The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 795 The combat power of Peng Yue’s family members

Peng Yue has obtained this seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' for several years, studied it for many years, and followed his mentor as an assistant to refine this 'Elemental Nest' into the 'Dragon Snake' starship. He received a lot of guidance from his mentor and gained many benefits from the 'Nest of Elements'.

At this time, the five-tailed snake family members flew out of their natal stars in the 'furnace' spaceship, and actually used these spaceships as the basis to launch a 'sea of ​​elements' in the void!

It seems that there is not much difference from the "Elemental Sea" that spread when the seventh-order "Elemental Nest" fought with Mu Qingyuan's seventh-order starship.

This 'Elemental Sea' directly erodes and distorts the enveloping void, turning it into an environment most suitable for Peng Yue's snake-people clan to fight, as well as spaceships and other battles and killings.

Even under the shroud of the "Elemental Sea", the power of the void is distorted and changed, directly preventing those void worms from eating into the void and escaping, cutting off their biggest and most powerful means.

Moreover, as the 'Void Sea' distorted and shook the void, some void worms were shocked out of the void!

There are quite a few of them, and there are many fourth- and fifth-order void worms among them. They were all hiding in the void. Some of them have surrounded the "Dragon Snake" starship, and they have the faint intention of launching an attack.

"There are actually these void worms hiding in the void, and my starship's detection array didn't detect them!"

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue suddenly looked surprised when she saw the void worms shaken out by the 'Elemental Sea' in the void outside.

This was something she never expected, and she couldn't help but have some doubts about her own formation level.

On the other hand, Wu Shan shook his head and said: "This is the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory', where the Celestial Demons are entrenched, and the power of the Celestial Demons remains everywhere. Even the stars have been distorted and transformed, and the void must have been eroded and transformed by the power of the Celestial Demons." .”

"Such an environment is definitely more beneficial to the Void Monster Clan, but it will have a negative impact on us Star Alliance monks, starship treasures, etc."

"Therefore, it is not surprising that Fellow Daoist Chu did not detect these void worms hiding in the void."

"However, we need to be more vigilant. The battles in the Sky Demon Star Territory must be more dangerous and difficult than those we encountered during our exploration of the outer star sea. Everyone needs to be careful."

While several people in the starship were talking, the battle in the void outside had begun.

Peng Yue's family used spaceships to launch the "Elemental Sea". After infecting and distorting the void, they directly cut off the void worm's greatest reliance and combat power. Subsequently, various ice, flames, golden light, green light, thunder and other elemental attacks began. blasted out from among those spaceships.

These elemental attacks seem ordinary, but in the environment of this 'Elemental Sea', they immediately trigger the resonance and blessing of the entire 'Elemental Sea'. A large amount of the 'Elemental Sea' origin is integrated and blessed into these elemental attacks. The ice, flames, thunder, golden light, etc. that blasted towards the void worms not only increased their power dozens of times, but even contained the power of the source, with extremely high levels and huge lethality.

The void worms surrounding the "Dragon Snake" starship and preparing to launch an attack were burned to ashes by the flames, frozen into powder by the cold ice, and blasted into dregs by the thunder. Even though these void worms were surrounded by the power of the void, Under the attack of these elements containing the original power, they were all distorted and dispersed, and they had no power to resist or defend at all.

In just one attack, most of the void worms in the surrounding void had been cleared away, leaving only the leading sixth-order void worm, and some fifth- and fourth-order void worms.

These mid-level void worms were able to survive. On the one hand, it was because Peng Yue's family members just attacked in a range attack, mostly to clear the field; on the other hand, these mid-level void worms had higher intelligence and hid directly behind those Among the low-level void worms, I used low-level void worms to block and resist those terrifying elemental attacks, and I was lucky enough to survive.

But these intermediate void worms with higher intelligence naturally know that they will never be able to withstand the next attack.


At this time, I saw the leading sixth-order void worm raise its head and let out a sharp roar.

boom! boom! Rumble...

The next moment, a roaring explosion was heard, and the remaining fourth- and fifth-order void worms exploded one after another. The impact of the explosion and the vibrating power of the void directly hit the surrounding 'elemental sea'. It stirred up large turbulent waves, even tore apart and blasted through the 'Elemental Sea', blasting out several void cracks.

At the same time, as these fourth- and fifth-level void worms exploded, demon pills containing the power of the void flew out from their self-destructed bodies, and flew towards the sixth-level void worms, and were opened by them. Swallow.

A large number of demon pills containing the power of the void entered the body, and the power of void surrounding the sixth-order void worms grew rapidly and exploded, almost turning the sixth-order void worms into transparent voids, directly tearing apart the surrounding void, and with those The fourth and fifth level void worms explode and tear apart the void.

Then, the sixth-order void worm turned into a ray of light and flew into the torn void, about to escape!

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Liang Ji and others couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this.

"This sixth-order void worm is quite cruel!"

"Are all other void worms controlled by it? How come they all self-destruct?"

Peng Xuanding couldn't help but asked in a deep voice.

"Do you want to activate the starship and stop it?"

Peng Yue's grandmother asked worriedly.

If these sixth-order void worms were allowed to escape, it would not only mean that Peng Yue had failed, but it would also mean that their mission had not been completed.

"No, it can't escape!"

Peng Yue spoke out at this time.

At the same time, in the void outside, arrays of light, starlight, and elemental light erupted from those spaceships, and many five-tailed snake family members rushed out from those spaceships and rushed into the surrounding 'elemental sea'.

Those five-tailed snake family members rushed into the "Elemental Sea", and their body shapes directly transformed into elements and merged with the "Elemental Sea", just like the method used by Liang Ji's family members to break into the "Elemental Nest" and see those elemental spirits. Same.

The next moment, the 'Elemental Sea' covering the surrounding void shook violently, rotated, stood up, merged, and gathered, and gradually condensed into an illusory and real 'Elemental Nest'.

At this time, it can be seen that the sixth-order void worm that escaped into the void crack was unable to escape after all, and was directly involved in the illusory and real elemental nest by the rotating 'Elemental Sea'. 'middle.

Then, various elements of light erupted in the illusory and real 'Elemental Nest', immediately completely submerging and killing the sixth-order void worm.

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