who can practice to the third level of high level certainly have their own magic."

"The devil's path is the degeneration of the ghost's path, and the ghost's path and the devil's path are indeed restrained from each other!"

Liang Ji's consciousness descended to the underworld with the starlight projection. He couldn't help but marvel in his heart when he saw the five spirits, ghosts and immortals killing all directions in the sky and crushing numerous monsters.

"However, this is also convenient for me."

Liang Ji thought in his mind and saw that all the monsters entrenched in this layer of the underworld were burned by the will-o'-wisps in the sky, and even the devil's energy growing in the heaven and earth were burned away by the will-o'-wisps. At that moment, he opened the starlight portal again, and from the natal star Jiuquan underworld Summon more ghosts, gods, and ghost soldiers led by ghost officials.

Under the command of the oracle, the sixth-grade impermanent ghosts and gods commanded, and the seventh-grade ghost officials led the teams. They led teams of ghost soldiers to the first level of the underworld of Yuyang Star, occupying various ghost cities, Yin vein nodes, resource centers, etc. .

These ghosts, gods and ghost officials led the ghost soldiers to occupy these key places. They not only exploited the underworld resources and spiritual objects in these ghost cities, nodes and other places, but also built buildings in these key places according to Liang Ji's oracle. 'Fengshentai'.

These 'Fengshen Platforms' were originally used to cooperate with the 'Fengshen Bang' to consecrate ghosts and gods. At this time, the 'Fengshen Platform' was built in the underworld of Yuyangxing to help project and integrate the 'Fengshen Bang' into the world and origin of the underworld. The projection refines the origin of the underworld more quickly and integrates it into the heaven and earth.

Liang Ji could clearly sense that the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' integrated into the world of the underworld was completely solidified at this time, and the power of the 'Feng Shen Bang' had eroded and distorted the original power of the underworld, controlling the power of the avenues and laws of the underworld.

When ghosts, gods, and ghost officials lead teams of ghost soldiers to fight against the native ghosts of the underworld, the power of laws and divine light that can be commanded and controlled is getting stronger and stronger, and the combat power is naturally getting stronger and stronger, completely suppressing them. Native ghosts of the underworld.

In this way, there were five spirits and ghosts burning all the monsters, and there were ghosts and gods from the Liangji clan below who led the ghost soldiers to sweep away the indigenous ghosts. In just ten days, the two of them had swept through the entire first layer of the underworld and wiped out the first layer. Take it down completely.

Afterwards, the five spirits, ghosts and immortals did not stop, collected all the will-o'-the-wisps in the sky, and directly entered the second level of the underworld below.

Liang Ji left some ghosts and gods to lead the ghost soldiers to clean up the battlefield on the first level of the underworld. He also led more ghosts, gods, ghost officials and ghost soldiers to attack the second level of the underworld.

The second level of the underworld in Yuyang Star is much smaller than the first level of the underworld above. Liang Ji observed and studied the origin of the underworld through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang', and he can see that the birth time of this second level of the underworld is much longer than that of the first level of the underworld. It takes a lot of nights.

"Perhaps the birth of these two layers of underworld is not only related to the twin stars, but also to the order of stars?"

"If that's the case, when the Yuyang Star is at its seventh level, is there really only two levels of the underworld?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of more.

"If this is the case, the situation in the underworld may really be related to the recovery of the stars."

"Perhaps, after this battle, seniors Chu Yue and Wu Shan may really find a way to restore the stars."

Although the second level of the underworld is smaller than the first level of underworld, the energy of the yin energy is higher, so that the number of monsters and ghosts living in it is smaller than that of the first level, but the combat power is stronger.

However, with the comprehensive crushing of the Five Spirits, Ghosts and Immortals, and the support of the projection of the ‘Feng Shen Bang’ to capture more and more of the underworld’s origins and laws, the sweep was not much slower than the first level.

It still only took a dozen days, but the five spirits, ghosts and immortals had burned and crushed all the monsters entrenched in the second underworld.

The team of ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers sent by Liang Ji have also occupied nearly half of the second floor.

At this time, the two of them reached the center of the second level of the underworld, which was where the Yuyang Star reincarnated.

Liang Ji still came to the underworld as a starlight projection. Looking at the reincarnation below, he could clearly see the reincarnation vortex that was originally divided into yin and yang and black and white. At this time, the black part of the vortex had swelled and had swallowed up the white. Most of the vortex part almost turns the entire samsara vortex into black.

And in this black vortex, there is even more majestic and rich demonic energy, which has obviously been eroded and stained by the power of demons.

The Five Spirits and Ghost Immortals flew over the demon-ran reincarnation, a light flashed in their eyes, and then he flicked his fingers and threw the burning will-o'-the-wisp in his hand into the demon-ran reincarnation.

The dark will-o'-the-wisp immediately ignited the demonic energy in the reincarnation, igniting most of the reincarnation.


The next moment, the sound of demonic roars came from the reincarnation, the demonic energy rioted, the reincarnation shook, the entire second level of the underworld seemed to be in turmoil, and the underworld began to experience various destructive phenomena such as sky collapse, earth cracking, and yin energy riots. elephant.

Through the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' integrated into the underworld, Liang Ji clearly sensed that the origin of the underworld was vibrating in the distance, like a tsunami.

The source of this turmoil and tsunami is the central area of ​​the underworld. At this time, a large amount of demonic energy is erupting from it, but it has already completely contaminated and distorted the underworld in the central area.


Seeing this, Liang Ji immediately used the power of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to suppress the turbulent original power of the underworld and prevent the eruption of demonic energy from continuing to erode and contaminate the surroundings.

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