The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 732 The treatment of ‘Behemoth Star’

“In my opinion, it’s better to leave this ‘Behemoth Star’ to our Herborist Group to run it.”

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji and several members of the team were discussing how to deal with the 'Behemoth Star'. At this time, Lu Yuetong directly suggested.

As she spoke, she took out a few spiritual plants and placed them in front of everyone, and continued:

"Although this star is ruled by giant beasts and we named it the 'Behemoth Star', in fact, I found these from some resources and samples collected and brought back from the star by Daoyou Liang and Daoyou Peng's family members."

"These spiritual plants contain special spiritual power, which is the main reason why the birds and beasts on the giant beast stars grow into giant beasts."

"Our Herborist Group is very interested in all kinds of unique spiritual plants and elixirs. Such spiritual plants and elixirs that can cause ordinary birds and animals to mutate and grow into third-order giant beasts. If they are cultivated by our Herborist Group, Processing and refining it into elixirs, etc., will definitely sell well among the Star Alliance."

"At that time, several members of our team will also be able to get some dividends and dividends from these spiritual plants and elixirs every year, and a steady stream of spiritual stones will be pocketed."

Liang Ji couldn't help but his face moved slightly when he heard this. He didn't want to stay too long in this 'Behemoth Star' and wanted to continue on a new adventure to find new life stars and spiritual vein stars.

And he didn't want to sell it directly to the 'Behemoth Star'. After all, he still wanted to keep it to continuously provide him with the source of the stars to increase his combat power.

In this way, it is undoubtedly a good idea to hand over this 'Behemoth Star' to the 'Herborist Group' who has long-term cooperation and signed an investment agreement with him to operate and arrange the 'Star Map Array'.

It not only allows the 'Dragon Snake' team to set off on another adventure, but also ensures that he and Peng Yue can plunder the source of the 'Behemoth Star', and at the same time, they can share the benefits of the management and development of the 'Behemoth Star'. It can be said that it kills multiple birds with one stone. have to.

As if he could sense Liang Ji's heartbeat, Xia Wujiu from the side also interjected: "This giant beast in the 'Star of Giant Beasts' is also a rare spiritual material. Let's add one to our Shande Building and run this together." Behemoth Star'.”

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at Peng Yue, Wu Shan and Chu Yue and asked for their opinions.

None of them have a big force behind them, so it would be difficult for them to take over the management rights of ‘Behemoth Star’. Since Herborist Group and Shande Building are willing to take over and ensure their interests, the three of them naturally have no objections and agree to it.

At the moment, Liang Ji also nodded directly and said: "Senior Lu, Senior Xia, in this case, we can hand over this 'Behemoth Star' to Herborist Group and Shande Building for management and disposal. We just need to ensure that Peng Yue and I are in harmony with each other." Just absorb the source of the stars and benefit everyone in the team."

"You can contact Herborist Group and Shandelou and ask them to send enough manpower and strength to take over the 'Behemoth Star' as soon as possible."

General Liang Ji and others all agreed. Lu Yuetong and Xia Wujiu also looked happy and thanked several people individually.

They were sent to the "Dragon Snake" expedition team by Shandelou and Herborist Group, and they represented the interests of the two large companies. But if they could win more for the groups and companies behind them during the expedition, Greater interests, this will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the two of them in the company and group.

Like this time, if they can win the right to operate the 'Behemoth Star', then Shandelou and Herborist Group will definitely give them a lot of rewards, and even enhance their status in their respective companies and groups.

And monks like this who work and work hard in large groups and companies are different from people like Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan and others who work hard on their own. They are bound to the company and the group, so naturally they care more about their own status. Development in companies and groups.

"Captain, don't worry, our 'Shan De Tower' has manpower stationed in the Three Saint Stars. Now we can directly transfer people from the Three Saint Stars. It will take at most ten days to get here. It will definitely not delay too much." Time."

Xia Wujiu assured with a smile.

"Our Herborist Group also has a team stationed at the Three Sacred Stars, and manpower will soon be mobilized to take over the 'Behemoth Star'."

Lu Yuetong said the same.

They all know very well that Liang Ji and Peng Yue do not want to stay too long in the 'Behemoth Star' and want to start a new adventure as soon as possible to find new life stars and spiritual vein stars.

Otherwise, this ‘behemoth star’ would not be directly handed over to them for management.

Therefore, they all directly choose to transfer people from the 'Three Sacred Stars' to take over the 'Behemoth Star' first, and then slowly allocate people to arrange the 'Star Map Array' and operate the 'Behemoth Star'.

As for the fact that the two companies have teams and manpower stationed in the 'Three Holy Stars', it is not a strange thing.

Although Liang Ji found and won the 'Three Holy Stars' himself, the investment agreement he signed with Shandelou and Herborist Group naturally meant that the two companies could also enjoy some benefits from the 'Three Holy Stars'.

The difference from the ‘Wood Meteor’ is just that the proportion of benefits enjoyed by the two companies is lower.

However, as a seventh-level star that has reached a high level, the 'Three Holy Stars' have resources, benefits, etc. that are far beyond what mid-level stars such as the 'Wood Meteor Star' can compare with. Even if the profit ratio is lower or smaller, Xanderlou and Herborist Group will naturally not give up and have already sent personnel to operate and develop it.

Liang Ji listened to what the two said and nodded in agreement.

Although he is eager to carry out new expeditions and want to find and occupy more life stars and spiritual vein stars in the outer world, there is still no problem if he just waits for more than ten days.

It is just a good time to take advantage of these ten days to let the family members explore this 'behemoth star' and at least find out the approximate resources, minerals, spiritual objects, spiritual stone veins and other information.

Later, since the 'Behemoth Star' was handed over to Herborist Group and Shande Building for operation, and the team members directly shared the profits from the operation, they also needed to find out the basic resource situation of the star.

Only in this way can we ensure that their rights and interests will not be misappropriated.

Although Liang Ji has always cooperated very well with the two companies, the proper attitude and procedures are still required. He doesn't want to use profits to test people's hearts.

More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, two starlights flew past in the void star sea. When they got close to the 'Behemoth Star', the starlight converged and two starships appeared. It was Shande Tower, The people from Herborist Group are here.

Although these two starships are not as good as the "Dragon Snake" starship by Liang Ji and others in terms of specifications and layout, the two companies were able to get two starships so quickly and rush over from the "Three Sacred Stars" .

This fully shows the strength and heritage of the two companies.

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