The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 768 Slaving the Elemental Spirits

Peng Yue's family members directly use the 'All-Seeing Star Palace' inheritance to restrain, collect, and kill the sixth-order earth element spirits in the stars; Liang Ji's family members are blessed with the power of ghosts, gods, and earth creatures, and they are also not among these indigenous sixth-order elemental spirits. The spirit can resist.

On the other side, although Mu Qingyuan was surrounded and suppressed in the previous battle with the 'Elemental Nest', he almost fell into the void.

However, he was born in the Fortune Star Palace and was either rich or noble. His subordinates, who also suffered heavy casualties, also performed very well when they entered the 'Tu Yuan Star'.

Instead of searching for and killing the sixth-order earth elemental spirits one by one, his dependents planted a sapling directly after occupying a place in the 'Tu Yuan Star'.

The sapling grew rapidly and turned into a 'World Tree' in an instant, covering thousands of miles in radius.

Then, a large number of various earth element spirits in the stars were attracted and attacked the 'World Tree' and the dependents under the tree.

Mu Qingyuan's family members directly switched from offense to defense, relying on the planted 'World Tree' to easily suppress and bind many incoming earth elemental spirits. Even the sixth-order earth elemental spirits were also captured by the 'World Tree'. His branches and roots were directly tied up and restrained, and he was beheaded by his family members in one scene.

They all belong to the inheritance of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance. The performance of Peng Yue, Liang Ji, and Mu Qingyuan can be said to be outstanding in their own way. They can easily fight enemies across levels and kill natives in the stars. Elemental spirits.

In just a few days, the Familia sent by the three men had already swept through the entire 'Tu Yuan Star', killing all the sixth-order earth elemental spirits that dominated the star, and harvested a lot of sixth-order earth elements. level 'Elemental Spiritual Crystal', and a large number of earth elemental spiritual materials.

"Don't kill the remaining elemental spirits!"

Just when Liang Ji's family members were about to continue hunting down the fifth-order earth elemental spirits in the stars, Peng Yue suddenly stopped him and said:

"We can capture the remaining earth elemental spirits and send them to the 'Elemental Nest'."

Peng Yue raised his voice and said: "If there are more elemental spirits inside the 'Elemental Nest' to sit and urge the movement, the combat power and power of the 'Elemental Nest' can be even greater!"

"When we captured the 'Elemental Nest', the battle was too fierce and we killed many elemental spirits in the nest. Now the 'Elemental Nest' is too empty. It's best to capture and capture more." The elemental spirits are suppressed in it, serving as the material to operate and exert the power and combat power of the 'Elemental Nest'."

When Liang Ji heard this, he immediately remembered that he had entered the "Elemental Nest" before and saw the powerful combat power of the "Elemental Spirits" and the "Elemental Nest", and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The various earth element spirits of the sixth level can be killed easily but cannot be captured easily due to the cross-level combat power of their families.

Moreover, even after being captured, it is estimated that even with Pengyue's fifth-level star master's cultivation, it would be difficult to restrain and suppress them all in the 'Nest of Elements'.

At that time, if they cannot control it, they will allow those sixth-level earth elemental spirits to take over the 'Elemental Nest' like a fish in water and cause trouble. Not only will they not be able to improve the combat power of the 'Elemental Nest', but they will actually drag down and damage the 'Elemental Nest'. The nest' restricts the combat power of the 'nest of elements', which is not beautiful.

Therefore, Peng Yue did not ask for the capture of the sixth-order earth elemental spirits, but took the lead in killing them all.

However, the level, combat power, and means of the fourth-level, fifth-level earth element spirits below the sixth level, and even low-level earth element spirits, etc., are undoubtedly They can all be captured and taken down easily.

It is also something that Peng Yue can easily suppress and control. He can ensure that he is suppressed in the 'Nest of Elements' and becomes an assistant to the combat power of the 'Nest of Elements', rather than a constraint.

Therefore, Peng Yue asked to capture and capture the various remaining earth elemental spirits.

Liang Ji naturally has no objection. Being able to improve the combat power of the 'Elemental Nest' is also what he wants to see and want.

As for Mu Qingyuan, he was determined to repay the 'life-saving grace'. If Liang Ji and Peng Yue had not persisted, he would have handed over the entire 'Tu Yuan Star' directly to Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

Naturally, I fully support their request at this time.

Even after hearing Peng Yue's request, the team of dependents sent by Mu Qingyuan to the 'Tuyuan Star' immediately dispersed, leaving the range of the planted 'World Tree', turning from defense to offense, and headed towards the stars above. Kill the earth elemental spirits detected everywhere.

These remaining earth elemental spirits are only at level five, which is about the same level as the Familia under the three of them. They don’t even need to use their trump cards or consume their own stars and other powers. They only rely on the Familia’s own strength, the inheritance they master, and the spaceship. Wait, you can easily suppress and capture the various remaining earth elemental spirits.

Therefore, starting a few days later, various spaceships continued to fly from various areas of the 'Tu Yuan Star', leaving the stars and flying into the void of the outside world. The spaceships were filled with captured and suppressed earth elemental spirits. Earth spirits, mountain spirits, stone spirits, etc.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Mu Qingyuan's family ships sent these captured earth elemental spirits out of the 'Tuyuan Star' and into the 'Elemental Nest'.

These earth elements have insufficient spiritual cultivation, level, and inheritance. Since their birth, they have never been able to break away from the "earth star" and see the appearance and situation of the void and star sea beyond the stars.

But now, as prisoners, they were able to break out of the 'Tu Yuan Star' for the first time and see the scene of the void outside.

However, this opportunity was short-lived, and soon they were all pressed into the 'Elemental Nest' again. They were suppressed and controlled by Peng Yue forever in the 'Elemental Nest', and became an integral part of the 'Elemental Nest'. , becoming the resources, materials, and consumables for the 'Nest of Elements' to exert stronger combat power and power.

The Star Alliance has many laws and regulations for the Outer Expansion Legion and Outland Expedition Teams. These laws and regulations often prevent the Outer Expansion Legion and expedition teams from mining or even destroying Life Stars after finding them in the Outer Star Sea. , but to provide a certain amount of protection, and even to guide these outer life stars to join the Star Alliance.

The Outer Expansion Legion and Outland Expedition Team are also not allowed to wantonly slaughter and enslave the natives of these Outland Life Stars.

However, among the many regulations of the Star Alliance, the natives of these outer life stars are usually regarded as 'humanoid aliens'.

Although giant beasts, elemental spirits, etc. are also creatures and natives born in the stars of life, they are already equipped with wisdom and even civilization, and they occupy a dominant position in the stars of life.

But they are not within the scope of protection stipulated by many laws and regulations of the Star Alliance. Therefore, Liang Ji and Peng Yue can kill giant beasts wantonly in the 'Behemoth Star', and can capture and enslave elemental spirits in this 'Tu Yuan Star'. .

In the process, the humanoid natives in the stars who were ruled and enslaved by giant beasts and elemental spirits were rescued, which was more in line with the requirements and purposes of the Star Alliance.

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