The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 739 Seventh Level Treasure

Most of the void demon clans surrounding the 'True Sun Fire' are sixth-order void demon clans. Even Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members have greatly increased their combat power, but they cannot easily tear apart the sixth-order void demon clan. Rush into it.

Seeing the 'True Sun Fire' burning in the void being continuously devoured by those void monsters, with the flames gradually shrinking and the brightness gradually decreasing, several people in the starship were quite anxious.

Xia Wujiu almost couldn't help but activate the attack weapons on the starship, and directly launched a powerful attack with the weapons to clear a path among the sixth-order void demon tide ahead.

However, he finally suppressed this impulse.

Although the formations and restrictions on the 'Dragon Snake' starship are powerful, they need to be used at critical times. The high-level void monsters that may appear in the team cannot be easily wasted on this mid-level battlefield.

Fortunately, at this time, Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong had already rushed onto the starship deck, acted separately, and joined the attack.

Wu Shan directly activated his great magical powers, 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' and 'Three Heads and Six Arms', holding six immortal weapons and striking across the void. There were few sixth-order void monsters that could resist wherever he passed.

And Lu Yuetong also launched his own 'Incense God Realm', sent a large number of incense Taoist soldiers to join the battle, and also quickly tore apart the sixth-order void demon tide.

Although third-level immortals often have insufficient combat power when facing seventh-level star masters or seventh-level gods, they will be crushed by the same level.

However, when facing these sixth-order void monsters, with their one-level higher cultivation and the power of some of the origins and laws they mastered, they quickly crushed and killed the sixth-order void monsters. Before the wave of void monsters, There is no problem in finding a way forward.

Therefore, with the addition of Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, the battle between Liang Ji and Peng Yue's dependents and spaceships in the sixth-order void demon tide became smoother, and they soon reached the void area where the 'True Sun Fire' was located.

In the starship, Chu Yue immediately activated the collection formation arranged on the ship. A large piece of starlight shot out from the starship and condensed into a starlight giant hand in the void, and directly collected the 'True Sun Fire' into the starlight giant hand. Recover the "Dragon Snake" starship.

On the starship, the family members under Liang Ji and Peng Yue immediately put the 'True Sun Fire' into a special jade cauldron with the help of the starship formation and restrictions, and warmed and protected it.

The value of this seventh-level ‘True Sun Fire’ harvest directly exceeds the total value of the mid-level resources and treasures they collected previously.

"At twelve o'clock, there is the seventh-level spiritual material 'Colorful Divine Light Crystal'!"

At this time, Xia Wujiu controlled the detection device in the starship again and captured a picture that was reflected in the 'light curtain' in the main control cabin.

But in the void, a crystal emitting colorful luster was flying in the void. It was so bright and mysterious that it also attracted a large number of sixth-order void monsters to chase after it, constantly devouring the colorful divine light blooming in the crystal.

"Rush over!"

"Kill it!"

There was almost no hesitation. In the starship cabin and on the deck, several people in the team raised their voices, but they all rushed over to accept the 'Colorful Divine Light Crystal' in unison.

A seventh-level 'True Sun Fire' gave them a taste of the sweetness. The members of the 'Dragon Snake' team now looked down on those mid-level spiritual materials and treasures, and wanted to collect more of these high-level resources and treasures. To make big money.

Moreover, with the help of Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong, and the families and spaceships of Liang Ji and Peng Yue clearing the way, it is enough to continuously tear apart the demon tides in these sixth-order void monsters, come and go, and seize high-level resources from the mouths of these sixth-order void monsters. Level treasures and resources.

Sure enough, the two third-level immortals cooperated with a large number of dependents and spaceships to forcefully attack and tear apart the demon tide in the void. Soon they protected the 'Dragon Snake' starship and rushed into the void where the seventh-level treasure 'Colorful Divine Light Crystal' was located.

It was Chu Yue who still activated the collection formation on the starship. A piece of spiritual light shot out from the starship, like a light curtain sweeping across the void where the 'Seven Colorful Divine Light Crystal' was, and immediately the treasure 'Seven Colorful Divine Light Crystal' was 'Include it into the aura light curtain and bring it back to the starship.

hiss! Roar……

Those sixth-order void monsters who were chasing the 'Colorful Divine Light Crystal' and constantly devouring the divine light roared and chased and attacked the aura emitted by the starship, hoping to break through the aura and take back the treasures contained in it.

However, they were soon blocked and even suppressed by a large number of Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members and spaceship teams led by Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong. On the contrary, many sixth-order void monsters were killed on the spot, allowing the team to gain some more void monsters. He has spiritual materials and demon elixirs on his body.

"Five o'clock direction..." In the starship, Xia Wujiu displayed another picture on the light screen in the main control cabin, and said loudly: "The seventh-level treasure 'Void Thunder Ball'!"

On the starship, several members of the team have obviously formed a tacit understanding. Chu Yue controls the formation on the starship to advance and collect resources and treasures in the void, while Xia Wujiu is responsible for urging and controlling the starship. Detect fairy weapons and magic weapons, and search for resources and treasures in the surrounding void.

As for the seventh-level treasure 'Void Thunderball', it is not a resource or treasure that was born and sputtered out from the fallen star, but the majestic and huge power of the star in the process of falling, tearing the surrounding void, causing High-level resources and treasures are born in the void due to the violent changes and collisions of void energy.

In the void, a powerful existence like a star will always have "a slight influence on the whole body" once there is a change. It is not strange to trigger some changes in the void and give birth to some resources and treasures.

Moreover, although this 'Void Thunder Ball' is a high-level treasure, because it was born from the violent changes and collisions of void power, it does not contain the power of a star, and is not as attractive to those void monsters. Other resources and treasures.

The 'Void Thunder Ball' blooms and bombards wantonly in the void, and only some Void Monsters with thunder attributes will chase it and devour its power.

This time, Wu Shan and Lu Yuetong didn't even need to take action. Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members drove the spaceship and formed a battle formation to break through the obstruction of the sixth-level thunder-type void monsters and protect the starship into the void. The void area where the thunderball' is located.

Chu Yue immediately activated the collection formation on the starship, and a piece of divine light shot out from the starship, instantly brushing the 'void thunder ball' back into the starship, and put it into a special jade box to suppress and store it. .

"At seven o'clock... there is a 'Chaos Vortex'!"

Xia Wujiu discovered a new target and presented its image on the light screen in the main control cabin.

Obviously, this 'chaotic vortex' is also a 'phenomenon' born under the fall of a star, involving the violent changes in the surrounding void and chaos.

In the main control cabin, Peng Yue's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw the 'chaotic vortex' manifested in the light screen, and he shouted: "Rush over, I need this 'chaotic vortex'!"

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