The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 578 New Investment Agreement

When Liang Ji first entered the Star Master, he signed a new investment agreement with Shandelou and Herborist Group. The two groups each invested in him 30,000 low-grade spiritual stones in three years, while Liang Ji needed to advance to the second-level Star Master. , the spiritual objects and resources produced in the natal stars will be given priority to the two groups for thirty years.

As of now, there are only a few years left in this thirty-year period. In other words, the new investment agreement originally signed is about to expire.

Now, Liang Shengxiao and Hua Furong proposed signing a new investment agreement, which moved Liang Ji's heart.

Then he smiled and asked: "I wonder what your two groups want to invest in this time?"

"Of course it is to invest in Fellow Daoist Liang's expedition team!" Liang Shengxiao said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Liang has also conducted an exploration in the outer domain. I believe he has a very good understanding of the situation of the expedition in the outer domain."

"The outer star sea is vast and boundless. There are seemingly countless stars and star fields for exploration and searching for resources and treasures."

"But these countless stars appear to be very limited under the vast void. Among them, life stars and spiritual vein stars are even rarer."

"The Covenant has a large number of expedition teams, but often only a few gain something from their expeditions to foreign lands, and most of them return empty-handed."

"But every adventure requires a large amount of spiritual stones, resources, etc."

Liang Shengxiao obviously also knows a lot about foreign exploration, and he said bluntly:

"Although Fellow Daoist Liang gained a lot from his first expedition, this is not the norm."

"More often than not, every expedition is like a gamble. You either win and return with a good harvest, or you lose and lose everything."

"According to the information we know in Shan De Tower, there are not a few teams that go bankrupt every year when they explore the outer star sea."

"We are willing to sign an investment agreement with Fellow Daoist Liang and invest in Fellow Daoist Liang's team to conduct expeditions to foreign lands. For each expedition, our Shande Building can provide spiritual stones and manpower, as long as Fellow Daoist Liang needs it."

"In this way, if the bet wins, we all make money together; if the bet loses, our Shande Building will share the loss, which can also enhance the risk-taking ability of Fellow Daoist Liang and the expedition team!"

"Fellow Daoist Liang, how are you doing?"

Hua Furong, who was on the side, also smiled and said at this time: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Liang, our Herborist Group is also willing to invest in Fellow Daoist's expedition team and jointly bear the risks of expeditions to foreign lands."

"Speaking of which, fellow Daoist went to the outer realm for the first outer realm expedition, but we didn't receive any news."

"Otherwise, our Herborist Group is very willing to sign an investment agreement with Fellow Daoist at that time and invest from Fellow Daoist's first expedition to the outside world."

"I believe that with our investment, fellow Taoist expedition teams will be able to increase several times in terms of manpower and equipment."

Liang Ji couldn't help but have a look of deep thought on his face as he listened to the two people's words.

Indeed, after his first expedition, Liang Ji already had enough understanding of foreign exploration. Before returning, he had already realized that not every expedition would be as fruitful as this first one; In the Star Palace internal forum, there are many records of loss-making adventures by seniors and senior sisters.

If Shandelou and Herborist Group are really willing to invest in his expedition, they can really bear his huge risk. Perhaps his loan in Star Palace can be repaid after several expeditions.

Moreover, Liang Ji also thought of another problem.

After the first expedition, although the expedition team he and Peng Yue formed had a great harvest on Yuyang Star, internal instability had already appeared. Will the two third-level immortals Chu Yue and Wu Ling continue to stay? It is not certain that their expedition team will continue on to the next expedition.

The future of the expedition team is unclear.

But if there are investments from Shandelou and Herborist Group, then even if Chu Yue and Wu Ling choose to leave, it will undoubtedly be much easier for his expedition team to recruit new people or provide manpower support from the two groups.

As for what Hua Furong said about investing in the first expedition, Liang Ji smiled after hearing it.

He believed that his first expedition to the outside world was very clear to both Shan Delou and the Herborist Group. If he had not already had a successful first expedition and gained a huge harvest, there would be no manifestation. Now two families have come to him to discuss new investments.

Although he was moved in his heart, Liang Ji did not agree directly. He immediately said: "Two fellow Taoists, I am very willing to sign a new investment agreement with your two companies. After all, we have always cooperated very happily."

"However, after all, this exploration team does not belong to me alone. I still need to discuss it with other members of the team. It will take a few days before I can give you an answer."

Liang Ji temporarily resorted to procrastination. On the one hand, he really wanted to discuss with Peng Yue, Wu Shan and others. On the other hand, the investment agreement between Shan De Lou and Herborist Group also reminded him that their team might be able to get more help. Many investment possibilities.

Peng Yue, Wu Shan and others may be able to attract investment from other companies, giving them more room for price comparison and choice.

Moreover, such investment behavior is probably not uncommon in foreign exploration. Liang Ji also needs more information to understand the most basic investment situation in foreign exploration.

Only in this way can you make the final and best choice.

"'s easy to say, it should be so!" Liang Shengxiao heard this and obviously understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Liang, we are all partners who have cooperated for many years. We at Shandelou believe in Fellow Daoist Liang's potential and are absolutely willing to Give the best investment deal.”

After saying that, the other party sent the contents of an investment agreement directly to Liang Ji's 'Xingjian' through the Star Network, saying: "This is the investment agreement provided by our Shande Building. You might as well take it for reference."

Seeing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little moved, and directly gave the lowest price for the agreement. It was obvious that Liang Shengxiao had full confidence in the investment agreement he provided.

We are confident that no other company or organization can offer a higher and better investment agreement than ours.

"Hehe, our Herborist Group also believes in Daoyou's potential. This is the investment agreement provided by our Herborist Group. You might as well use it as a reference."

Hua Furong on the side also smiled and sent an investment agreement.

Liang Ji accepted the two investment agreements. This was not the time to take a closer look. He said directly: "Thank you two fellow Taoists for your trust."

"Please rest assured that I have been very happy to cooperate with you, and I am well taken care of by your two companies. Even if there are other companies and organizations that offer investment agreements similar to yours, I will definitely give priority to Xiandelou and Herborist Group’s investment agreement!”

"Haha, okay!" Liang Shengxiao said, picking up a cup of spirit brew and smiling: "Then I wish us a happy continued cooperation!"

Hua Furong also picked up a cup of spiritual brew and said with a smile: "We at Herborist Group are looking forward to the good news from Mr. Liang Daoyou."

Liang Ji raised his glass to the two of them, and then drank it all in one gulp.

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