The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 659 Treasure Nether Lotus Escapes to the Origin

Liang Ji ran the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and rushed into the 'Reincarnation Pool', and a large amount of dark mist suddenly swept up in the pool to resist it.

Obviously, the void mirage has invaded this star, and some of the power of the law of fog has eroded into these 'reincarnation pools', controlling and distorting the 'reincarnation pool'. If it continues for a long time, the void mirage may erode and distort more star spirits. Pulse, the power of the Law of Mist may directly invade the reincarnation of stars through this 'reincarnation pool'.

At that time, if there is a problem with reincarnation, the natives on this star will really be in a desperate situation. I am afraid that the only way is to exterminate the clan, and the entire star will end up like the "Yuyang Star".

For Liang Ji, having reached this point, he was naturally unwilling to give in and allowed the ‘God List’ in his natal stars to swallow up and consume a large amount of the original power of the stars to support the projection.

The projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' suddenly shined with divine light, directly shattering and dispersing the dark fog sweeping in the 'Reincarnation Pool', and broke into the depths of the 'Reincarnation Pool'.

Unexpectedly, in the depths of the 'Reincarnation Pond', there is a ghost lotus growing. Its upper part is filled with ghostly mist, and the other part is shimmering with spiritual light. It is obviously a treasure. The 'Reincarnation Pond' has not been affected by that The complete erosion and control of the 'Coral Reef' monster is probably the result of the suppression and resistance of the Nether Lotus.

However, Liang Ji's eyes lit up. The Minglian that could suppress the 'Reincarnation Pool' must contain the power of reincarnation, and could resist the invasion of the 'Coral Reef' monsters. It was at least the sixth level.

Such spiritual plant treasures are rare even among the Star Alliance.

However, it is obviously not easy to pick off this rare Nether Lotus, otherwise the 'Coral Reef' monster would not have been entrenched here for many years. The Nether Mist only covered nearly half of the Nether Lotus, and the power of the reincarnation pool controlled by the monster was not enough, so Liang was Ji easily suppressed it with the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

"It seems that we still need to rely on the original power of the natal star!"

Liang Ji felt a little helpless and looked at the data in the 'Star Book' in a blink of an eye. The Dao Fruit column had dropped to 45%, which was already the same as the fourth level (50%) of the spiritual vein strength in the current natal star.

If a large amount of the source of the natal star is consumed, the 'Tao Fruit' continues to weaken, and it will be lower than the development of the star's own spiritual veins. This will naturally be quite detrimental to Liang Ji's cultivation of the path to immortality.

Hesitating in his heart, Liang Ji looked at Minglian in the 'Reincarnation Pond' again, and finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf. This star has been promoted to the seventh level. The underworld is mature and has abundant power of origin and law."

"Moreover, there are many ghost countries in the underworld. If each ghost country has such a 'reincarnation pool', and the pool has spiritual roots and treasures to suppress reincarnation."

"Then as long as we can capture this star, we will not only be able to plunder a large amount of the source of the underworld, make up for the consumption of the 'God List', and quickly cultivate the weakened 'Tao Fruit' back, it can even surpass its peak."

"You can also get a lot of precious spiritual roots and treasures from these underworlds and ghost kingdoms, and you will definitely make a lot of money!"

Having made up his mind, Liang Ji immediately activated the 'Feng Shen Bang' again and continued to devour the source of his natal stars. The Dao Fruit continued to weaken, in exchange for the divine light projected on the 'Feng Shen Bang' becoming more and more shining and solid, and finally seemed to be transformed into substance.

The bright and substantial divine light instantly brushed down and fell on the Nether Lotus. There was no rush to dispel the eroding Nether Mist on it. After all, these Nether Mist entangled around it could also cause a considerable weakening of the Nether Lotus. It is convenient for him to pick and seize.

Otherwise, if the dark mist is dispelled and the dark lotus is restored, with the support of the power of reincarnation communicated by the 'Reincarnation Pool', Liang Ji still doesn't know how much power of the original star he will have to consume to completely suppress and pick this dark lotus.

"It's worth saving a little bit."

Liang Ji sighed in his heart, running the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' to produce more and heavier divine light, trying to sweep up the lotus from the bottom of the 'Reincarnation Pond'.

The spiritual light is constantly blooming on the lotus, even sweeping the surrounding pool water, confronting the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

Liang Ji's starlight projection body stood in mid-air, and he could even see the water in the 'Samsara Pond' below beginning to roll and surge violently, and the movement became louder and louder.

Those were all the movements caused by the confrontation and confrontation between the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' and Ming Lian at the bottom of the pool.

At this time, Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods also knew the treasures at the bottom of the 'Reincarnation Pool', and immediately raised their voices: "Tao Master, we are here to help you."

Before he finished speaking, rays of light from ghosts and gods shot from all around the island and merged into the projection of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in the pool, suddenly making its divine light flourish and its power greatly increase.

The next moment, the divine light directly overcame the reincarnation aura erupting on the lotus and the surrounding pool water, directly uprooting the lotus at the bottom of the pool and sending it out of the 'reincarnation pool'.


Liang Ji couldn't help but applaud when he saw this. Even though he was a star projection body, he also used the power of his natal stars to perform the star technique of "Star Picking Hand", turning it into a giant hand of starlight several feet in size, and controlled the dark lotus. .

In fact, this Nether Lotus is also several feet in size, like a small building, falling into the giant hand of Starlight, and still struggling and beating like a living thing.

Liang Ji directly opened the 'Star Gate', and through the conversion of natal stars, sent the 'Netherworld Lotus' to the 'Dragon Snake' starship above the stars and in the void.

If you want to use or even sell this Minglian, you will undoubtedly need to use some formations on the starship to refine and concoct it.

But these are all behind. As the Lotus of Hell was picked, a vortex suddenly appeared at the bottom of the 'Reincarnation Pool', and a large amount of pool water leaked into the vortex.

Liang Ji sensed a more majestic and rich reincarnation aura from the vortex.

There is no doubt that the vortex at the bottom of the pool leads directly to the cycle of stars.

He did not hesitate and controlled the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' to follow the water pouring back into the pool and rush directly into the vortex at the bottom of the pool.

The next moment, the trace of Liang Ji's mind left in the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' discovered that the 'Feng Shen Bang' projection came into a larger vortex, in which forces, laws, origins such as chaos, yin and yang, life and death were all rotating. circulation.

At the same time, you can also see a large number of indigenous souls floating in the vortex, being swallowed up and sent away by the vortex.


There is no doubt that this huge vortex is the reincarnation of this star. There is no erosion of the dark fog in it, which is undoubtedly a good sign.

But at this time, the huge vortex of reincarnation seemed to have discovered the invading projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang'. The surrounding vortex suddenly accelerated, and its devouring and refining power increased dramatically. It wanted to swallow, refine, and send away this 'Feng Shen Bang' projection. Enter reincarnation.

However, the ‘Feng Shen Bang’, as the main inheritance of the Kunlun Star Palace, has been used by successive generations of Kunlun Star Palace star master monks to expand and invade foreign lands. Naturally, there are already ways to deal with these problems.

Liang Ji's "Feng Shen Bang" in the origin of the natal stars suddenly exerted force at this time, swallowing the power of the origin of reincarnation from the reincarnation of the natal stars and sending it into the projection.

Immediately, the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' was filled with the power of the source of reincarnation. It was no longer repulsed and swallowed by the vortex of reincarnation around it. Instead, it took the opportunity to escape into the source of the stars through the vortex of reincarnation.

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