The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 697 Starlight Escape Technique

The divine light from the temple reached the seventh level of power. In just a moment, Liang Ji felt that his entire body and soul were absorbed by this terrifying power. The endless shadow of death hit his heart, as if he would be wiped out in the next moment. .


The dragon soul wrapped around the natal star raised its head and roared to wake it up.

The 'God List' and Dao Fruit contained in the natal stars are all moving and exerting force at this time. The power of the bright starlight is instilled and condenses around Liang Ji to form a 'starlight force field', trying to resist the bombardment of the divine light. .

The next moment, before the divine light came, a starlight suddenly shot out from the starship in front of Liang Ji, intercepting the incoming divine light in the middle of the void.

The two collided and exploded in the void, shattering the darkness and void in the battlefield.

Liang Ji breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and a large amount of sweat broke out from his body in an instant. This was undoubtedly a very incredible thing for him who was accomplished in body refining and golden elixir. The immediate death threat and impact were intense.

Next, without any time to think about it, he directly activated the power of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the Dao Fruit, consuming the origin of the natal stars and the power of the Dao Law, causing his body to directly transform into a stream of starlight and fly away, instantly traveling through the void and arriving at the corresponding starship. Before.

This method of turning into starlight and flying is generally an escape method that can be used regularly by high-level star masters. They use this method to escape and advance in the void star sea. They can travel around the void star sea without even riding a starship. .

For Liang Ji, who is a fourth-level star master, to forcefully perform such a starlight escape technique, on the one hand, it certainly requires consuming a large amount of the original power of his natal stars and the power of the Tao Fruit; on the other hand, as a middle-level star master, he must The source of the rotating stars and the power of the law are added to the body and transformed into starlight to fly away, which is a huge test for his body and the magic power of the golden elixir.

If the time is longer, it will cause huge damage to his body and golden elixir. It will be very difficult to recover by then, and it will definitely consume many times more of the source of his natal stars.

Therefore, when Liang Ji crossed the battlefield to escape before, he never used this 'starlight escape method' to escape. But now he obviously doesn't care about this anymore. The horror of the temple attack has almost made him lose control even before it fell on him. If it happens again, he really doesn't know what the result will be.

And now that he is very close to the starship, he can use the 'Starlight Escape Technique' to escape without consuming too much energy and time. The damage is limited and within the range he can bear.

Sure enough, Liang Ji used the 'Starlight Escape Technique' to cross the remaining distance and reach the starship in almost an instant. A burst of starlight suddenly appeared in the starship, and he was welcomed into the starship.

The second wave of divine light just surged above the temple that was competing with the starship in the distance. Seeing this, it had to stop and converge.

Liang Ji fell into the starship and had lost his 'Starlight Escape Technique'. However, even this short moment of 'Starlight Escape Technique' made his already severely damaged body even more unbearable.

The figure that fell from the starship into the starlight could not even land smoothly. He lost control and fell directly onto the deck. There were many cracks, wounds all over his body, and blood dripping from his body.

The newly restored and condensed 'Star Guardian' star technique around him also collapsed again under the backlash.

At the same time, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the golden elixir also became dim, and even a shallow crack appeared on it.

This is the price he pays for his cultivation as a fourth-level star master, forcibly transporting the power of the origin and laws of his natal stars to his body, and performing the 'Starlight Escape Technique', and it only costs a short moment.

However, for Liang Ji, these are not problems.

Most of the foundations of Star Master monks are on the natal stars. As long as there is no problem with the natal stars, even if the real body falls, they can be reborn in the natal stars, not to mention that now they are just severely injured and suffering backlash.

At most, it is just to consume more of the original star power of the natal star, and the injuries and backlash on the body will naturally be restored.

Now that he had successfully returned to the starship and was safe for the time being, he naturally had enough time and energy to recover from all his injuries.

"Third Expansion Corps, Sixth Star Port, 'Yulou' starship team Liang Ji, thank you for the help!"

Liang Ji used the power of his natal star path fruit, and a large amount of star power poured in, allowing him to barely regain control of his body. He immediately sat up and bowed towards the starship cabin to thank him.

The starship "Yulou" is the team formed by Senior Bian Yujiao this time. The starship they are traveling on is named "Yulou".

In the direction of the starship cabin, a star appeared, manifesting the starship's 'ship spirit', and said to Liang Ji: "The Fifth Expansion Corps of the Star Alliance, the third star port, the 'Light Chaser' starship, we are happy to serve you. !”

"According to the laws of the Covenant, when Star Alliance-affiliated starships encounter Covenant star masters and monks calling for help on the battlefield, they are obliged to respond and rescue them."

"Star Master Liang Ji, after testing by the starship formation, you are seriously injured at the second level. Do you need help from this starship?"

"Thank you." Liang Ji was now able to sit up cross-legged, and the wounds on his body had stopped bleeding and recovered quickly. He thanked him again and said, "It is enough for your ship to provide shelter."

"I can recover from this injury very quickly."

As he spoke, with the continuous infusion of star power from the natal star that contained the original power, the shattered and disintegrated "star guardian" star technique around Liang Ji had gradually recovered and condensed.

In just a moment, Liang Ji's body had improved greatly, leaving only the two most serious injuries that would take more time and the power of the stars to recover.

In other words, a leg was shattered by a sixth-level god, and there were also cracks caused by forcibly operating the 'Starlight Escape Technique' to backfire on the golden elixir.

This is also the power of the Star Lord monks. Although not as good as the god monks, as long as there is no problem with the divine crystal and divine domain, they can quickly regenerate and condense the divine body; but the Star Lord monks can also use the power of their own stars to quickly repair, Recover your injuries.

No matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered. The only difference lies in the amount of energy consumed from the source of the natal stars and the power of the Tao Fruit.

After thanking the ship spirit of the "Light Chaser" starship, Liang Ji turned his attention back to his biggest injury and repairs.

One of his legs has been completely shattered by the attack of the sixth-level god. If he wants to repair it, he must regenerate the broken limb; and the cracks that appear on the golden elixir directly damage its origin.

Whether it is rebirth of a severed limb or restoration of the original source, the consumption is very huge.

Liang Ji did not repair it immediately, but first checked the situation of his natal stars, and then checked the 'Dao Fruit' data recorded in the 'Star Book' to determine whether the subsequent consumption and recovery would affect his natal stars. The stars do too much damage.

After all, for star master monks, if the body is damaged, it can be quickly recovered by relying on the power of the natal star. However, if the natal star is damaged or even backfires, the damage caused will far exceed the injury to the body.

Liang Ji had personally experienced the backlash of his natal star, and since then he had paid great attention to the origin of his natal star and the balance between consumption and recovery of the power of the Tao Fruit.

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