The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 682 Encountering the Enemy: A Cunning Battlefield

Liang Ji immediately withdrew his mind and consciousness from his natal star and looked at the other people in the starship.

Bian Yujiao and others had obviously received the message at this time, and they had made discoveries in the void and darkness outside.

No one spoke, Bian Yujiao directly clicked on the starship control screen, reached out to connect dots on it, and manually controlled the starship to sneak towards the place where the movement was found.

Soon, the starship passed through a large area of ​​dark void and arrived outside a battlefield.

In the battlefield ahead, you can see a temple standing in the dark void. The temple is blooming with divine light. In the divine light, there are a large number of divine slaves, angels and other divine servants who are fighting with some void monsters.

These void monsters are the product of this void battlefield. The Covenant and the God Realm have been fighting here for hundreds of thousands of years. They have shattered the boundless void countless times, giving birth to a large number of void storms that blow from nowhere. These void monsters.

In addition, after long-term fighting and fighting, a large number of dependents, divine slaves, angels, gods, immortals, and even star masters have fallen here. Corpses, evil souls, disintegrated mana, power of laws, etc., have long since destroyed this place. The void sea turned into a chaotic place, with many void monsters and evil things, and they were even born directly in this chaos.

These void monsters and evil creatures often become a major threat to the Star Alliance monks and gods of the divine realm in the battlefield of the Void Sea.

Especially in such a dark environment, both sides of the battle are trying their best to hide themselves and look for enemies. Once entangled by these void monsters and evil things, it is extremely easy to expose themselves. Even if they can deal with these monsters and evil things, they will not be able to protect themselves. It is extremely easy to be exposed to the eyes of the enemy.

Just like the gods of the divine world in front of you!

"Good luck!" Bian Yujiao couldn't help raising her eyebrows at this time, and whispered: "I just don't know how many gods there will be in that temple? Are there any fifth-level gods?"

Bian Yujiao is a fifth-level star master. If he wants to graduate from Kunlun Star Palace, he must hunt at least fifth-level gods during the assessment.

Facing enemies who also belong to a super-level civilization, the Star Lord monks in the Star Alliance dare not say that they can fight across levels and hunt enemies at will. Being able to win and kill enemies in battles with the same level is already regarded as Very good results.

"Should we take action now, or should we continue to wait for the opponent's battle with those void monsters and evil creatures to end, and then reap the benefits?"

Bian Yujiao did not rush to make a decision, but turned to look at a third-grade immortal monk in the starship and asked.

"If we wait any longer, will the movement here attract other Star Alliance monks or gods from the divine realm?"

Everyone in the starship also looked at the third-grade immortal monk at this time. Bian Yujiao had introduced him to everyone at the Iron Wall Star gathering before.

This third-grade immortal monk’s surname is Huang. According to Senior Sister Bian’s introduction, the Huang family has an old friendship with the Bian family. The friendship has been forged since the ancestor of the Bian family, the Earth Immortal Ancestor. Even now, among Senior Sister Bian’s natal stars, there are still people stationed there. , the imperial monk of the Huang family's immortal Taoism.

It can be said that the relationship between this immortal Taoist monk surnamed Huang and senior Bian Yujiao is closer than that between Liang Ji and Wu Shan, and the trust between them is also greater than that between Liang Ji and Wu Shan.

Of course, what is more important is that this third-level immortal monk surnamed Huang has been serving in the front line of the Void Sea in the past, participating in the killing and fighting of the gods of the God Realm, and has extremely rich experience in fighting and hunting in the Void Sea.

For this reason, Bian Yujiao had to ask the opinion of the third-grade immortal named Huang before deciding to take action.

The third-level immortal surnamed Huang frowned slightly at this time, shook his head and said: "My suggestion is to ignore the temples on the battlefield for now, but patrol around the battlefield."

"This is also a common practice in the Void Sea battlefield."

"On the one hand, we want to prevent the temple in front of us from being a bait deliberately set by the enemy, a trap set by the enemy. There may be more and stronger gods from the divine world hiding in the surrounding darkness, waiting for the bait to take the bait."

"On the other hand, we don't know if this is the battlefield we discovered first?"

"If someone has discovered this place before us, they might be waiting in the darkness to be the last hunter."

After listening to the other party's words, Liang Ji and Bian Yujiao's expressions changed slightly and they nodded.

These are undoubtedly the experiences that the Star Alliance monks have spent countless lives and blood on the Void Sea battlefield, and they have to pay attention to them.

At the moment, Bian Yujiao controlled the starship and did not continue to approach the battlefield. Instead, it cruised in the darkness around the battlefield. At the same time, she contacted the ghosts and gods and third-level ghosts and immortals sent out to explore the surrounding dark void and beware of traps and enemies.

boom! boom! Rumble...

Before the starship could explore a small area, a roaring sound of battle suddenly sounded in front of it, and spiritual light and divine light erupted in the dark void, illuminating the surrounding darkness and impacting the surrounding void.

"There are enemies!"

"The exploring ghost fairy was attacked!"

"It's really a trap!"

Several low shouts sounded in the starship.

"All ghosts, fairies and gods, please do not act rashly. You should continue to explore the dark void around you to prevent more enemies from hiding."

"Leave this battle to us for support."

In the starship, when the battle came, the third-level immortal surnamed Huang immediately took over the command of Bian Yujiao, and quickly issued orders based on his rich combat experience in the void sea.

In the surrounding dark void, several third-level ghost immortals who were preparing to attack the battlefield heard the order and chose to leave without hesitation, continuing to explore the surrounding dark void.

This was determined by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao before the operation started. During the battle, after the third-grade immortal named Huang took over the command, everyone should give priority to acting according to his command.

After all, among everyone, only the other party has the richest combat experience in the Void Sea.

When Liang Ji saw this, his heart moved slightly, and he ordered Wu Shanshan and other ghosts and gods to bypass the battlefield ahead and patrol and explore the darkness around them, looking for more enemies, traps, and dangers that might exist.

"All third-level immortals, don't rush to take action, wait for my instructions."

"Several star masters immediately summoned their families and ghost soldiers to enter the battlefield to support the battle, and quickly understood the situation on the battlefield."

The third-level immortal named Huang continued to give instructions.

Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and Liu Xu didn't say much after hearing the words, and immediately acted according to his instructions. They each activated the power of the golden elixir and their natal stars, and opened several star gates in the dark void.

The next moment, battle formations composed of various airships, spaceships, underworld warships, and ghost soldiers rushed out of the star gates and directly entered the battlefield ahead.

Roaring explosions, sounds of battle, and blazing divine light and spiritual light erupted in the battlefield, almost illuminating a large area of ​​darkness and void all around.

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