The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 699 Reunion Team

In the void sea, there is a vast battlefield.

Liang Ji stood in a 'Pulao' flying boat, surrounded by 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats from various clans, and accompanied by a team of ghost soldiers led by ghosts and gods, wandering in the void battlefield, looking at various battlefields. .

After recovering from his injuries in the starship "Chasing the Light", repairing his natal treasure "The Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth", and raising the source of his natal stars and the power of Dao Fruit to the limit, Liang Ji left the star. The ship entered the battlefield again.

However, after learning from the previous lessons, Liang Ji did not take risks easily this time and rashly fight with the gods on the battlefield. Instead, he recruited the soldiers of the family members, flying boats, and ghosts and gods to his side, and fought with the family members, ghosts and gods. Under the protection of his soldiers, he roams the battlefield looking for opportunities.

On the one hand, of course, he had suffered heavy losses and almost died, which taught him a lot of lessons; on the other hand, after dozens of days of fighting, the situation on this battlefield had begun to change.

Among them, the fourth-level gods and star lords, who were originally a handful, were either killed or severely injured, and are now hard to find on the battlefield. Furthermore, the fifth- and sixth-level star lords and gods were killed in the increasingly fierce battle. Nowadays, they have begun to join forces and form groups, and few people fight alone.

It also became very difficult for Liang Ji to find suitable opponents and suitable fighters.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Liang Ji, who was walking around the battlefield, was slightly surprised and fixed his eyes on a battlefield where more than a dozen Star Lords, gods, and third-level immortals were fighting.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Senior Chen Zhao, Senior Junior Liu Xu, and the human immortal Wu Shan and other third-level immortals that Senior Sister Bian had found were fighting and fighting with several gods there.

But it was the team organized by Senior Sister Bian Yujiao who got together at some point and joined forces to fight the gods.

In an instant, Liang Ji stopped the wandering team. Since he met Senior Bian Yujiao and others here, he naturally did not intend to continue wandering around the battlefield looking for fighters. Instead, he chose to stay here and join Senior Bian and others on the battlefield. .

After all, he was also invited by Senior Sister Bian to assist in boxing. Moreover, he, Senior Sister Bian and others are more familiar with each other, can better integrate into their team, and can better cooperate with each other in battle.

He led his team of dependents, ghosts and gods to wander around the battlefield, looking for opportunities to intervene.

On the battlefield, Bian Yujiao and others apparently discovered Liang Ji who was coming and quickly contacted him.

"Liang Ji, look for opportunities to help junior Liu Xu."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao took the lead.

Several people present, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, and Junior Liu Xu, each fought and fought with a fifth-level god. Wu Shan, Huang, and other third-level immortals divided their teams and joined forces to stop the three gods. Two of them were A sixth-level god and a fifth-level god.

Although these third-level immortals have reached high levels of cultivation, they have too little power of law. Together, they can only fight on par with the two sixth-level gods and one fifth-level god.

This is enough to show the gap between these Immortal Traditions and the Star Lord and God Traditions.

"No, I can still hold on!" Liu Xu said directly at this time: "Liang Ji, look for opportunities to help Senior Chen Zhao. We must kill one god quickly before we can kill the other gods and end the battle quickly. Chance."

Liang Ji glanced across the battlefield, and he immediately agreed with Liu Xu's opinion.

The battlefield between a group of third-level immortals, two sixth-level gods, and a fifth-level god was too entangled, and there were too many monks involved, so it was not easy for him to intervene.

Among the remaining three star master monks on the battlefield, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was fighting equally with her opponents, and it was hard to tell the winner for a moment; Senior Brother Liu Xu was fighting a fifth-level god alone, and was already at a disadvantage, but relying on the treasure in his hand , but there is no sign of defeat for the moment.

Only Chen Zhaoxue was good at fighting against a fifth-level god, but he had already completely gained the upper hand and suppressed the fifth-level god. However, the opponent was still struggling and holding on, and it was still unknown how long it would take to completely kill him. .

In this chaotic battlefield, the situation changes rapidly. At this time, the sooner you kill the opponent and end the battle, the better.

So at this time, helping Senior Chen Zhao is the best choice.

With a decision in his mind, Liang Ji directly sent a message: "Senior Chen Zhao, I will help you kill your opponent first."

"Okay!" After hearing Liang Ji's choice, Senior Chen Zhao immediately understood what he meant. He immediately activated the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' on top to erupt with bright divine light. However, he did not hesitate to use his own star to explode with all his strength and rush towards his opponent. .

He was fighting against a fifth-level earth attribute god, who was now transformed into a mountain giant. However, under the pressure and attack of Senior Chen Zhao, he could only defend with all his strength, and was almost unable to counterattack. There were many cracks and broken parts on his body.

Facing Senior Chen Zhao's outburst, the other party seemed to have realized the plans of Liang Ji, Chen Zhao and others. The 'divine crystal' between the eyebrows also erupted, and the surrounding areas quickly attacked, trying to break through Chen Zhao's suppression and trap.

It's just that he is no match for Senior Chen Zhao. At this time, facing Chen Zhao's explosive and suppressive attacks, it is even more difficult to escape.

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately knew that Senior Chen Zhao was creating opportunities for him.

There was no hesitation at the moment, and he directly sacrificed the natal treasure "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth". The Nine Springs Underworld emerged among the ten floors below, and ghosts and gods were included in it. The projection of the "God List" was integrated into it, and the original power of the natal stars was circulated. The blessing directly pushes the power of the natal treasure to the limit that it can reach now.

Immediately, amidst the roaring and shaking, the pagoda was like a sacred mountain, directly hitting the fifth-level earth attribute god.

At the last moment, the god shouted loudly, and the 'divine crystal' he sacrificed was retracted directly between his eyebrows. The field that exploded around him was also retracted and integrated into his body in an instant. He even integrated the artifact in his hand, a giant hammer, into his body. .

In an instant, its divine body swelled and its divine light radiated. The mountain giant's body swelled directly, transforming from a human form into a real mountain tour, as if a giant mountain stood in the void, in order to resist Senior Chen Zhao, and Liang Ji joined forces to attack.

But, everything is in vain.

This mountain giant god had already suffered heavy losses in the battle with Chen Zhao. Even when it transformed into a giant mountain, there were still cracks spread all over the mountain, making it difficult to completely repair.

At this time, there was a loud roar, and the sacred artifact pagoda raised by Liang Ji was like another sacred mountain crashing into it. It was like destroying the mountain. The giant mountain transformed by the fifth-level god was shattered by the impact, and large areas were shattered. The mountains were shattered and boulders rolled down.

Huge cracks are still spreading and cracking deep into the mountains and mountains, as if they are going to completely crack and divide the entire mountains and mountains into pieces.

"Oracle: Unbreakable!"

The oracles of the fifth-level gods also came out from the high mountains. The 'divine crystal' exploded in his body, and the bright divine light bloomed from the huge cracks, trying to repair the cracks and lock the broken ones. Don't let the tall mountains and giant mountains crumble to pieces.

At this time, Senior Chen Zhao seized the opportunity in an instant. The bright divine light erupted from the top of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' directly brushed into the mountains and mountains transformed by the gods. With a roll of divine light, the 'divine crystal' was removed from the cracked mountain. Seize it and come out.

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