In the void sea, on the outskirts of the birthplace of the treasure, the Star Lord and the gods were fighting each other. Various starlights and divine lights continued to collide, explode, and show off in the void, completely illuminating the surrounding darkness.

Liang Jigang had just killed a fourth-level Vulcan body and harvested a fourth-level fire-attribute divine crystal. Before he could expand his results, another divine light came from the side and directly hit the 'starlight force field' surrounding him.

There was a roar, and the 'starlight force field' all over Liang Ji was vibrating under the bombardment of the divine light, and many cracks appeared.

Liang Ji did not dare to neglect, and immediately gave up destroying the divine domain of the fourth-level gods, and instead used all his strength to use the power of the "Tao Fruit" of his natal stars, urging the starlight power of his natal stars to repair and make up for the "starlight force field" around him.

And quickly passed down the oracle, asking the ghosts and gods still stationed in the underworld of the natal star Jiuquan to activate the original power of the stars to bless the "starlight force field" and strengthen and stabilize the defense of the "starlight force field".

After regaining the ability to protect himself, Liang Ji looked towards the direction from which the divine light was bombarded with lingering fear.

Then he saw a fifth-level god whose body looked like a condensed mountain boulder. The divine light of the earth erupted all over his body, and he controlled gravity to crush him. He rushed towards him all the way.

Along the way, many of Liang Ji's family members, ghosts and gods were fighting and fighting, but they were all knocked away and crushed by these fifth-level earth-moving gods. It was difficult for anyone to stop them.

Liang Ji's expression changed suddenly. This fifth-level god was definitely a strong one among the fifth-level gods, and he was not someone he could resist or confront.

He immediately activated various star techniques improved by magical powers, such as calling wind, calling rain, spitting flames, freezing, etc., and blasted away with the power of starlight, turning into various powerful attacks to block and delay the opponent's progress and attack.

At the same time, the stars were flowing under Liang Ji's feet, carrying him away one after another, looking for helpers around him.

This is a big melee. There are so many fifth- and sixth-order star masters fighting here. There is no need for Liang Ji to use all his strength to fight and kill the incoming fifth-order gods.

Not to mention the high probability that he will be defeated, damaged, or even in danger of his life. Even if he wins by chance, he will definitely injure the enemy one thousand and lose eight hundred to himself. In such a battle, he will be immediately targeted and killed by the next opponent.

So at this time, what he needs more is to seek help from his own fifth-level and sixth-level star masters, and just leave these fifth-level gods to his own fifth-level star masters to deal with.

Sure enough, Liang Ji fled all the way in the starlight, and the fifth-level gods followed closely behind him and attacked him continuously, severely damaging the 'starlight force field' surrounding him one after another, but soon a starlight like arrow shot from the side, directly piercing through the The yellow divine light and gravity field surrounding the fifth-level god forced him to turn around and save himself.

"Evil God, what's the point of bullying someone whose cultivation level is lower than yours?"

"Come! Come! Let's have a fight!"

A ray of starlight rushed from the side, manifesting into a big man with a strong body. His body was surrounded by starlight, and a projection of the 'Gods List' floated in it. Every time the Star Master of the Han Dynasty made a move, he simultaneously mobilized the power of the starlight and the power of the 'Gods List'. Together, they blasted towards the fifth-level earth-moving god.

The fifth-level gods who were suddenly forced had to use all their strength to activate their surrounding areas. The gravity increased sharply and the earth and rocks condensed like mountains to resist the starlight and divine light bombarded by the big man.

"'Jade Character Lineage' Liang Ji, thank you senior for saving me!"

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately bowed and thanked the big Han Star Master.

"Haha... Junior Brother Liang, you're welcome!" The big Han Star Master responded with a smile while fighting and killing the opposite fifth-level Star Master: "I am Ma Kui from the 'Hunyuan Lineage' of Kunlun Star Palace."

"We are all students of Kunlun Star Palace, so we should help each other!"

In the Void Sea, most of the Star Lords who fight and fight with the gods of the God Realm are from the 'Kunlun Star Palace', especially the middle-level Star Lords among them, who are basically the Star Lord students of the 'Kunlun Star Palace'. host.

After all, only the methods of the star master students of the 'Kunlun Star Palace' are good at restraining and dealing with these gods of the gods.

As for the Star Lords of other origins, basically only high-level beings who can directly control the origin and avenue, and use the power of the origin and avenue to fight and kill the gods of the divine world, and they will join the high-level battle here if they do not fall behind. .

So at this time, Liang Ji was in the battlefield. He looked around in a blink of an eye and saw a large number of 'Feng Shen Bang' and 'Feng Shen Bang' projections manifesting in the void, constantly colliding with the 'divine crystals' and divine light of the gods. , confrontation.

He took another look at the battle between Senior Ma Kui and the fifth-level earth attribute god, and he had already begun to gain the upper hand. At that moment, he did not intervene randomly to disrupt the senior's fighting methods and rhythm, but quickly scanned the surroundings to find the next opponent. .

It was also a fourth-level god, but he was joining forces with a fifth-level god to besiege a fifth-level star master.

Under the siege of the two gods, the fifth-level star master has obviously fallen into a disadvantage, and has been in dangerous situations many times.

Liang Ji did not hesitate and directly sacrificed the treasure of his life, the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth'. The underworld of Jiuquan was manifested in it, and the figures of ghosts and gods were stationed in it. He directly pushed the treasure to the fifth level and blasted towards it. The fourth-level gods who participated in the siege.

When the fourth-level gods discovered that Liang Ji was attacking, they quickly activated their domains and artifacts to resist. However, the hasty defense was unable to defeat the pagoda that Liang Ji was preparing to attack.

Amidst the roaring and explosion, the pagoda's dark yellow light, divine light, and starlight burst out together, directly blasting through the divine realm that erupted around the fourth-level god, and even blew away the artifact he had sacrificed.

The fourth-level god had no choice but to protect himself by directly triggering the 'divine crystal' to fly out from the center of his eyebrows, bursting out a large blue divine light like a turbulent wave, and finally blocked the pagoda temporarily.

At this time, Liang Ji had already arrived, and the projection of the 'Feng Shen Bang' instantly rose up, brushing down a large area of ​​divine light, and directly brushed the blue water 'divine crystal' into the divine light and included it in the 'Feng Shen Bang' projection.

On the other side, the fifth-level gods who were originally joining forces with the fourth-level gods to besiege the Star Lord saw this and quickly attacked Liang Ji, hoping to save the fourth-level gods. However, the fifth-level star master who was besieged by them immediately seized the opportunity. Launch a counterattack and block the fifth-level god.


The fourth-level god roared and roared, and his body suddenly collapsed and turned into large waves and whirlpools, attacking and swallowing Liang Ji.

Liang Ji mobilized the 'starlight force field' around him to continuously collide and compete with the incoming waves and vortices. The star magic and treasure weapons in his hands continued to attack, smashing the waves and vortexes.

In the blink of an eye, he killed another fourth-level god's divine body and captured another water-moving 'divine crystal'.

Then he and the besieged fifth-level star master exchanged greetings, and before they had time to say more hello, they rushed to a new battlefield.

In such a chaotic battlefield, Liang Ji either actively or passively fought and fought with the gods one after another. Some of them won and captured the divine crystals, while others lost and were hunted down miserably.

Fortunately, the number of ‘divine crystals’ of various attributes in his hands gradually accumulated, ushering in a good harvest.

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