The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 799 Qingyang Puzhao Research Experiment

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji's 'Dragon Star Spirit' merged with the 'Half-Step Yuan Shen', and transformed into the body of the primordial spirit and entered the natal star.

His soul stood high above the nine heavens, holding a ball of green light in his hands, like a green sun. A large amount of green light sprinkled from his hands, falling into the earth, ocean, and stars of his birth. In the forest.

Under the illumination and nourishment of these green rays of light, various spiritual grasses, spiritual plants, spiritual medicines, etc. that grow in the natal stars all accelerate and thrive. Not only the time for growth and maturity is greatly shortened, but also they appear to be more mature after they grow. Stronger and stronger, the spiritual power contained in it is more effective.

The dependents in the stars, under the leadership of the "Celestial Emperor Sect", held various sacrificial ceremonies to thank the "Celestial Emperor" for their gifts, and then quickly harvested these spiritual herbs, elixirs and other materials that had accelerated and grown stronger.

These spiritual materials can not only be sent to the Star Alliance for sale in exchange for spiritual stones and resources, but can also be refined into various elixirs, spiritual meals, treasures, etc. to provide for the growth and development of the dependents in the natal star and improve their level. Level and combat power.

After a while, the blue-green light group held by Liang Ji's 'primordial spirit' was completely consumed. Looking at the plants, trees, and spiritual plants that thrived in his natal star, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that, in addition to the greatest benefits that Taiyi Star Palace will earn from the Star Alliance's expansion of the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory' this time, it is estimated that the star master monks of the Creation Star Palace will also get a lot of benefits."

Liang Ji suddenly understood when he thought of the Creation Star Palace that occupies the three life stars in the 'Qingyang Galaxy' here.

The green light that he poured into his natal stars with the power of his soul this time was naturally the power of the "Qingyang" star collected through the "Dragon Snake" starship. After the starship and him dealt with it several times and determined that it was safe, , sprinkled into the natal stars, it indeed has a huge nourishing and upgrading effect on the vegetation, spiritual plants, etc. in the stars.

It is conceivable that such power of the 'Qingyang' star will probably have some effect on the 'World Tree' in the natal stars of the monks who created the Star Palace, increasing the growth rate and power of the 'World Tree'.

"It's a pity that I can't stay here in the 'Qingyang Galaxy'. Otherwise, I will just collect the power of the 'Qingyang' star for a long time. Whether I use it in my own star or sell it to the Star Alliance, I am afraid I can get huge profits." Benefit!"

Liang Ji sighed a little. After all, their 'Dragon Snake' team only cooperated with the 'Herborist Group'. By taking on some tasks, they obtained some resources, the power of the stars, and the power of the demons in the 'Qingyang Galaxy'. It's okay to do research, but it's impossible to be stationed here to collect resources like the starships of the 'Herborist Group'.

Of course, they may not be willing to stay here to collect resources. After all, they have just entered the 'Sky Demon Star Territory'. There are still many precious resources and opportunities waiting for them to find and develop in the entire star territory. It's hard to say. Later, we will encounter treasures and opportunities that are better than the 'Qingyang Galaxy'.

“In the end, it’s true that you have it yourself.”

Thoughts were floating in Liang Ji's mind, and a jade bottle appeared in the hand of the 'Yuan Shen'. This jade bottle was transparent and engraved with runes, prohibitions, formations and other means to strengthen the jade bottle's strength and protection. , so as to carry one of the green light spots.

This green light spot was floating in the jade bottle like a firefly. It looked very small and weak, but Liang Ji had a solemn expression, even holding the jade bottle with caution.

The little green 'firefly' in this bottle is just a little bit of the 'power of the sky demon' collected through the starship.

Now, Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Wu Shan and others took the "Dragon Snake" starship and stayed in the "Qingyang Galaxy" for more than ten days. They had just collected a few points of "Celestial Demon Power", and only Liang Ji had only The two were carefully packed into two such jade bottles.

These days, Liang Ji and others have also tried to use this 'power of the sky demon' to do some research and experiments. However, the power of the 'Qingyang' star is easy to control and use. Liang Ji has even been able to use it among his natal stars. In order to accelerate and strengthen the growth of vegetation and spiritual plants in the stars.

But the 'power of the sky demon' is a power that is difficult to master or even study. After all, it is a ninth-level power. Even if it is only an insignificant bit left here, it is not something that fifth-level star masters like Liang Ji and Peng Yue can easily What I have mastered so far is just using the trace of aura leaked to do some research.

"Actually, the best way to use it is to study how the ninth-level sky demon twists stars into 'Qingyang'."

"If we can figure out a way, when we advance to the seventh level of star master and the third level of refining the void, if we can integrate this 'power of the sky demon' into the star that refines the void into reality, let the light shining from this star contain part of it' The power of Qingyang' will be of great benefit to the growth of vegetation, Ganoderma lucidum, and even birds and beasts on the entire natal star!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but look up at the illusory stars in the sky of his natal stars.

When a Star Lord monk advances to the seventh-level Star Master and the third-level Void Refining, entering the high-level realm will undoubtedly be a huge improvement and qualitative change. In the process of 'Void Refining', there are naturally various choices. .

He simply moves stars and refines the void into reality, which is considered the most ordinary high-level star master.

In the process of moving the stars and refining the void into reality, various levels of star formations can also be arranged to strengthen the defense and combat power of the natal stars, which is undoubtedly much higher.

Furthermore, in the process of moving the stars and refining the virtual into the real, various means are added to make these stars, stars, satellites, etc. contain various special powers and means, which are naturally much higher.

These will directly affect the strength and methods of high-level star masters, and even have a certain impact on subsequent promotions.

Since Liang Ji was born in the Kunlun Star Palace, he naturally did not want to be an ordinary high-level star master, but wanted to improve his strength and means as much as possible in the process of refining the virtual into the real.

If one could study out the means by which the power of the sky demon distorts stars, and use it when refining the stars to become true, it would naturally be able to greatly enhance one's own strength and foundation.

"It's a pity that this is too difficult. I don't know if I can produce some research results before I advance to the seventh-level star master."

Liang Ji sighed softly, and then the 'Yuan Shen' took the jade bottle and flew down from the nine heavens, landing on an island in the vast sea of ​​natal stars. The 'Yuan Shen' made a move toward the sea, and a fifth-level spiritual snake was immediately lifted from the sea Catch out.

In this natal star, Liang Ji also raised many spiritual species of the spirit beast bloodline, cultivating various birds, beasts, swimming fish and other spiritual beasts. The levels also advanced step by step according to his natal star. Now he is the highest spiritual beast among the stars. Also reached level five.

The Familia also tend to raise livestock and hunt these spiritual beasts for food, gathering spiritual materials for use, or sending them to the Star Alliance for sale. These spiritual beasts are also a considerable resource.

At this time, Liang Ji restrained the fifth-level spirit snake in front of him, and then carefully opened the seal of the jade bottle containing the 'Power of the Sky Demon', causing a trace of the 'Power of the Sky Demon' to leak out, contaminating the On the fifth-level spiritual snake he bound.

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