The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 569: Public sacrifice to the family members who died in battle, and the imperial edict to th

Liang Ji’s natal star is the holy land of Longshou Mountain.

The Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect is now from the Jiaotu family. He summoned the Celestial Emperor Sect's patriarchs, priests, and priests to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony in front of the Longshou Mountain Holy Land.

In front of the ceremony venue were dilapidated flying boats, with the corpses of the family members displayed on the flying boats.

On top of the leading flying boat, there is a sculpture of a beast, and the corpses of the fourth generation Thunder Emperors are displayed on it, solemnly and heavily.

The Star Alliance's Third Expansion Army came to help, and the battle in the Shuangyang Galaxy was basically over. Liang Ji's family members cleaned up the battlefield and transported the flying boats that were damaged in the battle, the fallen family members, including the bodies of the fourth generation Thunder Emperor who died in the battle, back to their natal stars. among.

Now, under the auspices of the Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect, a public memorial and farewell ceremony are held for these dependents who died heroically in battle.

"... Those who die fighting for the Emperor of Heaven will surely enter the underworld created by the Emperor of Heaven for eternal life..."

"...Those who have made meritorious deeds will be crowned gods..."

The Pope of the Emperor of Heaven recited the holy scriptures and began to pray for these fallen heroes.

When the sacrificial ceremony reached its climax, Pope Jiaotu raised his law code and scepter, bowed in the direction of the cemetery to the north, and raised his voice:

"Respectfully invite ghosts and gods to open the gate of hell and lead all the heroic spirits back to the underworld!"

The northern foothills of Longshou Mountain have been the cemetery chosen by the clan since their birth. From Xi, the religious leader at the beginning, to the warriors of the clan who are now warriors of the Emperor of Heaven, they were all buried there after sacrificial ceremonies and blessings from the Emperor of Heaven. here.

It has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.

And because Liang Ji's natal stars have been refining demon pills to upgrade the stars, and refining various spiritual species to develop stars, the size of the stars has been expanding through promotion and development, so the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain has also become It turns out that as the cemetery gets bigger and higher, the Beilu Cemetery naturally becomes larger and larger, enough to bury the heroes of the family members of the past generations.

At this time, as the Pope bowed in obeisance, the priests, priests, and believers of various dependent tribes who participated in the sacrificial ceremony also bowed to the north.

The next moment, wind and clouds gathered in the northern sky, dark clouds covered the sky and the sun, and a ghost gate that seemed to be illusory and real opened in the sky.

The ghost gate opens, and the ghosts and gods of impermanence lead the ghost officials out of the ghost gate and come to the sacrificial ceremony. They enjoy the sacrifices and incense offered in the sacrifice, and then sprinkle the ghosts and gods with rays of light, falling on those who died in the battle. On top of the corpses of the family members.

Enveloped by divine light, the heroic spirits of the family members who died in battle stood up from the corpses. Under the baptism of divine light, the blood stains on their souls caused by their death in battle were washed away, and the damage caused by the mutilation of the corpses was restored. , even blooming with divine light one by one, not like ghosts, but like gods.

Under the shroud of divine light, these heroic spirits of the dependents regained their sanity, and under the leadership of the fourth generation of Thunder Emperors, they went to the Temple of Heavenly Emperor, offered sacrifices to the Pope and others, and said goodbye to the officials, soldiers and believers of all the dependent tribes who came to see them off.

Then, under the guidance of ghosts, gods and ghost officials, these heroic spirits of the family members lined up to enter the ghost gate, stepping on the divine light and surrounded by auspicious clouds.

It doesn't look like he has died and entered the world of the dead, but it seems like he has ascended to the Kingdom of God for eternal life under the guidance of the gods.

Officials, soldiers, and ordinary believers from all walks of life who participated in the sacrificial ceremony looked at the opening of the gate of hell, the arrival of ghosts and gods, and the 'ascension' led by ghosts and gods. Their faces became more pious, and their belief in the Emperor of Heaven became more and more fanatical.

