The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 680 Forward Position Void Sea

The starry sea in the void is vast and boundless. Liang Ji doesn't know how big and vast it is. Perhaps only those beings who have ascended to sainthood know where the boundary of the new sea of ​​the universe is.

However, Liang Ji, who has many years of experience in exploring foreign lands, believes that he has seen most of the scenes in the universe and the sea of ​​stars. Now looking at the void of the universe in front of me, I still can't hide my surprise.

"This is the Sea of ​​Void, a vast land with only void and no stars!"

Aboard a starship, Bian Yujiao stretched out her hand and pointed to the vast, empty void in front of her and explained.

"This is the frontier of the battle between the Star Alliance and the God Realm."

It is said that the Void Sea is like other places in the cosmic sea of ​​​​stars, with many stars arranged there, including even life stars and spiritual vein stars. It is not an empty vast void.

However, the confrontation and battle between the Star Alliance and the God Realm destroyed all the stars in this area, whether they were Death Stars or Life Stars. In the end, only a vast and vast 'Void Sea' without a single star was left.

Liang Ji looked at the vast sea of ​​​​empty in front of him, his thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he recalled the information he had read before. Although he had been somewhat prepared, he was still inexplicably shocked at this moment.

He stood on the starship and looked back behind him. Behind him was a starry sky that looked much more normal, a vast void with a large number of stars scattered among them, twinkling with starlight.

In front of these void stars, there are a large number of star ports, airports, sacred mountains, artificial stars and other defense bases. Surrounding these bases are a large number of starships, starships and other teams, entering and leaving the various bases. Go out, or rush to the sea of ​​stars behind, or rush into the 'Void Sea' in front.

Turning to the 'Void Sea' ahead, Liang Ji could not see the starlight on the other side of the Void Sea even if he activated the 'Star Spirit Pupil' technique. He could only see the boundless void and endless darkness.

The ‘Void Sea’ without stars and starlight is always filled with darkness, so it is also called the ‘Dark Sea’.

And this 'sea of ​​darkness' has also become a 'forest' where the Star Alliance monks and the gods of the divine world fight and fight.

The monks of the Star Alliance and the gods of the God Realm will always sneak into the void sea and enter the darkness, or hunt the enemies on the opposite side like prey, or sneak all the way into the area occupied by the opposite enemies to destroy and kill. Kill the enemy.

Such confrontations and battles have lasted for at least hundreds of thousands of years, destroying the entire starry sky.

Its destructive power is even greater than that of numerous void monsters.

Undoubtedly, Senior Bian Yujiao's graduation examination will be conducted in this void sea and in this boundless darkness until she hunts down a sufficient number of gods of the same level.

Of course, this will also be the place where Liang Ji and others will be assessed when they apply for graduation in the future.

Now it is very beneficial for them to get familiar with the darkness, danger and battle.

"Fellow Taoists, are you ready?" On the starship, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao looked at everyone and asked in a deep voice: "If there are no problems, I will close most of the starship's formations and restrictions and enter the void sea. "

There is no starlight in the Void Sea, which is a dark place, and because the Covenant and the God Realm have been at war there for a long time, the void has been shattered many times, and a unique environment has long been formed in it. Just like a dark forest, when monks and gods enter it, they seem to be submerged in darkness. Whoever is discovered first will definitely suffer the heaviest blow, or even be killed on the spot.

Therefore, when the starships boarded by the Covenant monks enter the void sea, most of the formations and restrictions will be closed, and no movement or signal will be leaked to the outside world, so as not to be discovered by the gods hiding in the darkness and be the first to be fatally attacked.

Liang Ji and others all said that there was no problem. At present, Bian Yujiao issued an order to close most of the starship's formations and restrictions, leaving only the final defensive and forward formations and restrictions. Moreover, these formations and restrictions have been specially modified and arranged. It can converge movement, energy and signals as much as possible in the void sea to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

Even these formations and restrictions can change the color, appearance, force field, etc. of the starship, making the starship sail into the void sea, just like a drop of ink dripping into the darkness, blending into the darkness of the void sea, making it more difficult to detect ,Discover.

These special formations and restrictions are the experience and inheritance accumulated by the Star Alliance and the God Realm after hundreds of thousands of years of fighting in the void sea. Likewise, the gods on the opposite side will not lack these methods.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Liang Ji and Bian Yujiao to find suitable enemies in this vast darkness and complete the assessment mission.

"We have entered the Void Sea. Next, we must all be careful, try our best to contain our aura, and do not rush to explore the void outside, lest the enemy discovers us first."

Bian Yujiao had obviously made a lot of preparations for this assessment, and had also consulted the experience of seniors and seniors who had participated in the Void Sea battle. At this time, she warned everyone, and then said:

"To explore the surrounding void and find enemies, leave it to Star Master's team of ghosts and gods, as well as the senior ghost immortals."

As she spoke, she looked at Liang Ji and the others, as well as several third-grade ghost immortals in the team.

These third-grade ghost immortals, who can escape into the void and merge with the void, are often the best scouts and hunters in the void sea. Therefore, there are a large number of third-grade ghost immortals serving in the frontline troops of the Star Alliance and the God Realm. Go to war.

Similarly, among the assistants Bian Yujiao invited this time, the largest number of third-grade ghost immortals was six, accounting for half of the third-grade immortals she invited.

And Bian Yujiao's ability to invite so many ghosts and fairies shows her connections and skills.

Liang Ji couldn't help but ponder in his heart as he looked at it, wondering whether he should make more friends with third-grade ghosts and immortals in order to prepare for his future graduation examination.

"Yujiao, no problem."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Bian, leave it to us."

Several third-level ghost immortals responded in a deep voice, and then used various methods to escape from the starship and entered the dark void outside. They dived into the void and disappeared like water entering the sea.

"Senior, don't worry."

Liang Ji also responded, and then used the power of the golden elixir and the natal stars to open the star gate, summoning the consecrated ghosts and gods in the Jiuquan underworld to fly out, and also entered the surrounding dark void.

These ghosts and gods also belong to the body of ghost cultivators. Although they are not as good as the third-grade ghost immortals who can directly escape into the void and merge into the void, it is very easy to hide and sneak in the dark void with the bodies of ghosts and gods.

Moreover, these ghostly nerves with the "Apotheosis of the Gods" are the most sensitive to the power of the gods of the gods, and it is often easier to find traces of the gods of the gods in this dark void sea.

This is also one of the experiences Kunlun Star Palace has accumulated in dealing with gods in the divine realm.

Of course, ghosts and gods who belong to the same gods and are enshrined by the Star Lord can easily discover the gods in the divine realm, and the gods in the divine realm also agree to sense the power of ghosts and gods and thus discover ghosts and gods.

It is also very dangerous for these ghosts and gods to enter the void to explore paths and find enemies.

Therefore, when he saw that Wu Shanshan was also in the team of ghosts and gods recruited by Liang Ji, even in a leadership position, the human immortal Wu Shan who was also on the starship could not help but look worried, but he did not say anything, let alone stop Wu Shanshan s Choice.

The path of spiritual practice is everyone's own choice. Since Wu Shanshan has chosen her own path, it is not easy for the immortal Wu Shan to interfere too much.

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