The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 723 Communication The Third Adventure

Several members of the 'Dragon Snake' team reunited on the Iron Wall Star and went to Senior Sister Bian's 'Yujing Tower' for a banquet as usual, chatting with each other about their experiences in the past few years.

Nowadays, the news that the Star Alliance is about to launch a new pioneering war is basically no secret among the middle and high-level people of the Star Alliance. Several people present have known about it for a long time and have been preparing for the pioneering war in the past few years.

Needless to say, Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu had big companies like Shandelou and Herborist behind them. They did not need to worry about preparations for war. They followed the company's instructions to purchase some spiritual materials on the market, identify some magic weapons and elixirs, and even follow the company's instructions. Just order to refine some elixirs and magic weapons to prepare for the war.

However, after all, the two of them were from large companies, and they had more exposure to the market and more detailed information than those who worked alone, such as Liang Ji and Wu Shan.

At this banquet, they talked about the inside stories of large companies, the preparations made by large companies and large groups for the 'Pioneering War', and even talked about some specious high-level agreements, agreements, etc., but Liang was also impressed. Ji, Peng Yue, and Wu Shan felt quite eye-opening.

At least, from these specious news, they can see the preparations of some large companies, large groups, and even senior leaders in the Star Alliance for the pioneering war. This may not be of much reference, but it can at least point out some directions.

As for Wu Shan and Chu Yue, there is not much to say. Chu Yue has been a new immortal for a few years, and her resources, spiritual stones, achievements, etc. are basically the same as those she had followed Liang Ji and others on two expeditions to the outer sea of ​​stars. Although she had learned about the Star Alliance's "Pioneering War" from Liang Ji early, due to limited spiritual stones, resources, and meritorious deeds, the preparations she could make were also limited.

In the first few years, when the prices of various war materials and resources on the market increased to a limited extent, she took the opportunity to purchase a batch of materials to prepare. In the following years, when the news spread and the prices of materials on the market doubled, she gave up the purchase directly.

On the contrary, he took advantage of the doubling of the price of war materials in recent years, took on a lot of work, refined a lot of immortal formations and sold them in the market, and made a lot of money.

Talents who master high-end technology will always have no shortage of opportunities to make money.

As for Wu Shan, he is obviously inferior. He has not mastered any high-end technology and can basically rely on his own combat power. Although he, like Liang Ji, was the first to get the news of the 'Pioneering War' from Senior Sister Bian, far more so than Chu Yue. morning.

However, in the past few years, Wu Shan could only rely on the spiritual stones, resources and meritorious deeds he had saved in the early years to purchase a lot of materials, and later sold a batch when the price doubled, making a profit from the price difference. A batch of spiritual stones, resources and meritorious deeds.

Then, relying on his experience, combat prowess, and connections as a veteran Immortal, he took on some tasks within and outside the Star Alliance, serving as thugs and guards, etc., and slowly accumulated spiritual stones and resources.

But it is far inferior to Chu Yue sitting and making money.

However, Senior Wu Shan is not without his strengths. At least the experience and connections he has accumulated over the years are very extensive, which is not comparable to that of Chu Yue.

He takes on various tasks within and outside the Star Alliance, helping others solve problems based on his cultivation and combat prowess, or working as a guard or a thug. These are all the connections he has accumulated.

It seems that the connection with senior Bian Yujiao was accumulated by senior Wu Shan.

Liang Ji also heard Wu Shan say that at this time, when Senior Sister Bian Yujiao advanced to the fourth level Star Master and just set foot in the exploration of the outer star sea, Wu Shan accepted the employment of the Bian family and joined Senior Sister Bian's team and contributed a lot. The two sides gradually formed a personal relationship.

It was also because of such connections that Wu Shan was able to meet Liang Ji through Senior Sister Bian's introduction, and help his only descendant Wu Shanshan find a place in the immortal lineage among Liang Ji's natal stars, thus saving the life of his only descendant.

Over the years, Wu Shan has been pursuing this purpose, building good relationships and developing personal connections within and outside the Star Alliance.

Not to mention how much role these connections can play in the Star Alliance's development war in the future; even now, although Wu Shan has not earned as much as Chu Yue in the past few years, he has learned about various development wars inside and outside the Star Alliance through these connections. There is a lot of news.

He even said more and more details than Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu.

What's more, the immortal Wu Shan also mentioned several possible directions and star regions for the Star Alliance's expansion war. He learned about it through some personal connections, and he didn't know whether it was true or false.

But no matter what, after listening to Liang Ji, Peng Yue and others, at least they can have more understanding and judgment basis, which is somewhat guiding significance for the preparations for the war between the two families.

Finally, there are Liang Ji and Peng Yue. Although the two of them have focused most of their energy and attention on their own cultivation and advancement in recent years, their respective families are also preparing for the open war; and , both of them are students of the Star Lord of the Star Palace. Their status in the Star Alliance and their connections in the Star Palace allow them to get some inside information, which is different from what several third-grade immortals know and understand.

Now that we communicate with each other, everyone has something to gain.

Of course, although everyone exchanged a lot of news about the Star Alliance's pioneering war, no one raised the issue of the team's fate in the pioneering war.

Although Liang Ji is now the captain of the 'Dragon Snake' expedition team, he also knows very well that with the strength of he and Peng Yue as fifth-level star masters, the Liang and Peng families are not even considered to be middle-level forces. With their strength, it is almost impossible to win over the team to act and fight together in the Star Alliance's pioneering war.

Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu didn't say much anymore. They each had the big forces Shan De Lou and Herborist Group behind them, so naturally they wouldn't take a fancy to his small team.

The remaining two people, Chu Yue and Wu Shan, were the only ones who had made it clear that they would stand with Liang Ji in the pioneering war; Chu Yue, on the other hand, had not made any statements, and Liang Ji also believed in third-level immortals and formation Taoist immortals like her. Teachers, top technical talents, there is absolutely no shortage of people and forces to win over in the pioneering war.

In fact, I am afraid that many big forces and groups have already tried to win over each other and even reached an agreement.

Therefore, Liang Ji did not invite the other party rashly to avoid embarrassment for both parties, which would be detrimental to the team's expedition.

The Pioneering War is still twenty years away, and what Liang Ji is most concerned about now is the third exploration of foreign lands before him. This will affect how much combat power he and Peng Yue can exert in the Pioneering War, and even affect their achievements, achievements, and achievements. Interests, etc., naturally do not allow any unexpected interference.

In this way, after everyone in the team had a banquet and exchanges, they did not stay in the Iron Wall Star for a long time. They teleported directly to the Three Sacred Stars through the 'Starlight Gate' and boarded the 'Dragon Snake' starship parked near the Three Sacred Stars. The team's third expedition to the outer star sea began.

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