The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 609 Team Meeting

The way of star master cultivation, the seventh-level star master corresponds to the third-level realm of refining the void.

Those who refine the void refining the void, refining the void into reality, refining the false into reality, and refining the illusory sun, moon and stars that were originally derived from the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array" in the void around the star master's natal stars into reality. of the sun, moon and stars.

In this way, the galaxies surrounding the natal stars are completely cast. After completion, even without the star guardians derived from the 'Celestial Star Array', the star master's natal stars can survive and develop smoothly in the void.

It is a very important step to refine falsehood into reality.

And the 'star core', the source of stars, is undoubtedly the best carrier and treasure to refine the false into the real and the illusory stars into the real stars.

It is a pity that Liang Ji and Peng Yue are only fourth-level star masters now. They are still far away from becoming seventh-level star masters and how long it will take. What if they can directly refine this 'star core' into their natal stars? It's a waste; if they stay and wait for them to advance to the seventh level Star Master, it will also be a waste of resources.

Therefore, after some discussion, several people decided to wait until they return home to sell the 'star core' in exchange for spiritual stones to buy what they need.

Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling also had no objection. Although they could refine the 'star core' to increase their mana and strength, they were unable to break through the realm. For a few of them, it was better than nothing.

What's more, the harvest of the 'Star Core' belongs to the entire team. They cannot possess and refine it alone. They might as well sell it in exchange for spiritual stone points.

Of course, according to the investment agreement signed between Liang Ji, Shandelou and Herborist Group, if the expedition team wants to sell the rare treasures discovered during the expedition, or the treasures that the two companies are interested in, the two companies have limited purchase rights.

This 'star core' is now stored in the starship warehouse. After returning home, we will decide which company to sell it to based on the bids of Shande Building and Herborist Group.

After seeing the 'Star Core', Liang Ji took out the other various treasures collected in the Destroyed Stars, such as spiritual gold, spiritual soil, spiritual fire, etc.

Although these are all treasures, they may have been squeezed and cultivated within the stars for countless thousands of years, and their properties have changed drastically. Or they were born in the violent changes of the star destruction, and contain the meaning of destruction. They are all treasures of the Star Alliance. A hard-to-find treasure.

However, it is much inferior to the 'Star Core', especially since the highest level is only the fifth level. Although it is rare for a few third-level immortals, it can only be used for viewing and has little use.

On the other hand, Liang Ji and Peng Yue, after they advance to the fifth level of Star Master, these treasures of spiritual soil, spiritual gold, and spiritual fire can be refined into spiritual seeds and planted into the natal stars, which can increase the foundation of the natal stars and It contains many high-quality earth, metal, and fire spiritual materials.

But again, Liang Ji's natal star spiritual vein strength is only at the fourth level (30%), and Peng Yue's fourth-level cultivation progress is lower than him. It will take at least ten years for them to advance to the fifth-level star master. It is better to sell these fifth-level spiritual seeds and replace them with fourth-level spiritual seeds, inheritance, and treasures, so that their fourth-level natal stars can develop faster and more smoothly.

Therefore, after some discussion among the team, these spiritual materials and treasures were also put into the starship, ready to be sold after returning.

Lu Yuetong, on the other hand, based on her experience in Shande Building, made a preliminary estimate of the value of these materials, which was around 500,000 medium-grade spiritual stones.

The bulk of them is the ‘star core’, which is worth between 300,000 and 400,000 mid-grade spiritual stones.

Liang Ji stopped to estimate, but he couldn't help but frown secretly. This value, let alone being distributed to everyone in the team, may not be enough to make up for the losses of this expedition.

Not to mention the large cost of previous starship modifications, which is destined to be a long-term cost; just talking about this voyage and expedition, the amount of spiritual stones and energy consumed on the starship in more than a year is quite a few fractions, not to mention the following. If there is still no discovery on the return journey, it will also consume a lot of spiritual stones and energy.

"We can only wait and see whether the demon elixirs and demon materials of the hunting Void Demon Clan can make up for the consumption."

Liang Ji comforted himself in his heart. Although the starships escaped from the previous battle at the Destruction Stars and had no time to clean up the battlefield, they still gained a lot of demon pills and demon materials, especially the seventh-level demons who were hunted by third-level immortals. The demon elixir is of higher value and can be settled with high-grade spiritual stones.

In addition, since their exploration along the way, they have tracked and hunted many void demon beasts with the 'Heavenly Snake inheritance', and obtained demon pills, materials, etc.

Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu basically had estimates. Liang Ji stretched out his hand to connect dots on the light screen in front of him, quickly accumulated several estimates, compared them with the consumption and losses along the way, and estimated the consumption of the return journey. Finally, there was a profit result.

Fortunately, they discovered the destroyed star and harvested a star core and several seventh-level demon pills, so they had a slight surplus.

But as a result, the expedition team spent two or three years in the outside world, but it was a complete waste of time and achieved nothing.

This is another irreparable loss.

Liang Ji also took advantage of this opportunity for the team to gather together and take stock of the harvest. He displayed these data and accounts in front of everyone, and then said: "This expedition to the outside world has been more than a year, and no less than three galaxies have been explored. Ten places, but not a single spiritual vein star was found, but more and more spiritual stones and energy were consumed."

"This time, fortunately, I discovered a star of destruction, and I have just gained something. If I choose to return at this time, I can still make a little profit from this expedition."

"But if you choose to continue exploring downwards, if you still can't discover the spiritual vein stars, more spiritual stones and energy will be consumed. I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain even this little surplus, and it will become a loss-making business."

As Liang Ji spoke, he looked at the team members and asked for their opinions: "So, I would like to ask for your opinions. Should we return here or continue our adventure?"

After hearing this, several people in the team couldn't help but start talking.

There are those who support returning and those who support moving forward.

Wu Shan, the immortal, even said bluntly: "It is common for those who explore foreign lands to sail away for several years or more than ten years. Some expedition teams even return after decades or hundreds of years."

"Our team now has no shortage of spiritual stones and energy. We can explore the outer stars for at least a few years."

"What did Senior Lu and Senior Xia say?"

Finally, Liang Ji couldn't help but ask Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu for their opinions alone. After all, they were representatives of Shandelou and Herborist Group. In the current expedition to the outside world, whether it was the cost of starship modification or the amount of souls consumed on the starship, Petroleum, energy and other resources are accounted for by the two investors.

Liang Ji naturally also has to respect the opinions of investors.

However, when faced with Liang Ji's inquiry, Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu both agreed: "Our company is only responsible for investment and not making decisions."

"All itineraries are decided by fellow Taoists."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard this, then looked at Peng Yue and asked: "Peng Yue, how long can the remaining spiritual stones and energy on the starship support the voyage?"

Hearing this, Peng Yue stretched out his hand and pointed on the light screen, called up the data and said: "Coupled with the starlight energy that was swallowed up in the destruction of the stars before, it can still sail for at least ten years."

"Then continue to explore forward!" Liang Ji made a decision.

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