The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 657 Reincarnation Pool

The stars and terrain of the underworld that Liang Ji invaded this time almost all correspond to those of the Yang world.

The Void Mirage occupies a large sea area in the southeast of the stars, and the underworld under the Nine Lands is also a large area of ​​​​the underworld. But now, these places in the underworld are also shrouded in a large amount of underworld fog. The indigenous ghosts that originally lived in the underworld have been either eliminated, distorted by the fog, transformed into monsters, or have fled long ago.

There are not many indigenous ghosts left to fight against the mist.

On the other hand, on the shores of the Hades Sea, several indigenous ghost kingdoms have established many lines of defense to resist the expansion of the mist above the Hades Sea.

However, in Liang Ji's view, these were all useless efforts.

If the star natives cannot destroy and drive away the invading void mirage demons, and allow the void mirages to conquer cities and territories on the stars, seize and twist the star spiritual veins, the mist of the underworld will continue to expand, no matter how many indigenous ghost kingdoms are built. The defense line is also useless, and what will greet them in the end will still be destruction and obsession.

However, this is convenient for Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods. They use the skills of ghosts and gods to penetrate the defense lines established by these ghost countries and enter the sea of ​​​​underworld.

The dark mist eroded and was directly blocked and dispersed by the power of ghosts and gods on them. The monsters in the mist attacked and were killed by their divine magic.

The main force and direction of the void mirage's attack is placed in the star world. The underworld mainly relies on the erosion and distortion of the star spiritual veins and the source of the mist. The indigenous ghosts in the underworld cannot resist the erosion and distortion of these mist. Can keep retreating.

However, Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods, relying on Liang Ji's natal stars and the 'God List', are not afraid of the erosion and distortion of these dark fogs, and can naturally enter and exit the dark sea and fog freely without hindrance.

Soon, Wu Shanshan led several impermanent ghosts and gods to find an island in the sea of ​​​​underworld, which was thousands of miles wide. There were even several ghost cities on it. It was supposed to be a small ghost country.

It's a pity that the ghost kingdom and several ghost cities on this island have been eroded and decayed by the dark fog, broken into by monsters in the fog, and turned into ruins.

In several ghost towns, there are no indigenous ghosts, only many ghost fog monsters wandering among them.

Wu Shanshan led several ghosts and gods and directly occupied the largest ghost town in the center of the island.

This ghost town is surrounded by several other ghost towns. It should have been the original capital of the ghost country on the island. There is even a ruined palace in the center of the city. Even though it has collapsed, you can still see how gorgeous and prosperous it was when it was intact.

Liang Ji's projection came at this time and turned into a starry figure. Together with Wu Shanshan, they looked at the ruins of the palace in the center of the city. They could clearly see that the dark mist permeating it was thicker and darker than the surrounding islands and the sea.

Even vaguely, you can vaguely see a huge figure entrenched in the dark mist, breathing in the dark mist, exuding a terrifying aura, shaking the surrounding underworld.

"There is a powerful guy entrenched inside, at least the sixth level peak, and may even have mastered some of the power of the law."

Wu Shanshan used ghosts and gods to sense the situation in the ruins of the palace and the dark mist, and said with a serious face.

Liang Ji's expression also changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice: "Are we sure we can win?"

"As long as you haven't reached the seventh level, you can win it, but it will consume more of the original power of your natal stars."

Wu Shanshan said directly.

Liang Ji frowned slightly when he heard this. The 'Dao Fruit' in his natal stars had dropped below 46%, which was almost the same as the strength of the star's spiritual veins. He was unwilling to consume a large amount of the star source and weaken the Dao Fruit unless necessary. .

"How about establishing a base somewhere else?"

Liang Ji suggested.

When Wu Shanshan heard the words, she pondered slightly and said: "Master Taoist, the reason why I and several ghosts and gods chose this island is because we had a vague feeling about the island. There should be some treasure related to the origin of the underworld."

"If we can win it, it should be more convenient and easier for us to use the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' to invade the origin of the underworld."

"Oh?" Liang Ji was slightly surprised and said, "Have you sensed the original power of the underworld?"

"Not sure yet, but I'm pretty close." Wu Shanshan said.

Liang Ji raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. He believed Wu Shanshan's judgment. As a ghost and god, although Liang Ji is connected to the origin of the underworld and the law of law in Liang Ji's natal star, it is not surprising that he can sense the origin of other similar stars and the underworld. thing.

Moreover, this is also the opposite of the 'monster' entrenched in the ruins of the palace. There must be some treasure in the ruins that is connected to the origin of the underworld, so that the 'monster' has been entrenched in it and refused to leave, and even mastered some The fur of the power of law swallows the darkness and mist and shakes the surrounding world.

"Then take this place!"

Liang Ji was also a decisive person. Since he suspected that there was a treasure here, he decided to take it directly.

However, how to win it needs to be considered.

Letting Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods squander the original power of their natal stars will certainly be able to kill the 'monsters' and seize the ruins of the palace, but it is definitely the stupidest way.

At the moment, Liang Ji used the power of his natal star and golden elixir to open a 'star gate' directly on the island in the underworld, leading directly to the natal star Jiuquan underworld.

Teams of ghost soldiers walked out of the ‘Star Gate’ under the leadership of many seventh-grade white-edicted ghost officials.

Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods have also determined the method of attack. All the monsters in the fog entrenched in other places on the island have been wiped out by them. However, the 'monsters' entrenched in the ruins of the palace have been silent. Obviously, they cannot easily leave the ruins of the palace.

This makes it easier for them to deploy their methods.

Teams of ghost soldiers, led by these ghosts and gods, rushed to all parts of the island, surrounding the center of the island and the ruins of the palace.

These ghost soldier teams were not only organized into battle formations around the island, but also brought a large number of array disks, array weapons, etc. to set up formations around the island.

These formations were all refined by the ghost formation masters of Liang Ji's native starry underworld. Although they are not as good as the formation immortal master Chu Yue, they are also integrated with many mid-level formation inheritances in the Star Alliance, and even some of them. The inheritance of the 'Sage of Heavenly Snake'.

When everything was ready, Wu Shanshan presided over the battle formations and formations. Tigers howled, wolves howled, lions roared and turtles hissed from all around the island. Nine characters such as Bifan, Yasu, Suanni, Baxia, Xiaofeng, Chiki and so on. Elephants and half-dragon visions soared into the sky from all directions around the island, and a golden 'soul cauldron' was held high above each vision.

Under the operation of the grand formation and the battle formation, these visions and soul cauldrons gathered and merged in the sky, turning into a giant python shadow wrapped around a huge golden 'soul cauldron', and rushed down from the sky.

The phantom of the giant python has fish scales, a snake neck, a hump head, and a mirage belly. It doesn't look like a 'celestial snake', but it already has some shadow of a 'real dragon'.

Amidst the loud roar, the phantom of the giant python coiled around the 'Soul Cauldron' and dispersed all the dark mist that filled the center of the island, immediately revealing the scene inside.

A foggy monster as tall as a mountain is entrenched above a spring pond.

Although most of the gurgling black water in the spring pond had been eroded by the mist, Liang Ji could still feel the strong breath of reincarnation from it.

"Reincarnation Pool!"

"It is indeed a treasure that connects the origin!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up.

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