The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 797 Collecting the power of the demon

"'Dragon Snake' starship, you have entered a dangerous area. The closer you are to the star, the more susceptible you are to the power of the star and the remaining power of the sky demon. Please choose your approach carefully!"

When Liang Ji and others were driving the 'Dragon Snake' starship towards the turquoise star, the starship 'Jianling' sent a warning message from the starship stationed here by the 'Herborist Group'.

Along with these warning sounds, the other party also sent a map, which detailed information such as the range of the void around the green star, the strength of the star's power, and the influence range of the sky demon's power.

Starships, airports, monks, etc. that are close to the star are warned to do their best and stay outside the warning line to observe and study the green star. Do not get too close, otherwise they will be easily injured by the power of the star or even the power of the sky demon.

There is no doubt that these experiences and lessons, and even the risk coefficient map, were obtained by these pioneers with their blood and tears.

Naturally, Liang Ji and others would not ignore these well-intentioned warnings and send their gratitude directly through the communication.

Then, they also reduced the sailing speed of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, carefully testing their own limits, and approached the green sun.

"Level 3 dangerous area, this is the area where ordinary seventh-tier starships can park!"

"No problem, the 'Dragon Snake' starship will not be affected and will continue to move forward!"

Chu Yue controls the various driving, defense, and detection formations of the "Dragon Snake" starship. She is most aware of the dangers surrounding the starship and the starship's endurance. She quickly makes a judgment and recommends continuing to move forward.

Obviously, the defense power and risk tolerance of the 'Dragon Snake' starship that has been upgraded twice have far exceeded that of ordinary seventh-tier starships.

"We have entered the second-level dangerous area, everyone, be careful!"

The Level 2 dangerous area is already very close to the turquoise star, and even at this time, exploding star storms are blowing around the starship all the time.

The blazing star power and the remaining sky demon power are constantly eroding and attacking the defense of the "Dragon Snake" starship.

Sitting in the main control cabin, Liang Ji and others could clearly see through the light curtain in front of them, the formations on the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the aura of the forbidden stars, the impact of these star storms, and the sky demon. Under the erosion of the power, it was constantly torn into pieces and twisted.

But under Chu Yue's control, the formations in the starship were operating rapidly, and there were always more formations and restrictions moving up to repair and make up for the breached defenses, and even continuously in the process. Capture and absorb the power of the stellar storm and sky demon outside to enter the starship.

With substantial contact, the various detection arrays and research arrays on the starships, the observation and research on the power of stars and the power of sky demons suddenly became more in-depth, with various detailed and in-depth data, maps, information, etc. The light screen was constantly being refreshed in front of Liang Ji and others, and the records were entered into the formation database of the 'Dragon Snake' starship.

These materials and information will undoubtedly become an important reference and basis for everyone to study and understand the power of stars and the power of heavenly demons.

hiss! hold head high……

At this time, a sound of snake hissing and dragon roar sounded, and a huge phantom of dragon and snake appeared around the "Dragon Snake" starship, covering the entire starship.

This is the 'Dragon Snake Breath Formation', which was already the strongest formation before the second upgrade of the 'Dragon Snake' starship. It is both the strongest attack formation and the strongest defensive formation.

It's just that at this time, the phantom of the dragon and snake manifested by the 'Dragon and Snake Breath Formation' has changed significantly compared to before.

Not only does it have a lot of gorgeous colors on its body, but it is also the light of various elements, making the dragon and snake's shadow become more solid, as if it has really turned from virtual to real and come to life.

Moreover, around the dragon and snake phantom, there are more elements of light gathering, just like auspicious clouds covering the surroundings, making the dragon and snake phantom like soaring clouds and riding in the mist, and its power is increased several times!

Obviously, after the second upgrade of the 'Dragon Snake' starship, the seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' was refined into the starship, which also played a huge role in blessing and improving the strongest formation on the starship. .

The elemental light that enriches the dragon and snake's shadow and the elemental light and mist that surrounds the dragon and snake's shadow are undoubtedly the power of the 'Elemental Nest'.

It should be said that the 'Heavenly Serpent's Breath' inherited by the Heavenly Snake Saint is actually an extremely high-level application and path of the power of elements. It is very consistent with the 'Elemental Nest', so that it can be compared with the 'Dragon-Snake Breath'. Such a perfect fusion of the array increased its power several times.

However, Chu Yue had already activated the most powerful formation on the starship, the 'Dragon and Snake Breath Formation'. Apparently, with his ability to control the formation, he was already close to the limit and could no longer withstand the power of the stars outside. The attack and erosion of the power and the power of the demon.

Sure enough, within a moment, Chu Yue suddenly said:

"It's no longer possible! I can't hold on just relying on the formation! Peng Yue, activate the 'Lair of Elements' quickly!"

"no problem!"

Peng Yue immediately responded and stretched out his hand to light the light screen in front of him.

The next moment, the 'Dragon Snake' starship buzzed and trembled, and a large amount of elemental light spewed out from all over the starship, gathering and manifesting outside the starship into an illusory and real 'nest of elements'. Together with the "Dragon Snake Shadow" gathered by the elemental light, it guards the "Dragon Snake" starship.

A large number of blazing stellar storms, star power, and the remaining power of the heavenly demons impact and erode. After breaking through the blockage and protection of the 'dragon and snake phantom', they will rush directly into the illusion and reality. In the Nest of Elements, it was swallowed and absorbed by the Nest of Elements.

Just like Chu Yue is the master of formations, he is best at stimulating and controlling the formations on starships. Therefore, although Liang Ji and others can also control the formations of starships, under normal circumstances, they are left to Chu Yue to control. operation.

As for the seventh-level 'Elemental Nest' refined into a starship, Liang Ji and others, as the masters of the starship, can naturally control and operate it.

However, Peng Yue, a star master monk who was born in the Vientiane Star Palace, still personally participated in the operation of the 'Elemental Nest' to refine into the starship. Naturally, he is the most suitable to control the 'Elemental Nest' and the best able to exert the 'Elemental Power'. Nest's man of strength.

Therefore, when it is necessary to activate and control the 'Nest of Elements', it is usually left to Peng Yue to activate and control it.

Liang Ji and others were currently in the main control cabin of the starship, watching the joint actions of the starship formation and the 'Elemental Nest' to absorb the power of stars and the power of the sky demon that had been impacted and eroded Most of them were blocked outside, while a small number were directly swallowed into the starship and the nest of elements, and the power of the starship and the 'nest of elements' was used to contain and suppress them.

These will undoubtedly be extremely precious resources and research objects. Whether they are sold to the Star Alliance or left to study by Liang Ji and others, they will be of great use.

After all, relying only on the detection array on the starship to observe and research the power of stars, the power of demons and many other data and information is always limited. In the end, the most critical research still requires the monks to do it themselves. Get started to study and understand these powers.

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