The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 622 Formation and Suppression

In the sea grass plain, in the indigenous fish-men city, the Liang Ji family members collected many kinds of sea spiritual grass and spiritual plant seeds.

These spiritual roots and spiritual plant resources are not too many for any star master in his or her natal star.

Especially these are marine spiritual plants. In Liang Ji's natal star, because most of the family members developed on land, although various spiritual species and spiritual roots were planted in the sea, the development has not been as good as on land.

Nowadays, in this wooden meteorite, one can collect a lot of sea spiritual root seeds, spiritual creatures and spiritual seeds, but it can take the opportunity to greatly make up for the development of marine resources in the natal star.

Still marking all the spiritual root seeds he was interested in, Liang Ji then escaped under the fish-man native city, found the spiritual vein nodes, and arranged three formation disks.

In the coral jungle under the sea, the Bei people's indigenous city searched out all kinds of corals, clams, and treasures. Unfortunately, there were no spiritual roots or spiritual treasures, but Liang Ji didn't take a fancy to them, and asked the family members to send them back to the starship. , preparing to send it back to the Star Alliance to sell it in exchange for spiritual stone resources.

Escape deep underground in the coral forest, find the star spiritual vein nodes, and arrange three array disks.

In the following months, Liang Ji's family members searched for resources and spiritual objects in the sea eyes, undersea plateaus, deep undersea forests, and quicksand sand eyes on the seafloor... Everywhere, there were indigenous cities. Spiritual objects and treasures will be marked by him and then sent to the starship.

And he escaped under the indigenous cities, found the spiritual vein nodes, and arranged the array.

Peng Yue, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, Wu Ling, Lu Yuetong, Xia Wujiu and others also locked the star spiritual vein nodes in indigenous cities and settlements across the stars and arranged formations.

The seven people worked together and worked hard for more than half a year before they locked the star spiritual veins in various Tu Clan cities and settlements on the stars and completed the layout of the array.

After the formation was deployed in the later stages, more time was spent on the family members conquering these indigenous cities and tribal settlements.

Although the Wooden Meteor Star is only a fourth-level star, the highest strength of the indigenous people on it is only fourth-level, and their cultivation civilization is primitive and backward. They are generally no match for Liang Ji and Peng Yue's flying boats.

However, across the entire star, there are many indigenous cities and tribes, and no matter how many years of development and how many treasures have been collected on the star, there will always be some difficult and dangerous beings.

In this way, it not only delayed the time for the Liang Ji and Pengyue families to take over these indigenous cities, but also caused a lot of losses to Feizhou and the family members.

Even so, the overall strength and foundation of the indigenous alien races on the wooden meteorite are still inferior to those of the two families. It took half a year to capture all the indigenous cities and settlements.

Half a year later, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others reunited in ‘Icewood City’.

At this time, the formation disk refined by Chu Yue has been arranged and distributed among the star spiritual veins in more than half of the stars. As for the other half of the star spiritual veins, they have been completely invaded, twisted, and occupied by the root system of the 'natal spiritual plant'. They are in the aquatic forest, but they cannot arrange arrays or arrays.

Otherwise, they will be attacked crazily by the 'Innate Spiritual Plant', and the 'Innate Spiritual Plant' may even be stimulated to lose control and devour the star spiritual veins wantonly, accelerating the destruction of the 'Wooden Meteor'. This is not what Liang Ji and others want. .

In the center of the 'Ice Wood City', Chu Yue had already built an array altar. She stepped onto the array altar, offered up a formation diagram, and stepped on the steps. Formation seals and patterns flew out from the array diagram and turned into streams of light. Fly to all parts of the star ocean and fall into the star spiritual nodes with arrays arranged everywhere.

The next moment, the formation disks arranged in the star spiritual vein nodes were activated, and spiritual lights rose into the sky from various indigenous cities and strongholds, intertwined in the sky of the 'Wooden Meteorite', forming a formation pattern. The giant net of aura surrounded and covered the other half above the stars, the depths of the aquatic forest.

The 'natal spiritual plants' in the aquatic forest seemed to feel threatened at this time. The huge forest covering nearly half of the stars was shaking and vibrating violently. Large areas of blue mist, countless branches, and vines shot out from the forest. Blast towards the giant aura net covering the air.

There were even bursts of roars coming from the bottom of the sea and the depths of the earth. The earth shook and the seawater overturned. It was obvious that there was a fierce confrontation and collision erupting on the bottom of the sea and deep underground.

In Liang Ji's eyes at this time, stars were faintly rotating, and he was already using the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit' to look towards the bottom of the sea.

You can see the collapse of undersea mountains, volcanic eruptions, tearing of abyss, collapse of the earth, and even large undersea rifts torn directly into the depths of the earth, exposing the star spiritual veins spreading within.

Under Liang Ji's starry eyes, he could see that in the exposed star spiritual veins, the array disks formed a formation, and the auras and array patterns erupted, constantly colliding and confronting the spiritual roots spreading and dancing in the spiritual veins. fighting.

It is also the battle between these spiritual roots and arrays in the spiritual veins of the stars, stirring up the spiritual veins of the stars, which has just led to the current phenomenon of the earth shaking, the mountains shaking, and the sea water overturning, almost like the end of the stars.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this time, another loud roar came from the depths of the aquatic forest. Liang Ji's eyes turned and looked into the depths of the aquatic forest in the distance.

This time, without even using the Star Magic Eyes, he could see a huge tree growing rapidly in the center of the aquatic forest.

The huge trees continued to grow taller, as if they wanted to reach out for the stars and grow into the void; the branches and crowns on the trees continued to expand, as if they wanted to cover and envelope the entire stars.

No introduction is needed, Liang Ji also knows that this must be the 'natal spiritual plant' left behind after the immortal's death.

"It looks like a willow-like spiritual plant!"

Liang Ji looked at the rapidly growing giant tree and thought to himself.

Obviously, this 'natal spiritual plant' already had some spiritual intelligence, or instinct. After realizing that Chu Yue used a formation to block the spiritual veins of the stars, the spiritual plant immediately changed its strategy of slowly devouring stars and instead devoured stars wantonly. Spiritual veins, in exchange for rapid growth and strength.


However, Chu Yue had obviously already calculated this, and he let out a deep drink.

The formation altar she was standing on flew directly from the "Ice Wood City", carrying her to the center of the aquatic forest, above the rapidly growing giant tree, and suppressing it straight down.

The entire aquatic forest erupted crazily at this time. Countless branches, wickers, vines, air roots, etc. were dancing and attacking like crazy snakes and pythons, trying to block and destroy the formation altar.

But at this time, the giant network of spiritual light surrounding the formation had also enveloped it, entangling and blocking the dancing and attacking branches and vines, and connected with the formation altar where Chu Yue was, turning into a complete giant. The formation suppressed and came down, immediately suppressing the rioting forest and the rapidly growing giant spiritual tree.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what happens next is up to you!"

On the formation altar, Chu Yue turned to Lu Yuetong and raised her voice.

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