The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 650 The Consumption of Dao Fruit

In the nine major star palaces in the Star Alliance, students are trained to graduate to fifth-level star masters, instead of training to seventh-level star masters and high-level star masters.

Senior Sister Jiang Ting of ‘Fengze Star’ has long been a sixth-level star master, but she has never been able to find her own path and cannot be promoted to a seventh-level star master. Therefore, she attaches great importance to the star origin spiritual plants cultivated by ‘Wood Meteor Star’.

As Liang Ji's cultivation level increased and his knowledge broadened, he also understood the path of the Star Master better and better.

I also came to understand more and more that Kunlun Star Palace only passed down the foundation of the ‘Feng Shen Bang’ inheritance, but it did not teach high-level application methods, but let the students of the Star Palace study and find their own paths.

Everything is to improve the possibility and success rate of Star Palace students to be promoted to high-level Star Masters as much as possible.

Therefore, Liang Ji gradually began to consciously strengthen the research and use of the natal stars, the list of gods, and the power of ghosts and gods. Although he has a dragon soul and has already set his own path, how wide, strong, and long he can open up this path still depends on his own research and development.

This time, it was Liang who used the power of his natal spiritual treasure, the Thirty-Three Layers of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda, to connect to the underworld of Jiuquan and attract the impermanent ghosts and gods of all layers of the underworld to appear in the pagoda and bless the warriors and flying boats of the expedition. One of the results of Ji's recent research.

At this time, it happened to be verified through the battle with the incoming Void Mirage.

One after another, the airships shrouded in double layers of divine light faced the sweeping fog. The formations and restrictions on the airships were activated. Thunder, flames, golden light, mountains, water light, poisonous light, ice light, etc., all kinds of The breath of elements shoots out of it.

However, unlike the elemental breaths shot by the flying boat in the past, this time's attack was shrouded in the ghostly luster of the power of ghosts and gods.

This is the power of blessing from ghosts and gods.

The breaths of elements such as thunder, fire, golden light, cold light, etc. shot into the fog, and wherever they passed, the fog of natural disasters was torn apart and dispersed.

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, stars appeared and rotated in Liang Ji's eyes, and he used the star magic of 'Star Spirit Eyes' to stare at the battlefield. He could clearly see that the breath of elements shredded the fog and shrouded it. The light of ghosts and gods on it circulates, which directly disperses and eliminates the shredded fog.

With just one attack from hundreds of flying boats, half of the fog that swept across the sky was dispersed, directly revealing the incoming void mirage group.

"The blessings given by ghosts and gods contain the power of ghosts and gods. It not only contains the power of the soul, but also the power of the laws of the underworld controlled by ghosts and gods!"

"In essence, the power of ghosts and gods already has the essence and charm of some high-level combat powers, which far exceeds the mid-level combat power and elemental power!"

"No wonder it can directly dispel and eliminate the foggy natural disasters released by the mid-level void mirage."

Liang Ji looked at the manifestations of the power of ghosts and gods, and thoughts suddenly came to his mind, and he had a clear understanding.

With thoughts in his mind, Liang Ji turned part of his attention to his natal stars, paying attention to the ghosts and gods blessing him in the Jiuquan underworld and the status of the 'Gods List'.

It can be seen that as the flying boats and dependents who received the blessings went to war outside, the power of the ghosts and gods responsible for blessings in the Jiuquan underworld were also continuously extracted to supply the consumption of external battles.

And the power of these ghosts and gods is extracted, and the "God List" they are connected to also continuously extracts the power of the star origin and spiritual veins from the source of stars to maintain the power of ghosts and gods!

At this time, Liang Ji even divided his mind into a third part, held up the "Star Book" and checked the natal stars recorded in the "Star Book".

Only the last column on it shows: Dao Fruit (47.98%)

The growth progress of this Dao Fruit has obviously far exceeded the growth progress of the star spiritual veins in Liang Ji's natal stars, which shows that the development of Liang Ji's natal stars and the civilization of the clan has been very successful, which has greatly improved the growth progress of the 'Dao Fruit'.

However, at this time, as the Familia and Feizhou carried the power of ghosts and gods to fight in the void, in less than half an hour, the data manifested on the 'Star Book' had a new change: Dao Fruit (47.97%).

The Tao Fruit contained in the natal stars decreased by 0.01%.


When Liang Ji saw this, he was not frightened or surprised, but felt that it was indeed the case.

The Familia and Feizhou are fighting on the battlefield with the power of ghosts and gods, constantly consuming the power of ghosts and gods. In order to support these consumption, the ghosts and gods in the natal stars and the list of gods are also constantly absorbing and devouring the spiritual veins of the stars and the original power to supply.

As the source of the stars and spiritual veins are consumed, the Tao fruits contained in the stars will naturally weaken and decrease.

"In the final analysis, the power of ghosts and gods is still a transformation and expression of the origin of the natal stars and the power of spiritual veins."

"To bless and fight with the power of ghosts and gods is to consume the origin of the natal stars and the power of the Tao Fruit to fight."

Liang Ji's heart was filled with electric thoughts, and he became more and more aware of the role of the 'God List' and the 'gods'.

"This is the true fighting style of an intermediate star master."

"Using the original power of the natal stars and the power of the Dao Fruit to bless the Familia and greatly enhance the fighting power of the Familia, they can even fight across ranks!"

"But thinking about it, this is probably a skill that only Star Lord monks with the Star Palace inheritance can master."

The Star Palace inheritance is the foundation. Without the List of Gods, the World Tree, the Forge of Ten Thousand Arts, and the Bloodline Catalog, the intermediate star masters may not be able to use the origin of their natal stars and the power of the Tao Fruit to bless their dependents in battle.

Therefore, it is often heard that students from Star Palace fight across ranks, but rarely heard about students from Academy and Academy fighting across ranks.

For a time, Liang Ji had a clearer understanding of the differences between the Star Palace, the Academy, and the Academy.

His attention was divided into two parts, and one part was focused on the battle in the void ahead. The fog raised by the void mirage monster had been completely torn apart and dispersed by his family flying boat. Without the illusion and erosion of the natural disaster fog, the battle between the void monster clan With less than half of his strength, he was no match for Liang Ji's family members and Fei Zhou.

Each void mirage monster, under the attack of the elemental breath of the flying boat and the light of ghosts and gods, was blasted into shells and conch shells, and was killed on the spot, leaving behind pieces of wreckage and demon pills.

One's attention is focused on the natal stars. The consumption of the spiritual veins and origins of the stars by ghosts, gods and gods is constant, but it can still be sustained for a while.

Finally, looking at the 'Star Book', the data presented in it showed that the Dao Fruit had dropped to 47%, and the consumption was close to 1%.

"Is it worth consuming Dao Fruit like this in exchange for a cross-level battle?"

Liang Ji thought in his mind, looking at the void mirages being killed one by one on the battlefield, and looking at the demon pills being put into the family's flying boat, and he suddenly understood his choice:

“Well worth it!”

Because the development of his natal star and dependent clan has always been very prosperous, the growth rate of Dao Fruit far exceeds the growth of the star spiritual veins, so there is no need to worry about consuming some Dao Fruit power.

"It only requires that the cultivation progress of Dao Fruit should not be lower than the growth progress of the natal star spiritual veins!"

"The consumed part can be recovered later through the development of stars and dependents."

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