The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 597 Lu Yuetong Xia Wujiu

The third external expansion legion, Iron Wall Star.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue came to this base again and met with the two third-level immortals.

They are respectively Lu Yuetong, the third-grade Golden Immortal, and Xia Wujiu, the third-grade Ghost Immortal. These two people were sent by Shan Delou and Herborist Group to join their expedition team.

According to the agreement signed between Liang Ji's team and the two groups, these two people are not only the talents and combat strength support of the two groups for the expedition team, but also represent the two groups to monitor the gains of the expedition team's expeditions in foreign lands.

Now that the investment agreement has been signed, Liang Ji and his team have gained huge benefits, so it is inevitable that they will have to bear these restrictions and tasks.

"I have met Daoyou Liang and Daoyou Peng." When the two parties met, Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu did not look down on Liang Ji and Peng Yue because of their cultivation or the big companies behind them. Instead, they greeted them first and showed full respect.

This was also clearly stipulated in the agreement signed by the two parties. The entire expedition team was still dominated by Liang Ji and Peng Yue. Shandelou and Herborist Group could send people to join the expedition team, but they had to obey orders. Liang Ji and Peng Yue were the main ones. Instructions are the main thing.

They could give feedback and report to the two companies afterwards, but they could not blatantly provoke or oppose the dominant position of Liang Ji and Peng Yue during the expedition to the outside world.

Otherwise, this would not be an investment by the two companies to support Liang Ji and Peng Yue's exploration team, but an acquisition of the exploration team. When Liang Ji and Peng Yue signed the investment agreement, they naturally had to clearly divide these rights and obligations in the agreement.

"Senior Lu, Senior Xia, you're welcome."

The other party is willing to express respect and goodwill, and Liang Ji is naturally willing to reciprocate the goodwill. After all, they are not only the men sent by the financial owner, but they are also third-level immortals themselves, and each has their own strengths and deserves respect.

"Senior Lu, you are the master of Alchemy, and Senior Xia, you are the master of Qi Dao, and both of them have rich experience in exploring the outside world. I have to rely on these two seniors for the next adventure in the outside world."

Peng Yue on the side was also smiling and greeted the two seniors.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue returned home after traveling all the way before, and practiced in their hometown for more than a year. The relationship between the two parties became closer, and they also discussed how to deal with the exploration team in the future.

The two of them don't say that one is a good person and the other is a bad person, but they also need one to establish authority and the other to ease their relationship to ensure that they have enough voice and decision-making power in the expedition team.

After all, with the signing of the investment agreement, the people and situation in their expedition team are now becoming more and more complicated. There are old team members with different ideas and representatives from investment companies, and these are all third-level immortals with both cultivation and strength. It is far superior to Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Although Liang Ji and Peng Yue are Star Master monks with special status in the Star Alliance and are supported by the human immortal Wu Shan, they want to completely suppress the other four immortals and ensure their right to speak and make decisions in the expedition team. , but it also requires some additional means.

Therefore, the two agreed that Liang Ji would be the main leader in the team and maintain Liang Ji's dignity, while Peng Yue would be responsible for easing the relationship between him and the other team members.

As for the effect, it needs to be verified later among the team.

At this time, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Lu Yuetong, and Xia Wujiu met up and hosted a banquet in the "Yujing Tower" of Senior Sister Bian on the Iron Wall Star. After getting to know each other, they directly took the materials with them through the teleportation array and headed to the Shuangyang Galaxy and Yujing. Yang star.

The starship of their exploration team has been parked on Yuyang Star, undergoing transformation in the Twin Sun Galaxy.

Once again teleported to Yuyang Star through the 'Star Gate', Liang Ji clearly felt that compared to the original teleportation from Yuyang Star back to the Iron Wall Galaxy, this 'Star Gate' was much more stable and faster. Even the things he saw during the shuttle process There are far fewer stars.

This undoubtedly means that in the past three years, the Star Gate's control over the Double Sun Galaxy has become increasingly strengthened and deepened, and the connection between the Double Sun Galaxy's 'Sub-Array' and the 'Celestial Star Array' has become even closer.

After walking out of the 'Star Gate', Liang Ji and others were at the airport outside the Yuyang Star. Three years had been enough for the Star Gate to build a huge airport in the outer space of the newly acquired indigenous stars. Parking starships, starships, positioning 'stargate' transmission, etc.

The starship of Liang Ji and his exploration team was also parked in this airport at this time.

However, at this time, standing in the airport, Liang Ji and others did not go to the starship immediately, but turned to look at Yuyang Star below as if they had something to check.

At this moment, a bright golden light suddenly shot out from the Yuyang star below, shooting into the void, pointing directly at the center of the Double Sun Galaxy, in the direction of the relatively rotating twin stars.

Soon afterwards, in the depths of the distant galaxy, the relatively rotating twin stars seemed to be pulled by some force. Golden light burst out one after another, like solar flares. Two more dazzling stars, the golden light of the sun, came and sank directly into the galaxy. Below you are bathing in the sun and stars.

The next moment, a bright starlight burst out from the entire Yuyang Star, covering the entire star.

For a moment, Liang Ji didn't know if it was an illusion. He saw that the Yuyang star shrouded in starlight seemed to be a living thing. It pulsated slightly in the starlight for a few times, and then returned to calm.

At this time, most of the bright starlight that shrouded Yuyang Star dissipated in the surrounding void, and only a very small part merged into the stars.

"This is……"

"Fellow Daoist Liang, Fellow Daoist Peng, could this be the result you discovered on Yuyang Planet during your last exploration in the outer realm?"

Seeing the changes in Yu Yangxing, Lv Yuetong and Xia Wujiu had expressions of shock on their faces. They couldn't help but look at Liang Ji and Peng Yue and asked.

Liang Ji's heart moved slightly when he heard this. Sure enough, for these large companies and large groups that occupy high positions in the Star Alliance, some news about Yuyang Star is probably no longer a secret.

He even had reason to suspect that Shandelou and Herborist Group were willing to sign an investment agreement with him. On the one hand, he had a very happy cooperation with the two companies, but on the other hand, it was probably because of Yuyangxing and Yuyangxing. Research conducted today.

After all, although the Yuyang Star and the research on it have now been handed over to the Star Alliance, this star and its inheritance were discovered by Liang Ji and his exploration team after all, not to mention that there is a Yuyang Star in their team. The inheritance, and based on the identity of the discoverer, as long as the strength and connections are sufficient, he can naturally have a priority in the research of Yuyang Star.

The reason why Chu Yue wants to join the research on Yuyang Star, but has never been able to do so, can only be said that her strength, status, and connections as a third-level Qi Refiner and Formation Master are not enough in the Star Alliance.

Therefore, she finally chose to stay in the exploration team and contact and participate in the research on Yuyang Star through the connections and relationships of the exploration team.

In particular, now that the exploration team has received investment support from Shan De Lou and Herborist Group, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Chu Yue's lack of strength and connections does not mean that Shan De Lou and Herborist Group have insufficient strength and connections.

The two groups may need the name of their exploration team to contact and intervene in the research on Yuyang Star.

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