Even after all the heroic spirits of the clansmen who died in the battle entered the ghost gate and entered the Jiuquan underworld, many of the clansman believers who participated in the public sacrifice ceremony in the Longshou Mountain Holy Land started cheering.

Heroic spirits are led by ghosts and gods and enter the underworld opened by the Emperor of Heaven to gain eternal life. This is naturally not a sad thing, but something that should be cheered and celebrated.

At the same time, after passing through the gate of hell, a group of heroic spirits of the war dependents were divided into various realms of the Jiuquan underworld according to their bloodline, achievements, beliefs, merits and demerits, good and evil, etc.

There seems to be only one ghost gate that appears above Longshou Mountain Cemetery, but it corresponds to the Jiuquan Underworld, but there is a ghost gate that opens in each layer of the underworld.

At this time, in the seventh layer of the underworld of Xiaquan, the gate of hell opened, and the heroic spirits of the fourth generation of Thunder Emperors crossed the gate of hell and entered it.

Liang Ji's soul came out of his body and entered the underworld. He stretched out his hand towards the sky and made a move. The 'Fengshen Bang·Ghost Edition' contained in the source of the stars immediately flew out from the underworld and landed in his hand. .

He unfolded the list of gods and issued the decree:

"The Four Thunder Emperors led the legions of their families, opened up territory for the Emperor of Heaven, resisted the Void Demon Clan, and died in the battlefield in the outer realm. Their merits are complete!"

"Today, in the name of the Emperor of Heaven, I enthrone the Fourth Generation Thunder Emperor to the position of the Sixth Grade Chichi Impermanence Ghost and God. He wields the power of thunder and hell, controls the punishment of ghosts and gods in the Quan Netherworld, and supervises the Quan Netherworld!"

After Liang Ji issued the order, the divine light in the ghost and god's "God List" in his hand condensed into a red divine edict and flew down, falling directly into the heroic spirits of the fourth generation of Thunder Emperors below.

Immediately, a red divine light enveloped his body, condensing into a red divine armor on his body, a red divine crown on top, and a divine weapon entwined with red thunder in his hand, showing great majesty.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Emperor of Heaven for the gift of the title!"

Consecrated to the rank of sixth-grade impermanent ghost and god, the fourth generation Thunder Emperor bowed to the sky to thank him.

Liang Ji didn't respond. He just took charge of the "Apotheosis of the Gods" and went to the other levels of the underworld, and carried out some edicts in each level of the underworld.

However, in the other layers of the underworld, there is no longer a rank of six-grade red-ranked impermanent ghosts and gods. Instead, warriors from the clan who have made meritorious deeds in battle are basically chosen to be awarded the rank of seventh-ranked white-ranked ghost officials.

Although the reward for conferring the title of ghost and god this time was carried out in the underworld, Liang Ji, with the power of the "God List", was able to project this scene into the sleep of many followers of the clan, allowing the believers to witness this scene, which further enhanced the clan's understanding of the gods. The piety and fanaticism of the Emperor's faith can also inspire believers to be more willing to fight and perform meritorious deeds.

This is because Liang Ji's cultivation level is still insufficient. Otherwise, if the "God List" can leave the underworld and enter the human world, he can confer the status of ghosts, gods, earth creatures, and gods on the spot during the public sacrifice ceremony. The effect will definitely be better!

After rewarding the heroic souls of the family members who died in battle and sealing ghosts and gods, Liang Ji's soul left the Jiuquan underworld and returned to the earth.

At this time, in the Longshou Mountain Holy Land, the public sacrifice ceremony has ended, and the Heavenly Emperor Sect is holding a new ceremony to crown the fifth generation Thunder Emperor.

The fourth generation of Thunder Emperors died in battle and were granted the title of ghost or god. Their son received the jade seal and crown from the Pope and became the new generation of Thunder Emperors of the Lei Dynasty.

In the sky, a fleet of flying boats sailed past. The gods emerged from the flying boats. They held the 'Sun Altars' in their hands and activated them. The sun suddenly fell from the sky and fell into golden light, falling into the scene of the coronation ceremony. Congratulations to the newly enthroned Fifth Generation Thunder Emperor.

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