The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 792 Tianyao City

The Star Alliance develops the "Tianxingyuan", the war transit point and resource distribution center of the "Sky Demon Star Territory". The "star ports" are spread out in the void, and the stars are blooming like stars inlaid in the void, forming a field of "stars". wilderness.

In the center of this starry field, a huge 'Starlight Gate' is opened. Starships and even starports are coming in and out of this huge 'Starlight Gate' all the time, traveling between 'Tianxingyuan' and 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

At this time, Liang Ji and others were riding the "Dragon Snake" starship. Following the guidance of the "Star Network", they lined up among many starships and star ports and slowly flew towards the "Starlight Gate".

Looking at the 'Starlight Gate' that was getting closer and bigger, several people in the team couldn't help but look shocked, carefully observing and feeling the huge 'Starlight Gate'.

Even Chu Yue, at this time, temporarily stopped his research on the fusion of the 'Dragon Snake' starship and the 'Elemental Nest', and also concentrated on observing the getting closer and closer to the 'Starlight Gate'.

"The entire 'Tianxingyuan' has many 'starports' arranged like stars, and the 'starport array' formed by it has definitely reached the ninth level, and this 'Starlight Gate' is composed of the entire 'starport array' of the 'tianxingyuan' Only after linking and stimulating it can it start to work, and it itself is definitely an acquired spiritual treasure that has reached the ninth level!"

Chu Yue stared closely at the 'Starlight Gate' that was getting closer and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

Although she is not a weapon refiner, she is an immortal formation master, and she has some speculation about the battle that the many "star ports" in the "Tianxingyuan" are arranged like stars.

From this large formation, one can make inferences about the level and power of this huge 'Starlight Gate'.

The ninth-level formation plus the ninth-level Houtian Lingbao are enough to suppress and ensure the safety of 'Tianxingyuan', the frontline base for the Star Alliance to develop the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' and the distribution and distribution center for troops and resources.

What's more, although 'Tianxingyuan' is outside the scope of the Star Alliance and is not covered by the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhou Tianxing Array', the large array arranged there is also similar to the 'Zhou Tian Xing Array'. connected.

Even, in the void around this 'Tianxingyuan', there are high-level star masters of the Star Alliance who have used methods such as moving stars and repairing galaxies to arrange several 'galaxies', among which the 'Star Map Array' and 'Zhou Xingyuan' have also been arranged. The array of stars and stars are closely connected.

Once needed, these formations can directly draw in the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Stars Formation", or even directly draw in the expansion of the formation, temporarily shrouding this place in "Zhoutian Stars" In the formation diagram, innate spiritual treasures are used to suppress and protect them.

In this way, ‘Tianxingyuan’ can become an indestructible forward base and logistics support base for the pioneering war. It is also the strongest and most reliable retreat for all the monks and teams of the Star Alliance engaged in the pioneering war in the ‘Tianyao Star Territory’.

Think about defeat before winning. Even though the Star Alliance has never failed in the war to open up the star field in the past, it will not take it lightly in such a war to open up the star field. All preparations that need to be made will be made according to the highest standards.

After all, such a retreat is related to the safety and popular support of all monks and forces in the pioneering war.

"Ding! The 'Starlight Gate' signal has been connected, the starship model is confirmed! The team members are confirmed! The transmission sequence is confirmed! The transmission destination is confirmed..."

At this time, the voice of 'Ship Spirit' sounded in the main control cabin, but it was already queued up for the 'Dragon Snake' starship to enter the 'Starlight Gate' for transmission, and various information was quickly linked and confirmed.

"Dear Star Alliance monks, thank you for participating in this pioneering war. I wish you success in the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' and make contributions to the Star Alliance!"

At the same time, another rich, passionate voice was transmitted into the main control cabin of the starship after being allowed and linked by the 'ship spirit'.

When Liang Ji and others heard this voice, they all stood up and saluted respectfully, and said loudly: "I am willing to expand the territory for the Star Alliance!"

This voice came from the 'Starlight Gate'. I don't know whether it is the weapon spirit of the 'Starlight Gate' or the high-level star master who refined the 'Starlight Gate'. It will treat everyone who goes to the 'Sky Demon Star Territory' The team gave blessings and farewell.

For Liang Ji and others, whether it is the ninth-level acquired spiritual treasure 'Starlight Gate' or the high-level star master monks who refine this 'Starlight Gate', they are worthy of their respect and respectful treatment.


The next moment, the 'Dragon Snake' starship sailed into the 'Starlight Gate'. There was a faint buzzing sound from all around. There were countless starlight, silver light, and void power flowing outside the starship. The 'Dragon Snake' star ship At this time, the ship also turned into a starlight and merged into it, traveling through the void and moving away from the chaos, crossing and traveling an unknown distance.

At this time, the 'Dragon Snake' starship has almost reached the level of half-step to the eighth level after its second upgrade. Even though there is a seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' suppressed in the starship, various formations and prohibitions are on it. It is also difficult to detect and observe the situation outside.

After what seemed like a long time, and what seemed like a moment, the 'Dragon Snake' starship sailed out from the other side of the 'Starlight Gate'.

"The Sky Demon Star Territory!"

In the starship, Liang Ji and others couldn't help but click on the light screen in front of them, activate the formations and restrictions on the starship, and look at the void and star field outside to see how different the 'Sky Demon Star Field' was.

As far as the eye can see, there is a huge city all around, which is bigger than ordinary stars. There are many tall buildings, widespread formations, spiritual energy flowing, and a large number of star ports and starships operating in this city. In and out.

Either enter the center of the city and teleport back to the Star Alliance through the 'Starlight Gate'; or fly out of the city and kill towards a bright star field in the void ahead!

"This is Tianyao City!"

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue looked at the busy city around him and was amazed:

“Sure enough, it’s almost the same as Penglai City, Yinghai City, etc.!”

There are thirty-three star fields in the Star Alliance. At the center of each star field, there is an artificial city as big as a star, suppressed in the black hole in the center of the star field.

Now, when the Star Alliance develops the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', it is natural that the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' has been initially refined and prepared. It only needs to lay down the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' to suppress it in the center of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'. The black hole has become an important foundation and stronghold for the Star Alliance to suppress and control the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'.

Of course, in today's pioneering war, this 'Tianyao City' is the most reliable and solid offensive base.

The monks and teams of the Star Alliance who developed the 'Tian Yao Star Territory' gathered in the 'Tian Xing Yuan', and then teleported through the 'Starlight Gate' to the 'Tian Yao City', and then set off from this 'Tian Yao City' to kill Enter the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

"Speaking of which, wasn't the 'Star Spirit Vein' we sold to the Star Alliance also refined into this 'Celestial Demon City'?"

Peng Yue looked around at the 'Tian Yao City' and couldn't help but ask.

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