The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 718 Fifth Grade Nascent Soul

Using Liang Ji's natal star to refine the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill, it would normally take at least four to five years.

But now, in just over two years, he has successfully refined the first fifth-level demon elixir and was successfully promoted to fifth-level star master. Most of the credit is naturally due to the role of the 'Dragon Star Spirit'.

In the past two years or so, Liang Ji has been hunting the Void Golden Eagle everywhere in the black hole in the sky. With the combat power of his family, flying boats, and ghosts and gods, it does not take much time to hunt the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle.

For more than two years, more time was spent on the road, rushing from one hunting location to the next.

During this time on the road, Liang Ji was basically urging the dragon soul to merge with the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei', catalyzing the young form of the 'Dragon Star Spirit' to control the stars, Yin and Yang realms, the list of gods, ghosts and gods, and the great formation. , origin, etc., to speed up the digestion of fifth-level demon pills.

Because of this, Liang Ji frequently extracted the source power of the Wooden Meteor Star and the Three Holy Stars for more than two years to make up for the consumption of the source of the natal stars by the 'Dragon Star Spirit'.

It even had a considerable impact on the two life stars in the outer world star sea. Although the two stars were downgraded and declined, it also caused the life above the stars to decline and the luck to be depressed.

For this reason, Liang Ji even received a message from the team of the 'Second Star Port' and a prayer request from the Dragon Emperor Sect, asking him to slow down the plundering of the origin of the two outer life stars.

It was also because of this that it took Liang Jicai more than two years to completely refine the first fifth-level demon pill. Otherwise, according to his original estimate, it might only take two years to completely refine the demon pill.

"In the final analysis, there are still too few life stars in the outer world that can be plundered and plundered!"

Liang Ji was thoughtful, he could only plunder the origin from two life stars now. If he could occupy twenty life stars from the outer world and spread the plundered origin, it would naturally be much easier.

"Perhaps it's time to temporarily put aside the hunt for the Void Golden Eagle. The most important thing now is to explore and find new life stars in the outer world."

"Before the Star Alliance's pioneering war begins, finding and occupying a few more life stars in the outer realm is probably more important than gathering the required fifth-level Void Golden Eagle Demon Pill!"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji had the idea of ​​temporarily leaving the black hole in the sky and returning to the outer sea of ​​stars to explore.

Moreover, the bounty for more than two years has certainly made it easier for him to find and hunt the fifth-level Void Golden Eagle, but it has also consumed a lot of foreign spiritual objects, spiritual stones, etc., and has almost exhausted his inventory.

Nowadays, he is preparing for the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" that is about to begin; on the other hand, he also needs to acquire treasures that speed up the refining of demon pills from natal stars; and finally, he needs to purchase spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, various inheritances, etc. to promote natal stars. The development of the fifth stage of the stars and the growth of the dependent family.

The required spiritual stones and meritorious deeds are already increasing day by day, and Liang Ji has already felt that he cannot make ends meet.

For this reason, the Dragon Emperor Sect even had to increase its search efforts in the 'Three Holy Stars' to provide him with treasures and spiritual stones.

But by the same token, the treasures and resources contained in a star are limited. Even if the 'Three Holy Stars' were a seventh-level star, it would be difficult to withstand Liang Ji's endless search.

What's more, for more than two years, he has been continuously plundering the origin of the 'Three Holy Stars', causing the speed and quality of various spiritual objects and resources contained in the stars to continue to decline.

Liang Ji learned from the Dragon Emperor Sect, as well as some family members, ghosts and gods who stayed on the Three Saint Stars, that the Three Saint Stars were now quite overwhelmed.

Although it is said that the Three Holy Stars were discovered and captured by Liang Ji on his own expedition in the outer star sea, he has the right to search for resources, spiritual stones, and even plunder the source.

However, the Three Saints have also joined the Star Alliance now. The 'Three Saints' have even been studying in the Star Alliance for many years. They also have a better understanding of the Star Alliance and even have some connections. If Liang Ji is Excessive exploitation in the 'Three Holy Stars' will also lead to obstruction and punishment from the Star Alliance.

"So, after all, it still occupies too few life stars in the outer realm."

Liang Ji calculated and calculated in his mind his current predicament and the direction of his next practice. He became more determined to suspend hunting and explore the outer star sea to find more life stars.

With the decision in his mind, Liang Ji immediately stopped offering rewards in several 'hunting groups'.

However, there are still a few places in the group that have reported their coordinates and locations. Liang Ji is still ready to continue the hunt, which can be regarded as a successful start.

"Moreover, it takes time to completely complete the fifth-level transformation."

In the starship, Liang Ji gathered his mind and consciousness, but this time he did not enter the natal stars, but entered the Dantian Sea of ​​Consciousness to merge with the golden elixir.

After the natal star refined the first fifth-level demon elixir and successfully advanced to the fifth level (1%), the star completely advanced to the fifth level, and the star power transferred and instilled in it also transformed and improved, reaching the fifth level. The next time, it was poured into the golden elixir of the Dantian of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Suddenly, the golden elixir, which had been containing vitality, creation, and the light of the stars for several years, reached the final conditions for transformation and promotion.


The sound of shattering came from the golden elixir, like the sound of the creation of the world. The bright starlight bloomed from the cracks on the golden elixir, illuminating the entire consciousness sea space, expanding and strengthening the consciousness sea space.

And among the shattered golden elixirs, a figure was born as if it were the beginning of the world, splitting the golden elixir heaven and earth, rising up to the sky, and chanting Taoism in his mouth!

It was the Nascent Soul that was nurtured in the golden elixir. After breaking the elixir, it became an infant. Liang Ji also successfully advanced to the realm of the fifth-level Nascent Soul among the nine ranks of immortals.

The broken golden elixir fragments quickly dispersed with the blooming starlight of the Nascent Soul and the recited Taoist sounds, and merged into the Dantian of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, into Liang Ji's body, and into his soul.

Under the nourishment of Nascent Soul starlight and golden elixir fragments, Liang Ji's consciousness, body, and soul have grown and improved by leaps and bounds, and he has been promoted together with his cultivation.

The transformation of the Nascent Soul, Consciousness Sea, body, and soul directly affects and integrates into the astrology of the "Star Guardian" around the body, promoting the growth and transformation of the "Star Guardian", and the "Mana Force Field" becomes larger and stronger. , is stronger, and some starlight has even faintly emerged from it, forming a force field protection together with mana.

At this time, in the Dantian of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the newly born Nascent Soul completed its transformation and sat cross-legged in the center of the Dantian of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, holding the Star Technique Seal in its hand.

The "Star Spirit Yuan Fei" nurtured in the origin of the natal stars is also in the same cross-legged position at this time, and it is holding the star magic seal with its hands. It is exactly the same as the Yuan Ying in Liang Ji's sea of ​​knowledge dantian. Not only the movements are the same, but also the appearance. Same thing.

The only difference is probably that the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' is condensed from starlight, while the Nascent Soul is still condensed from mana even though the starlight is blooming all over its body.

However, at this time, as the 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' and Nascent Soul are both formed, the two are directly connected and the starlight flows and interacts between the two. The 'Star Spirit Yuan Fei' is also slowly influencing and refining the Yuan Ying. Ying, enhance the origin of the Nascent Soul to move closer to the starlight and star origin, and even transform.

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